Chapter Fifteen: A Botched Meeting


Cursing silently to myself, my black pencil skirt wouldn't zip up over my bump. I didn't have time for this, tears of frustration flooded from my eyes. The unfortunate part was that I lacked a wardrobe, my eyes falling on my straining bra. Sage came up behind me, picking out an emerald velvet rockabilly dress. The dress looked better, the fact that he picked it out making it special to me.

"You don't need to cry. You are growing our children in you after all." He whispered sweetly in my ear, his hand resting on my bump. "It really doubled in size, didn't it? How about your breasts?" A tender moan escaped my lips, his slender hand squeezing my breasts roughly. Melting into his arms, his fangs sank into my neck. A small pinch was all I felt, barely any blood trickled from his fangs. Licking my bite mark, his husky tone sent shivers up my spine. Must he be so attractive, my thighs rubbing together.

"I am just marking you as mine." He groaned gruffly, sliding my dress over his head. "I will be attending the meeting as well. You do need someone to protect you." Narrowing my eyes in his direction, his actions had an alternative motive. Sarcastic words sat on the tip of my tongue, Sage shooting me a knowing look. Alas, it was too late.

"Are we jealous, Sage?" I joked tenderly, his steady hand zipping up my dress with ease. "You should know that I am yours and only yours. If you don't behave, no dessert later." His eyes narrowed in my direction, his ears pinning back. Spinning me around, he fixed my sweetheart neckline. Lifting up my chin with his finger, his lips locked with mine hungrily. Melting into his arms, his chin rested on my head. Today was the meeting with everyone, the outcome uncertain. We would all be meeting at a neutral ground, my trembling hands gathering my contracts drawn up for each group. If today went well, we would clear the tunnels for the gang members to live underground as well. Perhaps one day we could all live on the surface, bunkers lacked the sunshine I loved. Blizzard and Wolfston would be joining us to relax the gang members, something feeling off. A dark omen haunted the idea of the meeting, the papers fluttered with my trembling hands.

"Let's go!" I stammered nervously, attempting not to alarm Sage. "We don't want to be late." Leading the way, we all pulled our masks over our faces. Tugging on my sweatshirt, the zipper groaned around my breasts. Crimson colored my cheeks, the memory of Sage squeezing my breasts earlier caused my thighs to rub together. Sage leaned on my shoulder with a devious grin, his hand running up my thigh. Blizzard cleared his throat, pointing to the exit.

"You guys can play later." He grumbled under his breath, his moodiness nearly as bad as mine. "I am ready to get this over with. I am not so fond of the other gangs. Their values are in the gray area." Raising my brows in suspicion, the metal rungs clanging with each of our steps. The chilly night air nipped at our skin, Sage adjusted his sweatshirt and pants to relieve his nerves. Hopping onto his bike, he got on after me. Wolfston whined as her brother climbed on after her, Blizzard rolling his eyes. His outfit matched Sage's, Wolfston wore her usual sweater and pencil skirt combo. Both bikes rumbled to life, the bag holding the contracts bouncing off of my hip. Dread still bubbled in my stomach, the scent of death was in the air. Horror widened my eyes, the village of the other gangs were burnt to a crisp. Thousands of dead bodies laid still on the ground, the crime scene reminding me of a battlefield. Tears welled up in my eyes, Blizzard and Wolfston trembling on her bike. None of this was fair! People never deserve such a fate, my fangs sinking into my bottom lip.

"Go home!" I ordered sharply, the siblings not protesting as they turned around. "Make sure no one is following you. Go now!" The engine died down, my feet touching the ground. Pressing my finger into a bit of ash, the fire had been a couple of days ago. No officers were around, the message clear. The new president had ordered this, the treaty had now been breached. Crouching close to the ground, my fingers wrapped around my staff. Ripping it out of my boot, lightning began to bounce around the sleek surface. Pushing the button on my earpiece, tears mixed with my harsh tone. It was impossible to hide my emotions, my fingers drumming on the earpiece.

"Mouse, I need the list of every gang member and their families. Can you pull up the files?" I ordered coldly, Mouse sensing that she had better not cross me. Pressing my palm to the ground, each spirit hovered in the sky. Thousands came my way, my heart shattering. Soft sobs wracked my body, this part always being the worst part of my gift. Perhaps one day all of this could stop, their final thoughts echoing in my head. The desperate pleas mixed with words of appreciation, my ears beginning to bleed. The electrical pain didn't matter, their souls were the only thing that mattered at the moment.

