

Elizabeth (16 African American)

Josh (17, mixed)

Love (16, African American)

Davian(17, Asian)

Sammy (17, white)

Aria (15, Arabic)

Destiny (16, mixed)

Daniel (15, German)

Have you ever liked a friend of yours but you never told them about your feelings? Well, that was the same situation that Elizabeth was in. Elizabeth was a very lovely girl but, she was very hardheaded too. She sometimes listened to her parents but most of the she never did. She was also a very complicated girl, one time she'll like this and the next time she'll hate it. There used to be days when she would obsess over K-pop, especially Bts, but now she hates K-pop. But everything changed when she met her best friend, Love. Love was exactly the opposite of Elizabeth, she wasn't picky like her and she loved K-pop. She liked to listen to different songs in different languages but Elizabeth only songs she can understand. But despite their opposites, they still were best friends and they loved each other.

But there was one secret that Elizabeth kept and only she and love knew. Both two friends were in a small friend group, and they happened to be a few boys in that friend group and she liked one of them. Every time she was alone with Love she'll talk nonstop about him, sometimes Love even wanted to tape her lips together. She'll always exaggerate the little things about him, even when he eats she exaggerates it. And the name of the boy she was obsessed with was Josh. Josh was a quiet guy and he bearly talked to people. But when he was around his friends he was very talkative, and not to mention every girl liked him. He had a slightly light skin color and he was a gentle-looking person which he was.

Despite being in a friend group Josh and Elizabeth were very close among the friends. Sometimes when Josh had a problem he'll only tell Elizabeth and she would help him solve it. But not only did Elizabeth know all Josh's problems Love did too. Since they were best friends she couldn't keep it from here so she had to her. But Love usually laughed when she heard the problems since half of them were about relationships, and it was funny because Elizabeth had to suffer by hearing all the problems Josh had with his girlfriend even though she likes him.

But Elizabeth never complained cause she sorta liked the drama and couldn't wait for him to break up with his girlfriend so she can get a chance with him. Even though it might sound selfish but she really didn't care.