Missing someone

On a Saturday night Josh and Elizabeth went out on a date. It has been a while since they've been on a date so they decided to go on one for their 5 months anniversary. They both were excited about the prospect of going out alone together since they usually go out with friends and bearly have time to themselves.

They had dinner at a restaurant called The Blue Boar Inn. The place was built in the early 1800s and is located in downtown Fairhaven. It was an old-fashioned restaurant that served simple but delicious food. It was very classy, serving only local ingredients from nearby farms, and it had an extensive wine list.

After dinner they went back to his house and decided to watch some movies. They ended up watching a movie called "The Shining star" which was based off of a Stephen King novel. After the movie finished, they cuddled on the couch and talked until midnight. They decided to turn off the Tv and head to Josh's room. Since his parents were out of town for a few days, he was home alone. So that means Elizabeth was going to sleep over at his house for the first time.

When they got to his bedroom, Josh pulled her into bed and started making out. He was very turned on by how attractive she looked wearing a black dress, but not wanting to rush things, he slowly slipped his hand under her black slik a groped her butt. "Why do you always do this?" She asked as he slid his hands up to her boobs. "We'll since I can't do anything else to you, this is the only thing I could do." He replied smiling.

Elizabeth smiled back and pushed him onto his back. Then she straddled him and kissed him deeply. He then grabbed her ass and squeezed it tightly. Elizabeth smiled as he kissed and said, "sorry baby, I guess you have to wait a little longer." She smiled she she fell back on the bed trying to catch her breath.

Josh laying there staring at the ceiling, thinking about what happened tonight. He thought of how much he loved spending time with Elizabeth. He also thought of all the stuff they did together and how sexy she was. he turned to look at her and smiled, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him. "I'll wait as long as you want." He said smiling at her, "then wait." She replied smirking.

As the weeks passed, Josh and Elizabeth continued to spend time together. They would go on walks on the beach, or make dinner together at his house. They would kiss passionately while laying in bed and talk about their future together. Their relationship was going great and they couldn't be happier.

As Elizabeth was enjoying her relationship her Bestfriend Love was having a hard time in her relationship. Since her Boyfriend Davian left for Korea, they bearly talk cause of the time difference. He was supposed to come back the week before but he postponed it because his family decided to fly from Korea to Thailand to go visit his dad side of the family. This made her miss him so much that sometimes she'll lock herself in her room all day and wait for him to call. Or maybe she'll think that he has found some other girl there and he doesn't want to come back. She know it's wrong but this thought will constantly cross her mind when she can't sleep at night or whenever she feel lonely.

She was sitting on her bed staring outside the window when she heard someone knocking the door. Love quickly got up from her bed and rushed to open the door hoping it was Davian. But she was disappointed when she saw Elizabeth standing there. "Oh hi Li. What are you doing here?" asked Love as she tried to hide her disappointment. "I just to came to check on my best friend since you've been distant lately." She replied entering the house, Love sighed and closed the door behind her. "I know you miss Davian and everything but there's no need to be distant from us!" Said Elizabeth, "I know, but I just can't go one day without thinking about him." Love said as she went back upstairs. "When did you get this attached to him?" She asked following behind.

Love looked at her as if she had said something rude. "Attached? I'm not attached to him." She lied, "I love him and he loves me." Her voice became a little bit more quiet. Elizabeth gave her that look again. "What?" "Nothing!" Love said feeling guilty for lying to her best friend. "Fine, but then what is going on with you and Davian? You've never acted like this before. And why do you keep acting so distant from us?" "I don't know. It's just this whole situation is making me act weird. I'm sorry Li."Elizabeth looked at her sadly, "I hope he comes back soon cause I can't deal with sad Love anymore." She said, Love smiled, She knew her friend cared about her deeply. "Yes I'm sure he will come back soon, he has to." She said.

"Don't worry girl, why don't you try and call him tonight," Elizabeth suggested, "I would, but I don't know if his going to answer." Love,replied falling back in her bed, "I wanna, hug him, kiss him, and just hear him say I love you." She sighed, "How about i stay over?" Elizabeth asked looking at her, "no it's fine, you probably have things to do with Josh." She remarked, "No, I have been hanging out with him lately and after our 5 months anniversary we've been hanging a lot lately so I'm trying to take a break from him." She explained, "lucky you get to see Josh, I don't even get to see my boyfriend for our 7 months anniversary which is in one week!" Love complained,

Well, maybe you should ask your dad to let you go on a trip or something so you can spend some time with your boyfriend." Elizabeth suggested, "Nope, He doesn't allow me to leave the country unless it's an emergency." She replied, "Well you could always sneak out? I mean they wouldn't notice right?" Elizabeth suggested, "yeah but I'd rather not." Love answered, "I'm just saying that if you really want to be with him, then I think you should try." Elizabeth said, "no I'll just wait for him to come back." She replied sighing. She missed him so much but she was not going to do anything like that so she decided to wait for him to come back.

To be continued