Chapter Six: Memories and Carrots.


Watching her chest rise up and down only brought more guilt to my conscience, my head resting against our bed. The doctor rushed in with a clipboard in her hand, a wide smile on her face. Tripping over one of her boots, embarrassment burned my cheeks as her face landed in my lap. Let's hope Arty didn't see or hear any of that. Popping to her feet, a lacy black tank emphasized her ample breasts as her black leather pencil skirt hugged her round ass. A clean white coat floated around her black boots, her slender finger sliding her glasses up her nose.

"Sorry about that!" She stammered nervously, offering me her gloved hand. "I am Dr. Wolfston, Blizzard's older sister. I can't thank you guys enough for breaking me out. I heard you want to have a baby. Luckily, your claws narrowly missed her reproductive system. Her system is gearing up for the next steps. So expect mood swings, and fevers. She will begin to sleep a lot, so try to let her sleep. Another thing, keep her hidden. They will just hunt her down, and her powers will flicker in and out. Now let me examine you. I did prick you pretty hard." Motioning for me to take off my shirt, her black medical machine pressed against my chest. Embarrassment colored my cheeks, so many things coursing through my mind.

"I have to ask you this." I queried tiredly, hoping she could answer me. "Do I want a kid because of her going into heat, or is it my heart? I feel like I am pressuring her, but she seems to want a kid too. I mean we aren't even married." Raising her brows in surprise, she sat down across from me. Her aura glowed a deep navy, the healing energy swirling around her. As perverted as she was, her soul was pure as snow.

"I know that you want to be a father. Good for you." She answered sweetly, my trembling hands dragging my shirt over my head. "You should get married then. It would be nice to see a new husband and wife around here. Does she have a favorite food? I bet I can make you a ring or something? My secondary powers are the abilities to work with metals and gems. Tell me about her personality, and I will make the perfect ring. I will make the perfect set for you two. I have to go to work now." Skipping off, Arty sat up groggily. Glancing around, her slender hands rubbed her eyes. Laying back down, she covered her head with the blanket. Peeking her head out, her mismatched eyes met mine. My heart fluttered, her beauty always stunning me.

"I feel horrible." She whined softly, her stomach rumbling. "I can't move my body, and I feel so hot. Oh well, it is time to get to work." Swinging her feet over the edge of the bed, she ripped off her sweatshirt and skirt. A deep red rose to my cheeks, the embarrassment changing to anger. Jagged whip marks covered her back, the red scars a reminder of when she was in prison. Her fingers gripped the sheets, the memory too hard for her to bear.

"How did you get those?" I asked bitterly, her head turning back towards me. "You don't have to talk about it." Cocking her head back, a deep fever reddened her cheeks. Laying back on the bed, her black lace bra barely held up her ample breasts. The goofy grin told me that she didn't feel so great, her dainty hand reaching for mine. The attitude didn't match the severity of her confession.

"The warden would whip me everyday. He would use the hot core whip that I had created." She slurred, sitting up once more. "I kind of wish that I hadn't invented it. I have to go over some paperwork, and figure out the budget." Pulling on a black sweater dress, the deep v-neck caused my cock to stiffen. Her hair cascaded down her back, my hands wanting to play with it. The silky waves would feel so soft in between my finger tips, her thighs rubbing together.

"Can I sit on your lap while I do it?" She squeaked out, laying down on her stomach. "I just want to touch these." Lifting up my shirt, her fingers tracing my abs sensually. Gritting my teeth, she was making this impossible. Standing on my feet, the only solution was to leave the room.

"I think that I have to go do something now. Have Mouse help you." I blurted out as I sprinted out of the room, Mouse skipping down the hall. "Go help Arty for me." The flustered expression on my face must have given it away, Blizzard walking past me. Now to go exploring, stopping in front of the library. Opening the door cautiously, Dr. Wolfston's cot had been placed here. Sitting on it, a photo album fell into my palms. The ancient leather creaked, tears welling up in my eyes. The first photo was the three of us on the first day we met, the cot creaking as I laid down. Four year old Arty hung over our shoulders, her snarled red hair tickling the floor. Mouse looked tiny next to her, her short hair bouncing around her cheekbones. Her sage eyes gazed warmly up at her, her real smile brightening her face. My sage eyes watched her, my long snarled hair mixing with hers. Thinking back to that day, my mind went back to that fond memory.

"I am Artica, and I promise to make your life better." Four year old Artica introduced herself to Mouse and me, our eyes not leaving each other's for a moment. "What is your name? You remind me of a mouse? Hold on." Snapping her fingers, she held out her palms. A gray stuffed mouse rested on her palms, Mouse poking at it.

