Chapter 25: Party Hard, Wake-up Rough


The room was slightly spinning for Felicity by the time most of the guests had arrived. A bottle and a half of wine filled her stomach and not much else. She had picked at the appetizers, but they barely soaked up the alcohol.

"Felicity. Let me get you a plate of food," said Christie as she pried the half-empty bottle of pinot out of Felicity's hand.

"No. I don't want food. I want more wine."

"You need food. You can't let your dad see you like this."

"Let him. I don't care."

"Yes, you do. Stop that. What your dad thinks of you is the most important thing to you. It always has been."

"Maybe it's time to change that. I have a secret."

"You do?" Christie swiped the hair out of Felicity's eyes and tucked it behind her ears. Felicity's face was flushed red, and her eyes glossed over.

"Yes. Do you want to know it?" Felicity giggled, throwing her head forward causing her hair to cover her face once again. Christie tried to swipe it again. "No. Leave it."