Chapter Seven: Enter the Teal Bat


Thirteen year old Sage kissed me, my brain telling me to stay asleep. The kiss stole my breath away, his shoulder length hair brushing my face. Laying down next to me, his arm wrapping around my waist like we always used to do in our cramped state given apartment. Mouse had her own room, the two of us choosing to share the bed in the gray concrete walls of despair and sadness. His arms around my waist was the only thing keeping me sane back then, the only thing that thirteen year old me could have ever looked forward to.

"I love you, Arty." He admitted softly, not knowing that I was awake. "I love how you take the brunt of the tests for Mouse and me. I love how you always make sure we are happy when you are the saddest person in the world. I love you more than all of the carrots in the world. Please never leave my side. I want to marry you and have a big family with you. I want to have Mouse live with her wife. I want us all to live in a big house in the country, running a farm. We would mostly grow carrots, and potatoes."

Jerking awake, my fingers touched the tears flowing down my cheeks. A white fox stuffed animal laid on his pillow with a note, my fingers wrapping around the yellowed paper. Scanning the page, panic gripped my face. Where was Sage when I needed him?

"My darling Arty. " I mumbled under my breath, my hands beginning to shake. "We went on a mission so you didn't have to. Mouse has your headset. Love your dearest Sage." Stumbling out of bed, my vision blurred. Nausea wracked my stomach, vomit flying into the nearby garbage pail. The clammy sweating only got worse, my trembling fingers grabbing the bed. Using it to stand up, the walls carried me to Mouse's room. Sliding open the door, surprise widened her eyes. Guiding me to my chair, their dots were in the center of Hound City. Shoving my earpiece into my ear, their voices all yelling in my ear. Damn! Were we always this loud? No wonder Mouse would eat a cookie to drown out the noise, although the chewing still annoyed me.

"White Vixen, signing on." I announced sternly, watching their dots move. "May I ask what you are doing?" Watching Blizzard, Sunny, and Sage's dots move further into the city, my patience was wearing thin. The urge to throw up plagued me, my fingers wrapping around the nearest trash bin. The sound of me vomiting echoed in our ears, this part of the freaking heat being the worst as of now. Of course, it would only get worse as time passed.

"Arty, are you okay?" He asked with worry dripping in his voice, sirens blaring behind him. "We just finished up getting something for Blizzard's older sister. She said that you would need it for your future pregnancy. Sorry for not telling you." Scanning the screen, my head turned to Mouse. We needed the edge, a way to predict our enemies movements.

"Hack into the officer's tracking chips. We are going to help them out." I ordered sharply, swallowing a bit of vomit. Mouse's fingers moved a mile a minute, a bunch of warning signs blocking her access. Ten minutes passed, my friends narrowly avoiding the officers. A green box granted us access, horror rounding out my eyes. All of them were on them, another bout of vomit crashing into the bottom of the bucket. Turning back to the screen, a path opened on the next right. Focus like the true leader you were.

"Turn right." I snapped bluntly, watching all of their dots follow my order. "Now go around through the alleyways. Their bikes should short circuit. Yours should be fine, considering I built it." The tracker chips stopped moving, the bikes doing as I expected them. A steady stream of curse words flooded from my lips, a line of officers blocking their way out. His engine revved loudly, Mouse munching on one of her cookies. Glaring over at her, Sage shouted hold on. Cocking my brow in a bout of curiosity, she offered me one. An embarrassing growl rumbled in my stomach, Sage laughing in my ear. How could he laugh at a time like this?

"Maybe you should get some food, Arty." He joked tenderly, the air rushing around his bike. "You haven't eaten for a couple of days. Even your stomach growls sound as cute as you." A snarl curled on my lips, his flirtations weren't necessary. Slamming my fists on the table, the rage still baking at his actions of him leaving without telling me.

