Eleventh Meal - Ebi Fry (3)

"Between World Restaurant?" Rigur couldn't help repeating in a confused voice.

Yami nodded before explaining, "This is a restaurant in another world, so we call it the Between World Restaurant."

Rigur nodded in a daze at first, but then his eyes suddenly popped wide open as he stared at Yami and asked, "This is another world?"

Yami nodded and explained everything about the restaurant.

As he was listening to this explanation, Rigur couldn't help turning to look at the door of the restaurant in a daze.

He had indeed felt a powerful magic fluctuation when he walked through the door, but he never expected something like this…

He knew that it was possible to use spatial magic since he knew that there were things like the magic door, but he had never heard of any magic that would be able to bring a person to another world. In fact, he couldn't even begin to imagine just how much mana it would take to bring a person to another world since he knew how much mana it took to use spatial magic.

It might even take all the magic crystals in the entire Goblin Kingdom to cast one instance of this super spatial magic…

This was not something that people could cast that easily.

But he could feel the different traces of magic from the people in this restaurant.

While all that he felt the traces of magic from were able to manipulate magic, he could tell that they followed different techniques and laws when using their magic power. So it was clear that these people didn't come from the same world.

The amount of mana that was required to summon all of these people to this place…it terrified him…

He couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of monster would have this kind of magic power…

No…as he thought this, he couldn't help turning back to look at Yami who was still explaining the restaurant to him.

He knew which monster it was that had this kind of magic power because she was standing right in front of him. The terrifying feeling that he felt coming from her, there was only one explanation for it…

As he realized this, Rigur immediately made the conviction that he would never do anything to annoy Yami ever.

Otherwise, he was sure that it would be hard for him to keep his life.

After she finished explaining, Yami asked, "Are there any other questions?"

Rigur trembled as he was pulled out of his thoughts by this question.

Seeing Yami look at him, Rigur couldn't help revealing an awkward look.

That was because he hadn't actually been listening, so he really didn't know if there was anything that he should ask. However, he was also scared to ask her to explain it again because he knew that it would annoy her.

Annoying her was the last thing that he wanted to do right now.

But if he didn't ask now and he did things that offended her…

Just like this, he struggled with his internal dilemma for a while before finally hesitantly shaking his head.

Yami could see through his dilemma, it wasn't hard for someone with eyes as sharp as her. However, she knew that it would be a pain to ask him if he needed help, so she decided to ignore it.

It would be easier to answer his questions later than to explain the whole thing again after all. Not to mention, she could see that he was scared of her, so she knew that it would be unlikely that he would ask many questions.

There was also a part of her that liked seeing how scared of her she was.

This was the part that she had inherited from being the demon king in the past.

So without explaining anything else, she just said, "Alright, I'll show you to your table."

She didn't even turn back as she headed into the restaurant.

With a bitter smile on his face, Rigur had no choice but to follow her.

As he walked into the restaurant and he saw the people happily eating there, his nerves slowly calmed down as he recognized that he wouldn't be in any danger.

As he calmed down, the spirit of a researcher started to show itself.

Even if he was skilled as a businessman, he did have the spirit of a researcher and the curiosity that came with it. So he couldn't help wondering how this restaurant came to be and how the door that allowed for people of different worlds to come to this place was created.

So Rigur couldn't help asking, "How did the door find my world and bring me here?"

Yami was surprised since this was a question that was rarely asked even though it should have been one of the first questions that most people asked. After all, most people were too dazzled by the restaurant that they normally had other things to think about, so no one had actually thought to ask this question.

But Yami didn't mind answering it, so she said, "The door has a mind of its own, so it seeks out intelligent beings and then creates doors in those worlds to bring them here."

Rigur's chin couldn't help dropping as he asked, "This door has a mind of its own?"

This was the first time that he had heard something like this.

He was certain that this magic door was something like a magic tool, but magic tools had to be controlled by people. That was the basics of magic tools that he had learned back in the academy.

He had never heard of a magic tool that could think on its own.

Not because no one had thought of it before, it was because it was something that was considered taboo.

Giving a magic tool a will, was that any different from creating life?

Creating life was the domain that only gods could reach, so no mortals would ever think about touching on that realm.

Could it be that the one who created this door was a god?

Yami nodded and said, "It was created based on something called AI or artificial intelligence that came from this world."

Rigur couldn't help looking at the door again when he heard this and for some reason, he could feel a bit of pressure coming from the door. It was almost as if he was facing a real person when he looked at the door.

After staring at it for a long time, Rigur finally asked, "How was it created?"

In the end, it was his curiosity that got the better of him.

Even if he knew that it was taboo, he still wanted to know how it was done.

When he asked this, Yami suddenly stopped moving and turned back with an excited look.

The door was one of the things that she was most proud of, so when people asked her about it, she couldn't hold herself back.

She started saying in an excited voice, "When I made that door, I used spatial magic to first create a stable passage that would allow the door to bring people to our world from other worlds. Then I did a bunch of research on AI and created a spirit that was similar to it that I attached to the door, which gave it its own will. After that, I just had the door search for different worlds and bring people here."

Rigur couldn't help being taken aback by this sudden change in attitude with Yami.

She had gone from a cold and collected beauty to someone who seemed to be very passionate about their hobby. This sudden change really caught him off guard and he didn't know how to react.

But it also reminded him of…Haruna, the girl from his workplace.

She was the same as Yami, but instead of being a cold and collected beauty, she was normally a girl who was shy and quiet. But she was the same as Yami where she would always be filled with passion whenever she talked about things that she was excited about.

However, after overcoming his surprise, Rigur suddenly realized something from Yami's words.

"When I made that door…"

That was the most important part of that rant for Rigur.

His eyes couldn't help opening wide as he looked at Yami.

He already recognized that Yami was the one who brought people to this world, but he never thought that she would be the one that created the door. He thought that she was just using her spatial magic through the door, but he never thought that she would be the one who created it.

Then that meant that she was also the one that had given the door a will…

Did that mean that she was a god?

If that was the case, it really would explain the strange feeling that he felt from her.

Yami could see the strange look on his face and asked, "What's wrong?"

Rigur trembled when he heard this and he quickly shook his head as he said, "Nothing, nothing at all."

Yami still raised a brow as she looked at him with a confused look, but she didn't say anything else.

Rigur saw that she was silent and he felt awkward since he was the one that had suddenly ended the conversation, so he quickly asked, "Did you have a reason for creating the door?"

Yami was surprised by this question since she never expected to be asked this, but then she quickly revealed a reminiscent look and a faint smile. She didn't say anything at first as it looked like she was lost in thought, but then she said, "Well, it was because I wanted more people to taste my Ah Fan's food."

Rigur's chin once again dropped when he heard this as he couldn't process what he had heard.

She had created this magic tool that defied all his common sense and did something as crazy as bringing people here from other worlds…just so she could let other people eat this "Ah Fan's" food?

This kind of willful behaviour…

Rigur couldn't help wondering if she really was a god…

The two of them stood there in a daze just like that, but then Yami recovered first and she realized what she had done. Her expression turned cold again as she said, "Follow me, I'll show you to your table."

Rigur was also pulled out of his thoughts and he just gave a nod in a daze as he followed behind Yami.

After they arrived at the table, Yami took out a menu for him and said, "Look over this and see what you want. When you're done, you can call a waiter or you can wait for me to come back with your water to order."

Without waiting for him to respond, Yami had already turned to head back into the kitchen.