The truth

On Saturday afternoon the group was over hangout at Love's house hanging out. When they were in her room talking and laughing together Destiny decided to break the smiles on their face. "I have something to tell you guys!" She said looking down, everyone turned and looked at her confused, "What?" Sammy asked worried, she fidgeted her fingers while trying to avoid eye contact, "come on Des spill," Love said, before Destiny could say anything a tear dropped down her face. "It's okay, Des!" Aria said as the three girls hugged her. They all turned to Sammy and gave him a death stare, "what, I didn't do anything to. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with her too, she's been like this ever since the last time we hung out." Sammy explained, "look guys, let's not start arguing right now, Destiny needs our comfort right now." Josh said sounding worried, "his right this is not the time to blame people." Daniel agreed.

"Look Des, you can trust us. What happened? Tell us," he said giving her a hug, she started crying again, "I don't know if I should tell you guys or not, but I feel I have to." She took a deep breath and continued, "as you all know, my ex back in freshman year who treated me like shit I met him last week. I didn't want to see nor hear him, but two weeks ago after hanging out with Sammy I went back home that night and…" she trailed off and sniffled. The other girls nodded and looked at each other concerned. "You're going to tell us no matter what, are you sure?" Aria aked softly. "Yeah, I'm just scared of what you'll say, I don't think any of you will be able to handle it." She said looking at them. "We've all been through stuff, and we can help you. You can trust us." Daniel said smiling reassuringly, "that's why we're here right?" Aria added.

She looked at at them with her eyes full of tears and continued, "that night I suddenly met him in my room, I didn't even know how he got in. He tied me up on my bed taped my mouth shut and forced himself on to me." She cried, "I pleaded with to let me go, but he didn't listen he just kept doing it until I started bleeding everywhere." She sniffled, "I WAS RAPED BY HIM!" She bawled out crying. They all looked at each other like they've seen a ghost. "What! Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Elizabeth asked, "We have to report this to the police right away!" Aria added one, "no please don't, it'll just make everything worse." She cried begging them. "No Des, we're not letting this happen to you, we can't just sit around and watch our friend get hurt." Josh remarked angrily, "his right, we're not going to pretend like all you just told us was joke." Daniel added, "Do your parents know?" Love asked her worried, Destiny shook her head. "I think you guys should leave the room for a second." Sammy said, they all looked at him confused, but as he looked up at them, they knew that he wanted some with Des and talk as a couple. They all sighed as they got up and left the room.

Sammy looked at his girlfriend as she cried he walked to her side and embraced her. She turned her face to him and started sobbing, he then pulled her into a hug and rocked her, "we'll get through this together. I'll make sure the nasty man goes to Jail with his nasty behavior. I promise." He whispered in her ear, "you really mean that?" She asked sniffling, he kissed her forehead, "Yes baby, I'll protect you no matter what. Destiny bawled out in tears as she hugged him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you anytime sooner, and made you feel worried!" She cried, Sammy leans on her shoulders and patted her back. "It's not your fault, all that matters is that your okay." He smiled, "thank you so much for being there for me." Destiny said hugging him tighter, "don't thank me, I'm glad I am here for you."

Josh and the others came back in the room and sat next to Sam and Destiny on the floor, Josh handed her a tissue which she accepted gratefully. "You know what I saw when I came in here? You two lovebirds holding hands, I haven't seen you both look that happy in a long time." He said jokingly, as Daniel laughed and playfully punched Josh in the shoulder. "You know what else I saw?" Josh said, "you two are so cute together." He smiled. Everyone chuckled a little and went into a group hug. "Everything is going to be okay!" The all softly said together smiling.

The next few days the group decided to the case to the police and solve everything. Destiny showed them all the proof they needed to arrest the bastard that did those nasty things to her. The police also had records of him going to jail multiple times. Destiny didn't want to go to court since she didn't want to see his face. After a few days later the police called Destiny family and informed them that they have caught him. They also filed a restraining order against him and also he'll be in Jail for a long time after the police found out other crimes he did. Destiny was so happy that she got the Justice she needed, she call Sammy and informed him of the good news.

Sammy quickly drove over to her house and celebrated with her. "I'm so happy for you baby!" He said as he kissed her by the door. "It's all thanks to you." She smiled. "Oh, Sammy your here!" Her mom said coming out of the living room with a big smile. "You want some muffins?" She asked, "he'll have some later, we'll be up in my room." Destiny said as he took him to her room.

They entered her room kissing so passionately. Later on the pulled away from the kiss with a smile on their face. "I missed you so much." Destiny said looking into his eyes as he kissed her neck. "Me too." He said, Destiny ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you." She said feeling him grow hard against her thigh. She moaned in pleasure. "I love you too." He said as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. A few minutes later they were laying in her bed as he played with her hair. "I'm so happy to see a smile on your face." He said looking down at her, "you look so beautiful when you smile." He pointed out as he kissed her lips. "And I'm so glad to have you as my boyfriend." She smiled kissing him back.

To be continued

Ps: they didn't have sex in this part!