Chapter Eleven: The Rabbit and the Fox Become One!


Why was I crying? My dream moment was coming to fruition, our bodies soon to be one. The fever still burned, and my muscles ached. None of that mattered, my inner demon screaming for him to take me. Accepting the chain cautiously, a fuzzy feeling washed over me. Laying me back gingerly, he tugged at my black lace underwear. Peeling them off seductively, he spun them around his finger. Tossing them aside, his head rested in between my legs. An explosion of pleasure coursed through my body as he sucked on my swollen clit, my fingers gripping his hair. Sliding his fingers into me, short gasps escaping my lips the moment they danced over my g-spot. Syncing the rhythm, my trembling fingers gripping the sheets.

Don't stop." I pleaded with a long moan, Sage shooting me a devilish grin. "This feels so good." Getting back to it, my dripping turned into a flood. Sucking harder, the sudden stop threw me off. Getting on his knees, he yanked the collar. The yank set shivers of pleasure up my spine, the towel floating to the floor. He was bigger than I imagined, his hard cock resting in his hand. A bit of drool poured from the corner of my lips.

"Suck it!" He demanded gruffly, yanking on the chain again. "Don't you want to please your master." Damn! His dominance caused my thighs to rub together, my skin tingling with desire. Uncertainty flashed in his eye, my sweet lips wrapping around his thick girth. Taking all of him in, gruff groans tumbled from his lips. Pulling the chain tighter, the hug of my choker caused a myriad of goosebumps to speckle my skin. Focusing on his tip, my tongue danced on the sweet spot underneath the head. Twitching with a euphoric expression, he was seconds from his climax. Pausing for a moment, the goofy grin on his face told me I had done well.

"Can you take me, Master?" I begged seductively, getting on my hands and knees. "I have been such a good girl!" Gliding his hands up to the silky black ribbon, his nimble hand untied it with a grand motion. The corset landed with a soft thud, his lips brushing every inch of my skin. Lining himself up, his grip on the chain strengthened. A scream burst from my lips the moment he jammed himself in, more screams exploding from my lips with each wild buck of his hips. Guiding his hand to my tail, each yank only made my screams louder. Claws extended from my nails, the mattress tearing as I dug them in deeper. His roughness made all of my dreams come true, my one desire of him dominating me coming to life. Flipping him over my head, he lay underneath me. Rubbing my hands over his abs, scarlet burned our cheeks. When did he get these, my mind wondered curiously. Cupping his slender but muscular arms, these were bigger as well.

"Do you like what you see?" He mused playfully, still holding onto the chain. "All I did was work out in prison. It really was the only thing that kept me sane. You certainly looked pleased. Touch them all you want." Sinking onto him, my breasts bounced up with each grind of my hips. Yanking me closer to him, his lips kissed mine passionately. My heart fluttered, his hand cupping my face. Why was he so good at this? Releasing me, his loving gaze never left my eyes. Guiding my head into the nape of his neck, his next words sent shivers up my spine.

"You turned me on so much when you bit me." He whispered huskily, my ears perking up. "Do you think you could bite me all over?" Sinking my fangs into the nape of his neck, he writhed underneath me. The rich sweet blood coated my throat, a satisfied gasp escaping both of our lips. Biting him all over, my name left his lips with each love bite. Shock rounded out my eyes, his strong arms rolling me underneath him. Guilt dimmed my eyes at the sight of blood dripping from my love bites.

"You are such a naughty girl." He growled lustfully, sliding my heels onto his shoulders. "Are you ready for your punishment? You have to put me in." My shaking fingers shoved him in, a loud yes flooding from my lips. A deeper red than I have ever seen burned my cheeks, a gentle chuckle pouring from his lips.

"You really are addicted to me." He joked tenderly, showing his minor god complex. "Good thing I am addicted to you as well, Arty." His words sent my nerves into a frenzy, his hips thrusting in and out with the ideal amount of roughness. Did he really enjoy being this wild with me? Biting my lips, he lowered my legs with the tenderest touch. Pressing his firm body against mine, his fangs brushed the nape of my neck. Biting down aggressively, the sound of him drinking my blood caused me to scream out his name. Releasing me from his spell, his eyes beamed with pride. Biting me all over, the sensation of euphoria overwhelmed my brain. Fresh tears of joy flooded from my eyes, all of his love bites feeling so great. All of this heavenly bliss made me forget about my fever and burning muscles, the bed creaking as he sat up. Pulling on the chain, his other hand guided my legs around his waist. Wrapping my arms around his neck, our hips danced to the same rhythm, both of us crying out with each passing minute. Kissing my lips sensually, his hot seed filled me up with three quick throbs. Collapsing into his arms, the fever faded to nothing. A stunned woah escaped my lips, my stomach glowing brightly. A wave of energy knocked everything off of the shelf, glass shattering throughout the bunker.

