Chapter Twelve: Dinners and Necessary Apologies


Wandering into the kitchen, my heart fluttered at the sight of her attempting to teach Mouse how to cook. Worry sharpened my eyes, the emotional pain hiding beneath her crooked grin. Chuckling to myself, her shortness reminded me of a child as she stood next to Arty. Adjusting my black tank top, my shorts brushed against my legs. The smell of roast pork wafted up my nose, my silent footsteps not catching her attention. Sliding my arms around her waist, her elbow slammed into my nose. Dropping the wooden spoon onto the island, an apologetic smile twitched away. Pressing her kitchen towel she was using to my nose, red dying the white cotton. Bowing her head in shame, my finger lifted up her chin.

"I probably should have announced myself." I groaned bitterly, thankful for my nose not being broken. "It appears your powers are at full strength. I just wanted to hold you." Embarrassment flattened her ears, her tail tucking in between her legs. Mouse cleared her throat, an irritated snarl curling on her lips. Sunny called her name, her feet barely touching the floor as she ran to her lover. Guiding my hand up to my nose, her voice echoed down the hall.

"I am sorry, Sunny!" She shouted loudly, her voice cracking. "I am sorry that I scratched you! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Sunny skipped up to her, her pink sweater hugging her slender body. Her pink cotton skirt brushed up against the top of her feet, Arty tracing the stitches on her face. A deep breath escaped her lips, Sunny cupping her hand. The golden silk of her hair dripped over her fingers, her silver eyes wet with tears. Her serene smile calmed Arty down, her other hand resting on her stomach.

"You weren't yourself." She chirped cheerfully, her hand rubbing her stomach. "Besides, you are carrying the next generation of rebels after all." Arty narrowed her eyes, her eyebrow twitched irritably. Holding her tongue, the patience wore thin on her face. Sunny released her, a deep breath left her twitching lips. Skipping off, Mouse hopped onto her back. An alarm shattered the awkward silence, a bit of dust flying all around her as she skidded in. Opening the oven, drool building up in the mouth. Basting the loin for a second, the oven door clicked shut. Stirring the boiling carrots, she tossed in some pepper and dried herbs. Resting on the nearest stool, her arms wrapped around my neck. A goofy grin spread cheek to cheek the moment she sat on my lap, her weight feeling like the perfect cure for my anxiety. My breath hitched, the chain still dangling off of her choker. Her slender hands dragged the hem of my sweatshirt, revealing no underwear. Guiding my hand up her thigh, a tender blush rose to my cheeks. How could she still be so horny? Her hair hung like a curtain, the color making her skin look like porcelain. Cupping my face with her other hand, her lips locked with mine lustfully. Sinking further into her spell, the obvious truth was the fact that she was the more perverted one. A throat cleared, Wolfston's black heels tapping impatiently.

"Watch the food while I examine her." She ordered curtly, pushing up her glasses. "I must check to see if you are okay. Don't burn the pork. It is probably going to be a long time before we have meat again. I would like the flavor to remain decent." Dragging her away, she hung limply in her arms. Resting her head on her hands, her left eyebrow cocked in response.

"Just examine me in the kitchen so I can make a successful dinner." She protested grumpily, Wolfston dragging her back in. "I promise to sit still." Slamming her down onto a navy stool, Arty gritted her teeth. Placing her stethoscope into her ears, the metal disc pressed against the chest. Taking a deep breath, her other hand checking her pulse. Hovering her hands over her stomach, an excited grin brightened her face. Wolfston could be described as a wild card, her personality slowly coming to light.

"There are two energies in there." She proclaimed gleefully, both of us spitting out the water we were nursing. "Congratulations, my darlings. So dinner is in two hours, right? See you later." Laying her head on the kitchen island, a minor panic attack began to haunt her. A nervous grin twitched on her lips, her fingers drumming anxiously on the counter. Think of something to distract her. Think you idiot, my mind still being broken by the news.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had stomach issues?" I questioned anxiously, a strained huh escaping her lips. "We would have changed our diets for you, so that you could have eaten as well." Pressing her lips into a thin line, her head popped back up. Confusion dawned on her face, her real smile flashing in my direction. Shrugging her shoulders, a tiny chuckle escaped her lips.