"I have magical abilities, and I have been placed in charge of you two." She continued in a motherly tone, passing her the mouse. "So tell me who you are?" Mouse embraced her waist passionately, four year old Arty looking up at me. My four year old heart skipped a beat, knowing full well that was the moment I fell in love with her. Placing Mouse on her back, she marched up to me. Examining me closely, her hand cupped my face.

"I am Sage, a four year old boy. The monkey on your back is Mouse." Four year old me stammered awkwardly, a rosy tint coloring her cheeks. "You're pretty." Confusion dawned on her face, Mouse playing with her ears. A nervous chuckle tumbled from her lips, her eyebrow twitching irritably.

"I am going to ignore that last statement, Sage." She uttered simply, my heart fluttering. "You're pretty cute yourself." A black guard knocked on the door, Mouse scrambling into her arms. They reached for Mouse, Arty slapping his hand away. A snarl curled underneath his black helmet, his hand grabbing her by the hair. Tossing Mouse to the bed, her claws swiped for his throat. Dragging across the floor, she cut off her hair. Launching off of the wall, her messy hair dangling over his hands. Bouncing off the wall, her black staff spun in her palms. White lightning crackled up her arm, a tortured howl bursting from her lips the moment he slammed his fists into her chest. The crack of her ribs shattered the stale air in the room, her body crashing to my feet.

"Shape up or just die already like the scum you are." He threatened hotly, slamming his boot into her stomach. "It was the greatest pleasure to slice your mother's throat. Tell me how it felt to lose your little baby brother from my kicks." Catching him by the ankle, she slammed him into the worn wooden floor. Pinning him to the floor, her hand pressed his head into the floor. Several more guards crashed towards our room, her next words breaking my heart.

"You killed my father when I was three because he was one of your scientists in your damn breeding program. You came into my home and shot him in front of me, then you marched into my home one year later to slice my mother's throat." She chastised him while coughing up blood, her claws digging into the floor. "I'm not the scum, you are. Your whole program is shit. Killing their parents in front of the kids, and kidnapping is a fantastic model for your police force. You will leave these two alone and only bully me. Do you understand?" Getting off of him, the soldier struggled to his feet. Motioning for everyone away, he crouched down to his level. Peeling off his helmet, the scarred face of the blonde man inches from her face. His ocean blue eyes softened, his lips curling into a crooked grin. Ruffling the top of her hair, her staff whipped towards his face. Catching it mid-air, hatred brewed between the two of them.

"I can see that you will be the police chief one day." He joked tenderly, his face softening for just a moment. "Your testing starts tomorrow and your friends will be protected. Deal?" Offering his hand, she shook it politely. Bowing in his direction, the tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

"You have a deal." She promised bitterly, putting her staff away. "Know this though, if you lay one hand on them I will slit your throat after shooting you in the head." Taking her threat seriously, his armor clanked as he stood up. Placing his helmet back on his head, he paused in the doorway.

"Your body should be paralyzed in a few minutes. I hit you with my full strength." He bragged gleefully, her body crashing towards the floor. "You are the strongest kid I know." Catching her in my arms, her beauty stunned me. Snapping fingers snapped me out of my trance, Arty sitting on top of me.

"I came to apologize to you." She apologized sincerely, rubbing her palms against my abs. "Although I wish I could take you right now. I am going to go n-" Kissing her feverishly, she melted onto my chest. This horny version of her seemed like fun, her ears flattening with embarrassment. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, Dr. Wolfston cleared her throat. Her foot tapping incessantly, her glasses spinning in her palm. The mood faded away, Arty getting ready to run.

"You know the rules. No relations until the big day." She chirped cheerfully, narrowing her eyes in Arty's direction. "I will lock you in your room. Alone! Scat!" Her palms left my abs, a disappointed sigh escaping my lips. Hopping off, Dr. Wolfston dragged her away. Leaving my shirt up, my cock was stiff all over again. The floors creaked, Blizzard hovering in the door frame.

