Chapter 24: Into the Night


Weston hadn't given up on his investigation pertaining to the vandalism and the mystery shifter in the alley. While Felicity was away, he kept his eyes and ears open to anything unusual. He told Gary to keep him in the loop if he happened to see anything new.

Perry seemed extra cocky while he was in charge. His arrogance was annoying, and Weston couldn't wait for Felicity to return. Her presence kept Perry in check where he needed to be. He would just have to tolerate it for now.

Weston watched as Perry went into Felicity's office. He never stayed long. Weston figured it was because Felicity asked him to only enter if needed. She sure was a stickler for her privacy.

He also watched as Perry hung Felicity's office key on a little hook inside his locker. No one locked their lockers. There must be a massive amount of trust between everyone here.

But because of that trust, Weston had plans to grab that key later and do some of his own investigating.