"I didn't think it mattered. It is the side effect of being kicked in the stomach so much and some strange potion they injected in me." She explained calmly, hiding the quiet sadness in her voice. "I took the brunt of the hits for you guys, and all that got me was a weaker stomach. They wouldn't have tested any of those things on you guys. I am okay." There she went again saying that she was okay when she wasn't okay.

"Can I tell you something?" She continued slowly, afraid to speak her next words. "My mother would beat me when she was drunk from a night out with a client. It was her foot that had dealt the damage. I never told anyone that. I kept telling myself that it was because she was sad, so it was okay. Every morning I would wake up and say I'm okay every morning." Fat teardrops crashed to the counter, her fingers scratching at the metal surface. Wrapping my arms around her shoulder, it hurt for me to know that so much hid behind her smile. My mother never laid a hand on us, her ability to sew the only thing to keep food on the table.

"She would call me a failure, and an unnecessary experiment. The moment my father died, her kindness died that day." She sobbed softly, my hands cupping hers. "She would tell me to go die like my father. The whole time I thought that it would be better to have an abusive parent than no parent at all. Then she got pregnant, and was still using drugs. At least she began to smile again. She told me that my replacement was on the way. That day I wanted to run away. Yet I knew that she wouldn't be able to take care of the baby once it came. The baby's arrival gave me something to look forward to in my world of darkness. Maybe I couldn't screw up with him or her. Maybe I could correct her mistakes. You must hate me." Spinning her around, my arms clutched her close to my chest. Her mother's final act was her final fuck you to her, the woman belonging in Hell.

"I would never hate you." I promised passionately, her slender fingers gripping my shirt. "You will never have to worry about that ever again. Let me be your light. You don't have to hide in the shadows anymore." Broken wails left her lips, all of the pent up emotion bursting like a dam. She needed this, the touch of someone who loved her. Mouse hovered behind the door, horror draining the color from her face. Teardrops rained down onto the floor, my own eyes watering with tears. Growing up, the fearless leader had been a facade to mask the real chaos raging underneath the surface.

"I don't hate you!" Mouse shouted profoundly, Arty looking up. "I don't hate you! I could never! You loved me like a mother or older sister. You never let me starve. Why did you hide that from all of us?" Sunny and everyone else came out from the shadows, tears shining on their cheeks. A weak smile curled on Arty's lips, her light laugh twinkling in the air. Squirming out of my arms, her hands crossed on her lap. The brightness of her smile nearly fooled us all, tears still streaming down her cheeks. Her ears flattened, her tail wagging with pure joy.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that I don't hate you either." She joked sadly, hopping to her feet. "Dinner is almost ready, so why don't you guys all set the table for me." Grabbing the dishes, they rushed around her as she pulled out the pork loin. Letting it rest on the cutting board, a poisonous silence plagued the air. Water rushed from the pan, her trembling hands nearly losing all of the carrots. Taking the pan from her, she slid down to the floor. Seeing her broken like this shattered me, her mother pissing me off. Reaching for the choker, her fingers rubbed it one last time before she smashed into the wall. Gears and shards of metal clanged onto the floor, the tears only flowing harder than before. Had she wanted to break it? No regret darkened her face, only a numb look replacing her bright smile.

"You don't have to be strong all of the time." I commented sincerely, putting the carrots into a bowl. "You have a family now, remember? They didn't run away when you told me your story. Not to mention, I have only seen Mouse cry about five times. She really loves you." Holding her knees to her chest, her chin resting on her knees. Small was the only way to describe her, Sunny grabbing the bowl of carrots and pork loin. Plopping down next to her, her numb eyes frightened me.

"Don't bother fixing that damn thing. I don't ever want to see it again.It just bothers me that she chose to leave as an act of revenge because I chose to help her." She whispered disconnectedly, her leg shaking wildly. "I don't get it. I did everything she asked but she still chose to kill herself. She might as well have been saying I can't stand you, so I am going to kill myself. Good luck in life." Leaping to my feet, my hand hovered in her face. Her beauty stole my breath away, the tears never stopping. Even while she drowned in sadness, everything about her shone bright as the ruby on our engagement ring.

