Chapter 41: Strength in Weakness

Emily’s perspective:

Grant sits up and pulls Austin down to himself, wrapping a strong arm around his neck. “Thank the goddess. I’m glad to see you, kid.”

Reluctantly pulling back from his friend, Austin speaks gently. “You have to get back to The Den, now. I don’t know how long things are going to hold together without you.”

“He’s right,” I agree. “You should go.”

“I know,” Grant answers shortly then jumps to his feet. Turning his attention from me to Austin, he begins to question. “What happened before you left?”

“By the time I got back to The Den, Bram had already said you and me and the girls were missing. When I showed up, they all questioned me. I had to pretend that I didn’t know where you were, that I hadn’t been with you. But before I could figure out why Bram was saying we were missing, you sent the signal. When I saw the signal wasn’t moving, I knew it had to mean you made an emergency landing or crashed. I snuck out as quickly as I could.”