"If you think a note will suffice in an excuse for ditching me, you are sorely mistaken." I chastised venomously, all them laughing anxiously. "Just get home so I can punish all of you." Watching their dots, the officers were soon off of their trail. Unfortunately, they would have to camp out for the night. Hours passed, Mouse sleeping at her desk. This damn fever seemed to get worse by the day, my vision blurring. Scooping up Mouse, her tiny body felt like a feather in my arms. Tucking her into bed, my earpiece buzzed. Praying that it was Sage, my breath hitched at the sound of his voice.

"How's your fever, Arty?" Sage inquired lovingly, his tone sending chills up my spine. "Only a couple more weeks to go. Then you will be as good as new." Smiling warmly to myself, my feet rested on the desk. Why was it so hard to be mad at him?

"I am fine with you guys leaving, but tell me the night before so I can give you new gadgets and tools." I mused playfully, the sweating only getting worse. "I feel like I am walking in the desert. Thanks for the stuffed animal. It is so cute, but I don't think it is as cute as me." Confusion soiled his voice, a strained huh escaping his lips. Turning back, Mouse stirred in her sleep. Realization dawned on me, tears flooding from my eyes.

"Mouse made it, didn't she?" I blubbered uncontrollably, Sage's sexy laugh causing my bracelet to shock me. "I love her so much." I could almost see his crooked grin, his abs flashing in my mind. Stop thinking about them, another shock jolting my body. Brushing past the pain, my whole body aching with a vengeance. Curse him for being so sexually attractive, even his voice proving to be seductive.

"You are so fucking adorable." He chortled jovially, another bout of nausea hit my stomach. "I have a surprise for you. So get your tissues ready." My eyes narrowed in suspicion, wondering if this mission was for another reason. Folding my arms across my chest, another reason lay beneath his reason for ditching me. Choosing to let it go, I was going to let him have his. Clearly, he was doing something to attempt to brighten my day.

"I know I am." I sighed sweetly, fighting my nausea. "Did you know I went through it on my own last time? Mouse would nurse me through the whole month. It wasn't pretty, but since you are around it is ten times worse. Maybe I can take an ice bath when you get back." His snores echoed in my ear, sweet slumber stealing me away.

Strong arms wrapped around my shoulder, my fist meeting Sage's palm. His eyebrow twitched irritably, the corner of his lip quivering. Lowering my fists, he purposely pulled his shirt up. An electrical jolt shocked me, his arms catching me. My reflection taunted me, the black bags hollowed out my eyes. Sweat soaked hair clung to my face, my muscles throbbing dully. His finger smoked at a single touch of my skin, an ice bath waiting for me. Leaping out of his arms, the ice water felt so nice on my flaming hot skin. Sinking underneath the water, all of the ice melted. Sage towered over the tub, his arms folded over his chest. Rolling up his sleeves, he yanked me up.

"You're really burning up." He groaned tiredly, dumping some water over my head. "I am going to clean you up a bit. Mouse is getting fresh sheets on our bed. I am going to make you some lunch and watch you eat it." Helping me up, he wrapped me in a dry towel. The fever reddened my skin, my knees growing weak. Tossing me over his shoulder, he carried me into our room. Dr. Wolfston waited with a fever reducer and glass of water.

"That would feel better going over my head." I retorted sarcastically, snatching the pills from her. "You're lucky I made them so I know that they actually work." Downing them with the water, the fever barely subsided. Thanking her briefly, Sage sent her on her way. Setting me down on the bed, he pressed a black box into my clammy palms. Opening it up, my mother's compass glistened in the light. Holding it up, tears burst from my eyes. A golden chain dangled in between my fingers, the floor creaking as he got down to my level. Seeing it in one piece erased my current aches and pains. The memory of my past still haunted me like a sad little puppy dog.

"Open it up." He urged nervously, bullets sweating from his forehead. "Please." A gasp escaped my lips, a black band with a ruby teardrop glistened in the light. The black diamonds accented the gem, my nerves beginning to fray. Adjusting his stance, his throat cleared. A deeper red than my fever rose to my cheeks, the idea of marrying him excited me. For years, the desire to be his wife only grew stronger with each passing second.