"I think she was stupid for hurting you so bad. Screw her and everything to do with her." I declared boldly, her laugh twinkling in the air. "You were the best thing to happen to her, and she tarnished the silver. Will you let me polish the silver?" Scarlet burned her cheeks, her quaking fingers wrapping around mine. Yanking her to my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist. Burying her head into my shoulder, this embrace felt so warm but a slight chill weaved itself within the flames of her love.

"You are stupid for caring so much." She grumbled adorably, her ears tickling my chin. "I am so stressed. I am tired. I am going to go b-" Attempting to leave, her arms wouldn't leave my waist. Smiling warmly to myself, she couldn't bring herself to hide. Placing her on my back, her tears soaked my shoulders. Walking into the entrance, all of our family waited at the table. Blizzard started slicing pieces of meat for everybody, Arty taking her place at the head of the table. Sitting down next to her, her tears turned off. Replacing them with a tired grin, everyone started talking to her at once. Waving her hands around, nervous laughter tumbled to her lips.

"One at a time please." She commented gently, everyone growing quiet. "I just want to thank you for being my family. Now let's eat." Clutching her stomach, her teeth gritted in pain. Wolfston popped up, all of us watching her leave. Coming back a few minutes later, a steaming white tea cup fogged up her glasses. Her chest swelled with pride, a glint of curiosity shimmering in her right eye.

"I figured you were sick of ginger because it was all you ever tried to help your stomach." She explained happily, setting the tea in front of her. "Our friend Fathsome grew a new root that is twice as potent. Just try a sip." Sipping the tea, a wide grin spread cheek to cheek. Taking a bite of carrot, a sigh of relief poured from her lips. The food didn't hurt her, the chance for her to taste life showing on her face.

"It doesn't hurt." She wept softly, taking another sip. "For years I suffered. I think I will stick to carrots for safety reasons. I don't want to push my stomach too far." Wolfston nodded in approval, resting next to her brother and Tatiana. Watching her nibble on the carrots, everyone chatted with each other. Playing with her last carrot, pleasant surprise widened her eyes as I placed a small piece of pork on her plate. Poking it, drool dripped from the corner of her lips. Narrowing my eyes, my mind wondered why she wouldn't taste it.

"Just eat it." I whispered sharply in her ears, embarrassment burning her cheeks. "It is almost as if you have never had meat before." Refusing to look at me, her bangs hid her shame filled eyes. Her leg quaked violently underneath the table, her hair hanging like a curtain. Fantastic, she was a bundle of nerves once more.

"I haven't." She admitted sheepishly, scratching at her cheek. "My mother drank all of our money away and there was nothing to hunt where we lived. We barely had any vegetables. I would have to feed her first, then I came after." Stabbing the piece with my fork, she cried out as I fed her. Crimson colored her cheeks, everyone watching with wicked grins. Chewing it slowly, a quiet sigh left her lips. The corner of my lips twitched, the embarrassment sinking in.

"This is good. I should thank the chef." She complimented oddly, realizing her mistake. "I forgot I made it. Let's do this at least three times a week. I had fun." The chair scraped against the floor the moment she stood up, her fingers wrapping around the teacup. Wandering off, Mouse volunteered to do the dishes with Sunny. Finishing up real quick, my empty footfalls echoed in the hall. Entering our room cautiously, her concentration was on a black crane mask. The long beak stuck out, her tea all gone.

"Are you holding up okay?" I inquired cautiously, stripping off my clothes. "You seemed off today, but in a good way." All of my senses flew out the window the moment she flashed me her genuine smile, the sweetness of her fangs hanging over her lips just right. Her head bobbed forward, her eyes kept fluttering open and shut.