"I think it worked." I sobbed softly but happily, his hand falling to my flat stomach. "I love you so much, Sage." The chain clanging to my side, the black metal swinging wildly. Laying me on my back, his lips kissed mine feverishly. A rare moment of pure joy fluttered in my heart, his arms refusing to let me go. His wet hair hung like a curtain around his face, his teardrops crashing onto my face. A happy smile quivered on his lips, his hands quaking on my shoulders.

"I am so happy. We are going to have the family that we deserve. I love you so much, Arty." He blubbered incoherently, the mattress creaking the moment I sat up. Clutching him to my chest, his arms hung limply by his side. A broken wail left his lips, the joy mixing with sadness. Rubbing his back, the memories of how his parents died probably tortured him at the moment.

"I don't deserve this." He continued in a shattered tone, claws extending from his fingernails. "I don't deserve you. I couldn't even save my parents." Lifting up his chin with my finger, my fingers wiped away his tears. The dam had burst for him, the years of pent up sadness flowing from his eyes. My heart shattered for him, my soft smile not relaxing him at all.

"You deserve everything." I promised sweetly, his arms sweeping me into a desperate embrace. "You had a family this whole time. All of our friends are family, and you will have me as your wife. Most importantly, you have this little nugget cooking in the oven now. So don't worry, 'kay." His claws receded, his body rocking me back and forth. Teardrops soaked the top of my head, his body growing slack. Snores told me that he had fallen asleep, the past few days must have been taxing on him. Staying in my spot, a feeling of dread bubbled in my gut. How the hell did I know that I was going to be okay? More importantly, I had people to apologize to. Guilt dimmed my eyes, a couple of my friends had cuts all over them because of me. Laying him down, my feet swung over the bed. His hand grabbed my wrist, my body crashing back onto the bed. A tired smile met my surprised face, his arms pulling in.

"I don't want you to leave me alone." He stammered nervously, my head resting on his chest. "I feel really broken right now. I need you right here. I need you to hold me. I just need you." Laying on his back, the way he pulled me onto his chest stole all of my breath away. The desperation bled into a quiet sense of serenity, his eyes refusing to shut as the tears flowed from his eyes. Unsure of what to do, his fingers played with my ears, his words breaking my heart all over again. He had never opened up about his past from the moment I met him, his only goal was to protect Mouse. Something stripped his wall down, a million thoughts blazing through my head. Why couldn't I fix this? His finger lifted up my chin, his wet eyes shimmering in the yellow light bathing the room.

"You can't fix this." He said gently, wiping away the tears that I didn't know that I was shedding. "You care so much for others that I seriously doubt that you have properly grieved yourself. You took on the world, and even before we met you. You took care of your mother after the miscarriage regardless of what you felt. You seem to think you can solve your way out of everything, but your book is locked shut when it comes to you. Hopefully someday, you will give me the key." Sitting up, his eyes watched eagerly. Resting on my haunches, a strangled cry escaped my lips.

"I can't not see it but it was my duty as a daughter to make sure my mother was okay." I sobbed softly, his hands cupping mine. "I am just as broken as they get. I just don't have the time to let go of my emotional control. I have thousands of people counting on me and I am so afraid to let them down. I was always put in a leadership position. I will tell you about the day I lost my mother. No, I will show you." Pointing to the scarred over burn marks on my palms, he massaged them gently.

A strange energy shattered the surface of the air, the room shifting to our one room hut. The two of us watched the four year old me with snarled hair attempting to get her mother to eat. The lump under her blanket refused to move, the door flying feet from her. Ten armored guards flooded into the room, the captain of the group lifted her mother up by her scarlet hair. Her unkempt bangs hid her eyes, her ears drooped in defeat.

"Let my mother go!" The four year old me cried out, a boot slamming into her stomach. Sliding to our feet, Sage attempted to help her as my arm held him back. Crawling behind us, her fingers wrapped around my black staff, black lightning burning her palms. Black smoke curled off of her palm, her mother begging for her to run.

"Run, Arty!" She choked out, ripping at her fingers. "They can't catch you if you run now." Standing firm, a sea of black lightning spread underneath our bare feet. Struggling to swing the staff, she charged towards them. A snarl curled on her lips, the captain knocking her to the ground. Still holding her mother by her neck, she struggled to her feet. The captain kicked her in the stomach, blood dripping from the corner of her lips. Raising his gun, her mother slammed a clawed hand into the jerk's chest. Dropping her to the ground, he pressed the nozzle to the center of Arty's forehead. Swinging her staff at his feet, his body crashed to the ground. Her hand grabbed her mother's, the two of them pounding further into the Badlands. Chasing them, fear paralyzed me in my spot. Cold sweat drenched my skin, silent tears streaming down my cheeks. The captain popped up behind her mother, his muscular arms holding her to his broad chest. A silver blade shimmered in the light, a wicked grin dancing across his lips.

