Chapter 40: Through Treacherous Eyes

Grant’s perspective:

I want to charge through the fire and set my friends free. I want to tear the whole compound down, brick by brick. But in my dream, I am stuck, watching through the fire. I am powerless to do anything but watch. I am encumbered by the weight of the trance.

From my left, I see Terrance and Robert walk up to my friends and look them up and down, laughing. Behind me, I hear a dozen voices, male and female, laugh with them. I try to turn and look but can’t. “Never saw us comin’,” says Terrance. “Too bad. I like a good fight.”

Tulsa, Diego, and Cleveland grumble replies muffled by rubber gags.

“What was that?” Roberts asks leaning an ear at Diego. “Say again, I didn’t understand.”

“Shut the f*ck up!” I hear Vin shout as he steps out the front door of the main house. His white beard shines past the orange and yellow flames flickering between us. Even from here, I can see the deadness of his eyes.