"Arty, I know things are moving fast but I have to ask you this." He stammered adorably, moving a piece of hair out of his eyes. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You stumbled into my life at four, choosing to take care of us all. You always smile even when you are sad to make me happy. For years you saved me from my depression, and took on my little sister like a mother. Then we got to be partners, and I got to see your golden heart in action. The moment you rescued me was like an angel coming from Heaven, my heart fluttering away. Great, now I am rambling. So what I am trying to say is I have loved you from the moment you cupped my face with Mouse on your back. Will you become my wife, Arty?" His chest huffed, his speech bringing more tears to my eyes. Waiting with bated breath, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Are you going to put it on, or do I have to do it myself?" I joked tenderly through a wall of tears, his real smile melting my heart. All off my dreams were coming true, his trembling fingers sliding on the band. Spinning me around, a jolt of electricity shocked me. Wrapping my legs around his waist, cheers erupted behind us. Mouse and Sunny hid on the other side of the door while Blizzard and Wolfston leaned casually on the nearby wall. Shooting daggers from my eyes, they all scurried away.

"Why would you say yes?" He choked out, my fingers wiping away his tears. "This isn't too fast for you is it? I want to make sure you are fine with this." Flashing him a bright smile, his smile still plastered on his face.

"I have loved you since I met you. We have lived together and worked with each other for years. So how could we not know each other? I know how loud you snore, how you already held me by my waist at night. I know that you always agreed with my policies by keeping everything secret. Most importantly, I know that your eyes have never strayed away from me. You will protect me no matter what." I proclaimed sensually, another jolt shocking me. "Do you really want me as your wife? Tell me all that you know about me, and don't put me down. This feels amazing." Sitting down on the bed, both our hearts were seconds from beating out of our chest. My tail wagged, my ears perking up.

"Of course. I will be the luckiest husband in the world." He trilled cutely, poking my nose. "I know that you like sweet things, even if you deny it. I know that you wag your tail when you are truthfully happy, you know like now. I know that your friends come before you. I know you don't kill unless you have to. I saw you save that officer earlier. Most importantly, I know that you love me more than carrots." A fit of laughter burst from my lips, my head snuggling into his shoulder. Being with him felt like home, my fingers grabbing his shirt.

"I love you so much." I whispered softly, taking in his woodsy scent. "You smell so good. Can we stay like this for a moment?" A new shade of red tinted his cheeks, a light chuckle escaping my lips. Lifting up my chin with his fingers, his lips locked with my mine feverishly. Falling back onto the bed, the next shock knocked me to the floor. Sage caught the compass just in time, pulling it over my neck. The chain shrank down to a choker, his fingers playing with it. His expression shifting to a hungrier one, my body leaning in towards him.

"Maybe when that day comes, I can attach a leash to it.." He growled huskily, my thighs rubbing together. "You seem to like the sound of that. Your eyes say otherwise, but your tail is wagging, Arty. I bet you would love for me to pull on it." Another shock jolted me, my fever robbing me of the ability to move. The two of us needed space or I was going to become a living light bulb.

"You need to leave." I choked out briskly, Sage backing up with a shocked look. Apparently the heat was beginning to affect him as well. My heart ached for him, my fever only growing worse. A tortured wail broke the still air in our room, the pain intensifying. Every cell in my body burned, the second stage in my blasted heat just starting. Only one stage to go before the big day, silent tears flooding from my eyes. Peeling off all of my clothes, Sage running down the hall away from me. The alarm blared, my shaking fingers tugging on my sweatshirt and skirt. Pulling my mask over my face, my staff refused to react to my touch. Stumbling to my feet, my bare feet pounded down the hall. Scurrying up the ladder, a single guard wandered aimlessly. Watching them scan the barren landscape, a sleek black blade spun in my palms. Sage popped up behind me, his gun eager to shoot.