"I was given doctor's orders to keep you away from Artica,and I don't want to be killed by my sister." He stammered nervously, the awkwardness only making the moment worse. "How the hell did you manage to get and keep those? I bet you must have to eat a certain way, and work out a lot. I need to know your secret." This would be the perfect distraction, Blizzard following me to the weight room. Peeling off my shirt, it felt so good to be working out again. That was the only thing that kept me sane in prison, my slender body not as built before. Blizzard didn't need to know that. Appreciating the fact that I was now in the best shape of my life, Blizzard took off his shirt revealing a better set of abs than me. Jealousy flashed in my eyes, Mouse popping her head in. Rolling her eyes, her bare feet skipped down the hall. Little sisters were always so strange, Blizzard beginning to lift weights. Sweat barely dripped off of his brow, the next two hours speeding by. I would definitely be doing this everyday, perhaps with Blizzard. Stepping into the shower, water cascaded over me. The sensation of being clean relaxed my muscles, the silent challenge between the two of us starting now. Drying myself off quickly, my hair clung to my face. Pulling on a new pair of black pants, my fingers gliding up my abs. The thought of her touching me there caused my face to burn a new shade of red, Blizzard popping up behind me. Punching him in the shoulder, a fit of laughter burst from our lips.

"You need to relax." He teased playfully, sitting down across from me. "Can you tell me how you met her? My sister still needs more information. You do want to marry her, right?" Attempting to hide my face from him, his question threw me off. Spitting out the water I had been nursing, a wicked grin spread cheek to cheek on his damn smug face.

"We had been selected to be a part of the police program when we were four." I explained softly, Blizzard listening with a peaked interest. "I still remember the first day we met, in fact the very moment she cupped my face with Mouse on her back. It was almost as if she wanted to kiss me but stopped herself. I fell in love the moment I saw her, time stopping. She defended us and made a deal to take on all of the biological experiments for us. We raised my sister, then I was so excited when the three of us were named a team. I got to spend every day with her, and got to taste her cooking. Just being in her presence was enough to make me giddy. Don't tell her, but one time I kissed her when she was sleeping and admitted my feelings. It felt so nice to get it off my chest. We were thirteen that day. Our job kept us apart, so I planned on quitting so I could marry her. That is us in a nutshell. Have a nice evening, Blizzard." Walking towards our bedroom door, a soft knock came from the other side. The door swung open as an exhausted smile greeted me. Cold sweat drenched her skin, a half finished black wolf mask sparkled in her hands. Smiling warmly to myself, always a hard worker. One would be hard pressed to find her being lazy, her hair twisted into a messy bun.

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you." She promised lovingly, cupping my face. "I heard you that day when we were thirteen. I loved you then too. Can I steal a k-" Locking lips with her hungrily, she melted into my arms. A black bracelet shined on her wrist, an electrical shock jolted her body. My heart skipped a beat, her words stunning me, concern flashing in my eyes. Why was the bracelet shocking her?

"What is that?" I inquired oddly, poking it. "Can I go to sleep? I need you next to me." Pulling me in, she made a clear line with pillows. Chuckling warmly to herself, she plopped down on the bed with the black diamonds in her laps. Collapsing onto the bed, her humming reminded me of the old days. Endless hours passed of us just sitting next to each other, talking to each other until one of us fell asleep.

"It is a shock bracelet that will jolt me back to normal until the day we create our child." She informed me casually, picking up a pair of jet black tweezers. "I am just so happy to have you by my side. What do you think? Do you think that Dr. Wolfston would like it?" Passing me my mask, her eyes wouldn't leave my abs. Rubbing her thighs together, her bracelet jolted her once more. Taking her hand, nothing happened. A wave of relief crashed over me, hand holding proving to be safe.

"These are cool. So you make these." I commented warmly, watching her face light up. "Why did you choose the rabbit for me?" A tender blush rose to her cheeks, her fingers wrapping around the mask. Her laughter twinkled in the air, her lips brushing the top of my hand. Crimson burned my cheeks, her reason causing embarrassment to steal my composure.

"It was your love of carrots. It was also your loving nature, but ability to be the strongest person in the room. Rabbits look cute, but trap them in a corner and they will bite back." She admitted sheepishly, placing diamonds on the masks. "Sunny's is a pink cat because she loves pink and she reminds me of a cat. Her lithe movements were the inspiration. Blizzard is a white wolf because he wants to be alone but loves being a part of a pack. We are his pack now. Lastly, the good doctor is a black wolf because she is the mother of our pack." Climbing over the pillow line, my arms wrapped around her waist. Kissing the top of her head, her black tank top clinging to her skin. Relief crashed over me at the lack of a jolt, her free hand wrapping around mine.

"I will always be your rabbit, Arty." I whispered huskily in her ears, her loving gaze meeting mine. "I love you more than all of the carrots in the world." Gentle snores told me that she was sleeping, my hands putting her supplies to the side. Exhaustion plagued me, her sweet arms sweeping me away as well.