"I am okay as I am going to be for now." She promised lovingly, her black bags still hollowing out her eyes. "It was nice to talk about my past for once. Although nightmares will probably visit me every night now. At least I am used to insomnia. We have to raid the rice fields before the gang members take it all. That is the only thing we can't figure out how to grow. Fathsome will be joining us. He will bring back the bulk of it. I love rice." Laying down next to her, my fingers wrapped around the mask. Setting it on the nightstand next to me, her eyelids fluttered once more. Yawning groggily, she ripped off the sweatshirt and corset. Resting her head on my chest, her snores echoed in my ears. Feeling her skin against mine sent my nails into a frenzy, the softness felt magical. Playing with her hair, sleep avoided me like the plague. So much had been exposed today, her past the worst of us all. Sliding my hand to her flat stomach, a pathetic whine tumbled from my lips. Twins, we were blessed with twins. Giddiness bubbled up in me, the prospect of a big family with her exciting me further. Pulling a blanket over us, Wolfston knocked before entering. Leaning up against the wall, the stitches were only mere scars. Her eyes twinkled curiously, a triumphant grin on her lips. Raising my brows in suspicion, she tugged on her fresh ivory sweater.

"I see the medicine is working. One of the plants he mated the ginger with created a natural sleep aid. It's nice to see her get some sleep. Judging by those bags, that doesn't really happen." She sighed deeply, twisting her hair into a loose braid. "I am so excited for the twins. She wasn't wrong. The constant kicks to the stomach destroyed its structure, so this first pregnancy is going to be rough. Are you happy now, Sage? You have a future wife and family." Buzzing with pure joy, she wasn't wrong. Wolfston waited with bated breath, her eager eyes flitting between the door and me. Acting as if she didn't want to be here, the point of her being in my presence was still unclear. A couple of thoughts raced through my mind, the connection between Steph and Wolfston still hiding their secrets.

"Is she your lover?" I asked directly, Wolfston stiffening. "Is Steph your lover? You kept saying friend, but the twinkle in your eyes at her agreement told a different story. The way you hang all over Arty isn't exactly helping your case." Her lips pressed into a thin line, fury boiling in her eyes. Watching her tail twitch irritably pleased me, my sly grin spreading cheek to cheek. Steph was indeed her lover, all of her behavior meeting the mark of a shy liar.

"I am surprised that an airhead like you could pick that up." She teased playfully, adjusting her glasses. "You must hate me for loving her. You also need to see all that she is doing for you. I am coming when you guys go to rescue Steph. You will need a doctor to heal you. They will have their best guards on her, and I intend to kiss her the moment I see her." Wicked laughter rumbled in my throat, her brow cocking in bitter response. Did she realize what that would take?

"First off, ouch. I was a detective, you know that solves crimes." I retorted sarcastically, her eyes rolling. "I don't get a choice in the matter. If Arty wants to rescue her, we have to be on board. How the hell do you think that you are going to get home? The most we have is my bike and we can't all fit on that. Do you plan on stealing a car?" Embarrassment reddened her face, her fists clenching to the point of blood dripping onto the floor.

"If you are going to joke about it, then you can just go away." She growled through gritted teeth, my head shaking. "I will get another escape vehicle if I must. Besides, can't you add a sidecar to your bike?" Rubbing my forehead, she didn't understand. The limit was two seats which Blizzard and Sunny would be occupying.

"I can only add two seats." I pointed out in an irked tone, her attitude pissing me off. "Where do you plan on riding? I will build you a medic bike based off of my model, but only if you carry all of the medical supplies in the bag. I think I saw some scraps of metal with Fathsome. If he has a motor and the basic parts, then you will have your own bike. How does that sound?" Running over to me, her hands cupped mine. Seeing her smile made it all worth it to me.

"That would be amazing, but didn't she make your bike?" She questioned intensely, dropping my hands awkwardly. "I mean, I don't want to put you out?" Shrugging, there really wasn't much for me to do around here. Waving my free hand in the air, her happy tears made all of this worth it once again. I did have a heart after all, most people struggled to see it at times.

"Of course it's fine." I uttered simply, Arty mumbling for us to shut up. "Just write down the basic requirements for it. I did have to maintain my bike when she was gone, so I can manage. My father did work at the bike factory, and I did memorize the blueprint." Bouncing off without saying a word my attention turned back to Arty, a sweet smile on her lips. Resting my hand on her stomach, the disbelief of my children growing in there scared me for a quick second. No, we would be okay. Thank you fate for uniting us. She was mine, and only mine.