"I am fine now." He promised lovingly, resting his chin on my head. "I believe you were ordered to bed rest, so why are you out here?" Pointing to the single guard, he whispered something into his gun. A tranquilizer gun rested on his shoulders, a sigh of relief escaping my lips. Sinking to my knees, the overwhelming feeling of failure accompanying this damn fever. A black bracelet caught my eye, his finger pulling the trigger. A blue dart whizzed over my head, the feathers quivering in their neck. The blue moonlight bathed my engagement ring, Blizzard leaping over our heads. Tossing the limp body over his shoulder, Sage placed me on his back. Sweat drenched his skin, his hair sticking to his face. A fever burned his cheeks, his hands cupping mine. Leaping down into the bunker, Sage grunted roughly. Setting me down, he leaned against the wall. Mouse and Sunny popped up underneath my arms, carrying me to my room where we would be interrogating the stranger. Watching Blizzard handcuff the intruder to the radiator. Sage crashed down onto the bed, his breathing growing shorter.

"It helps to lay down on the cold floor." I suggested serenely, picking back up Wolfston's mask. "You will just create more work for your sister." Taking off my mask, he looked adorable as he crawled onto the floor. Pressing his cheek to the floor, a satisfied sigh escaped his lips. Carrying over my supplies, his muscles refused to move. Smiling gently to myself, my body had adjusted to the pain level.

"How have you been surviving this?" He whined pathetically, my now steady hands placing the black diamonds onto the mask. "I feel so tired. Why does this hurt so much!" Mouse hid her wicked grin under her hand, Blizzard standing guard outside of the door.

"Quit being a baby." She teased cruelly but sweetly, Sage throwing one of his boots in her direction. "Look at Arty over here. She is handling it like a champ." Sunny dragged her off, a sudden cramp wracked my body. Gritting my teeth, Sage reached for one of my hands. Struggling to sit up, he crawled over to me. Resting his chin on my head, all of my breath was stolen away. Ruffling his hair, these were the moments that I had always loved with him. Snores rang out in my ear, Blizzard stepping in for a minute. Opening up the gloved hands, a broken chip tumbled to my feet. Picking it up, it had been broken right outside of Hound City's limits. The blackened center had told me that much, this person clearly ditching the police force.

"Take off her helmet. " I ordered sternly, watching him take it off. My breath hitched, first officer Tatiana Slovakia was the intruder handcuffed to the radiator. Her teal hair cascaded over the edge of bed, her golden eyes hidden underneath her closed eyelids. Blizzard continued to take off her armor, bruises and cuts covering her five foot three hourglass figure. A quiet rage boiled in his eyes, a white wolf mark shimmering on her neck. Cocking my brow, confusion dawned on his face. Both of their heart rates picked up, her eyes fluttering open. The marking process had just occurred in front of me, the magical beauty of it stunning.

"Go get your sister so she can take care of your mate." I uttered simply, his body not moving. Grabbing his collar, she pulled him down close to her. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, her teal lips locking with his hungrily. Her onyx bat ears contrasted her bright hair, his fingers running through her hair. Clearing my throat, the two of them stopped. Chuckling to myself, Tatiana sat up. Concern darkened her golden eyes, the state of my appearance shocking her. Leaping off of the bed, her body smashed into my free arm. Her leathery black ears tickled my cheeks, her fangs peeking over her lips. Tears flooded from her eyes, the heat from her body only made me hotter. Damn this fucking fever.

"I am so happy you are alive." She sang jovially, Blizzard hovering behind her. "I am so happy to meet my hero in real life once more. For years I followed your accomplishments. I knew it was you the moment you blasted me off of the bike to save me. Only my hero Artica would do such a wonderful thing. I vowed to find you and join your rebellion." A nervous grin danced across my lips, her twinkling golden eyes making it hard to even attempt to yell at her. The childlike behavior threw me off, her golden aura showing me that she was telling the truth.

"Hello, Tatiana." I stammered oddly, Blizzard peeling her off of me. "Your code name will be Teal Bat. Is that okay?" Nodding her head, protests echoed down the hall as he dragged her away. Slamming my door shut with the heel of my boot, the peace and quiet was all I needed. Focusing back on the mask, a calm wave of serenity crashed over me. Ruffling Sage's hair again, my steady hands lowered his head to my lap. How in the hell did I land the greatest fiance in the world?