"If you come with me, I will let her go." He offered coldly, her tiny hands rising in defeat. "Good g-" Horror widened all of our eyes, her mother gliding the blade across her throat. A tortured wail burst from younger Arty's lip, my body sinking to my knees as blood cascaded over her armor. The captain stood there stunned, the other officers unsure of what to do.

"I will say that I killed her, and I basically did." He apologized sincerely, bowing his head in shame. "I will become a general for what I didn't do. I have been injected with a permanent power booster and will forget this entire interaction, and so will you. I am casting a memory eraser spell right now." Her claws dug into the loose dirt, her staff clattering to the ground.

"I promise you one thing." He promised warmly as he tossed her mother to the side. "I will make you the police chief. Then I will need you to destroy the monster that runs our society. Do whatever it takes." Shaking her head, the teardrops soaked the dirt, my own tears flooding from my eyes.

"Momma! Momma!" She screamed into the thatch ceiling. "Wake up, I need you. I can't live without you. They already took Daddy. They already took my little sibling. Why did you have to choose to leave me?" Her breathing grew shallower, the speed picking up. Scooping up her tiny body, her mother's body decayed to black ash. Pressing her staff into her palms, the captain ruffled her mop of hair. Teardrops soaked the tops of my hands, Sage clutching me close to his chest, the scene melting back to our room.

Staring numbly at the wall, my feet swung over the bed. My hand slapped Sage's attempt to hold me. Throwing on my corset, my quaking fingers accidentally pulled one of his sweatshirts over my head.

"I am okay." I lied poorly, wiping away my tears with the sleeves. "I am ok-" His arms embraced me with all of the love he had, my fists banging against his bare chest. Violent sobs wracked my body, the real memory breaking me. Black lightning shocked him, his hold only growing stronger. Teardrops crashed to the top of my head, his broken expression only making the situation worse. Sage could read me like a book, knowing full well that I wasn't okay.

"You're not okay!" He shouted sadly, his voice cracking. "You shouldn't be okay. Your mother killed herself in front of you, and that was selfish. You had already agreed to go with them but she could have lived. I hate her for that. I hate her for putting you through Hell. No one deserves to see that. I don't care what happened, but she made a four year old take care of her instead of herself. That's not fair. You never got to be a kid." My arms fell limply to my side, a mixture of hatred and rage burning inside of my soul. She had no right to leave me that way!

"I am okay." I stammered brokenly, attempting to lie the pain away. "I am okay." Wishing that I didn't know the truth, it hurt so much more. The lightning crackled wildly, his skin not even burning. Lifting up my chin with his finger, his loving gaze melted my heart. Wiping away my tears, the silence felt like poison.

"You are okay." He replied passionately, spinning me around. "Do you know why? You have family and friends. You have a community that loves you. Most importantly, you have me. I promise not to die on you as long as you don't sink too much further into the dark pool of depression that you have been swimming in. You can always come to me with your problems. Let me be your hero." Melting into his arms, a warmth washed over me.

"I love you, Sage." I whispered sadly, his heart beating a mile a minute. "I should go make food for everyone. Thank you for caring." Squirming out of his arms, my bare feet pounded down the hall to the destroyed kitchen. Picking up a dented metal bowl, the navy bowl reminded me of myself. Doomed to be permanently damaged, damaged to the point of my mother choosing to not stick around. Sliding down to the floor, the tears flowed endlessly. The salty water pooled in the large dent, my hands cupping the side of my face. Hollow footsteps entered the room, my trembling hands dumping the tears away. Popping my head over the counter, my brightest smile illuminated my face falsely.

"How can I help you out, Mouse?" I asked tiredly, her feet bouncing up to me. "I hope I didn't break your screens with that wave of energy." Scooping up all of the dishes on the floor, she shook her head. Setting them gingerly on the counter, her hand pressed against my flat stomach. Her gentle smile melted half of my anxiety away, her sage eyes glittering with joy. Rubbing the back of my neck, her simple joy really made me forget my problems for a second.

"I am so happy it worked out." She chirped cheerfully, rubbing my stomach. "You really should eat something." Shock widened her eyes, my arms clutching her close to my chest. Struggling in my embrace, my hand ruffled her wild hair.

"Thanks for the fox." I thanked her graciously, an odd expression meeting mine. "I thought it was so adorable, just like you!" Shoving me off of her, annoyance flickered on her face. Placing her hands on her hips, her lips parted in protest. Stopping herself from saying something sarcastic, her real smile brightened her face.

"I am glad you liked it." She commented sweetly, her expression switching back and forth. "But I am not cute, just short!" A fit of laughter burst from my lips, confusion dawning on her face. Sage was right, everyone was my family. Smiling warmly to myself, the family feeling returning to me once more. Thank you guys for everything.