
my life is all a mess now I don't even know were to start from everyone and everything sucks I felt so down no one truthy care about your feeling and emotion it is meant too be controlled by you but how long am I going to be able too keep going without breaking I walk slowly without minding the attention on me of course I am that cheap whore who had a night with the hot senior in school even though everyone was warned not too say that word again but especially the girls their eyes spoke more bad words too me than their mouth they would occasionally glance at me with disgust and hissed.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with all those dumb ass bitches but trust me they are very intimidating I didn't want to get into any trouble or fight whatever since am in his black list I better respect myself not too get kick out from the school.

I bumped into someone as his hot coffee pour on my wrist " ouch " I scream

he removed his headset as he took hold of my wrist " am so sorry" he apologized as he took me too a safe corner so that people wouldn't bumped into us " wait here I will be right back " he said and left I sighted blowing air into my burn wrist when I realized the voice was familiar .

he walk back with a bottle of oil and apply it on the burn surface " does it still hurts?"

he ask but I didn't reply I just had dislike him more he ruined my reputation this is gonna be tough for me I stood up reluctantly on my feet while walking away he suddenly grab me my my arm I stop a few steps away from him without turning towards him " you want to apologize for ruining my reputation huh? am sorry but I don't need your apologies and am good" I look forward for him to say something but he just gave me a straight look and walk away. he is just so annoying and maybe stupid I stood where I stood as I subconscious touch the arm where he had touch everything felt so overwhelming. I walk down the hallway down too my hostle I walk in without knocking well that has become my habit to enter my room without knocking.

Davis was sitting down on her bed while browsing on the internet I didn't feel like having dinner or any conversation I just wanted to lay my head too rest " hi girl" Davis waves too me while still focus on whatever she was doing. but I didn't reply back she walk up too my bed " Kelly are you okay ?" she ask worried " Davis and totally fine"

" no you aren't "

" I am, I swear"

" then why didn't you had your dinner?"

" that because I lost my appetite"

" Kelly I know you aren't fine and am not gonna force you too say a thing but know I would always be here for you okay" she said while leaving I suddenly pull her into a tight hug which she never expected " thank you " I said in-between our hug and I felt relieve.

the next day I woke up too the sound of the bell I walk inside the bathroom and the Frist thing I notice was the black circle underneath my eyes I was really tired of everything I don't like wearing makeup but I had to today I am not an expert on doing makeup but I tired my best with a little touch of makeup and strawberry lipgloss I was done.

I didn't have much time so I just wore black pant and blue crop top and sky blue jeans jacket to fit in .

since today was Saturday everyone usually wear casual clothes I had alot in my mind since I had accidentally sign for an horse riding in my form or actually it wasn't accidentally since I was born I had never had the opportunity to ride on an horse my neighbor son had one but my parents were so over the moon and overprotective " a girl shouldn't ride on an horse what if she fall and broke her beautiful face and legs then no man would ever marry her ' that was a superstition though, but my parents would always say those word, as a kid I was so scared of horses all because of the scary Stories and lies they told I and my siblings about horses.

I knew Hanzon was the captain but I wasn't into him and hold no grudges .

since we were having a meeting like all group do I decided to join the meeting today I was walk in without knocking were was my manners everyone glance at me as I instantly felt shy and then I realized I didn't lock the door properly

this was so awarkard and embarrassing I turned and locked the door properly I cleared my throat to apologize but Hanzon spoke up " we are having an horse competition and we must stick to the rules so we can take this year trophy back to our school am I clear?" he ended his speech with a question

it seem I just interrupted their conversation am so embarrassed one by one every one hold their horses in place since I was a newbie I couldn't ride and no one was ready to turtor me I was still standing when someone ask " where is your horse?" he ask

my horse? it that Even a question someone voice snapped me out of my thinking " everyone has chosen an horse so were is your ? " he ask

" I don't....I mean I don't ..."

" just save your self the excuse you are not at your home were you are a dad's girl you got it " he said

damm he his so annoying I walk up too the only horse he his small like a baby donkey he has brown spots over his purple skin he look so lonely I guess he his the youngest but why didn't any one choose him I reach to touch him but a girl my age or maybe older said " he has a broken leg no one wants a waste of an horse " she remark and just as if the horse could hear her he turn his face away but I suddenly grab his face while petting him he seem as if he his enjoying it when Hanzon walk in " I want this horse " I said he look at me before he said" he his not well and he broke his left leg you can't use him " he said

" then I would get him treated then he would become mine since no one wants him " I said nervously he look at me one more time before he agreed

oh thank God

everyone turn too their horse while calling them names but mine doesn't have a name so I ask if he has one " does he has a name?" I ask politely but the same girl rolled here eyes at me before saying " are you that dumb no one wants him so no one gave him name" she said arrogantly but I ignore her " hi what would you like to be called am your new friend now I wont allow others horse bully you again okay and your name is Kevin since you are boy do you like that name?" I ask in excitement because he seems happy.