"Be free, my beautiful souls." I wept brokenly, all of the balls of light dancing into the inky sky. "Be free." The bodies decayed to white butterflies, the sight of a mother holding her two children snapping my composure. Salty teardrops soaked the dry sand, the three of them turning into a flurry of butterflies. The ground quaked underneath our feet, Sage yanking me onto his bike. The engine roared to life, a death toad was fast approaching. My face paled, sweat beaded on my forehead. The yellowed bones peaked out of the slimy ruby skin, inky black eyes locking on me. Green venom whizzed by my head, the damn demon was the Badland's reaper. Unfortunately for us it was an immortal being. Upping the speed on his bike, there was one way to get it off of our hair. Shifting my staff into a grenade launcher, my legs trembled as I stood up. Aiming towards the loose sand underneath the creature, Sage held up the butt of the gun. Pulling the trigger, a whistling noise echoed in my ears. The ground shattered, the toad crashing into the endless bogs of quicksand. This was why I warned them about this area, the thin land was due to crumble at any moment. Shrinking my staff back to normal, Sage helped me down. Sharp cracks echoed behind us, the whole region getting ready to turn to crumb. Upping the speed once more, a wave of relief washed over my face as we just barely made it. Driving forward, disappointment dimmed my eyes. The watch on my wrist read one o' clock, my heart sinking. We missed the appointment with the queen of the demons, my day only getting worse. The hut I grew up in peeked over the mountains, a herd of warthogs thundering towards us. Changing course to the haunted hut, he parked the bike behind the hut. Turning the engine off,our eyes followed the endless river of warthogs. A lump formed in my throat, most demonic creatures didn't run like that unless something bigger was behind it. Chills shot up my spine, the new president stepping into view. Sage covered my mouth, his navy Italian suit hugging his body. Running his hand through his slicked back hair, a shadow in the shape of a ballgown met him halfway. Folding her arms across her chest, Sage's scent overpowered mine. The pleasant scent relaxed me, his gentle aura made me want to stay in his arms for all of eternity.

"I thought you were supposed to bring them to me." He growled through gritted teeth, shooting an orange flame into the sky. "I need my sister and the White Vixen to be my bride. You didn't meet your end of the bargain, Shadia." Her ruby eyes glittered with hatred, Sage fighting to urge to punch him in the face. My tail twitched with irritation, Shadia circling him. Her eyes narrowed in his direction, her hands pressing together. What was her game? Curiosity twinkled in my eyes, my hands rubbing my bump. Why did it feel so magical to hold my bump. How could I be carrying his children?

"I was never going to bring them, Alfred." She chuckled gleefully, winking in our direction. "I canceled the meeting but I must meet the asshole who killed all of those people. Do you honestly think it is okay to kill people that way?" Clearing his throat, she did nothing as he spun an orange ax over his head. Swinging it down towards her neck, Sage protested the moment I burst from his arms. Sparks drifted aimlessly, our weapons clashing violently. Locked in our positions, his eyes never left mine. No one hurt the little guys, my conviction remained stubborn as a mule.

"So the White Vixen does exist?" He mused with a bemused grin, leaning into his attack. "You seem so familiar. We didn't grow up around each other did we?" Lightning crackled out of control, his orange flames swirled around his arms. Still not recognizing him he attempted to take off my mask. The heel of my boot slammed into his jaw, his ax clattering to the ground. Panic gripped my face, his dress boot knocked my staff out of my hand. Forming an x, his fists slammed into arms. Swinging my foot underneath his feet, my foot narrowly missed him. Leaping over him, a devilish grin curled on his lips. Charging at me, a sleek blade shimmered in his hand. Nicking my arm, Shadia popped up behind me. What was she doing! Disappearing once more, her distraction nearly killed me. Sage rolled his eyes, waiting patiently with his gun raised.

"Nice to see where it began for you White Vixen." He continued haughtily, nearly cutting me again. "I forgot to tell you, Artica. The Fire Fennec Fox demon chose me." His words broke me, my mask falling off of my face. Sage protested from his hiding spot, my stern look silencing him. This needed to happen, a seed of goodness in his dark heart.

"You were the douche who tried to rape me right at that party, weren't you?" I retorted bitterly, kicking him in the groin. "Brats like you should never have power. You just take it for granted and steal what you want! I can't stand that about your personality." Flipping over him, my hand scooped up my staff. The metallic parts clicked until it grew into my scythe, the lightning bouncing off of my skin. Tossing him his ax, surprise widened his eyes. There was no reason for him to be at a handicap, my intentions to not kill him grower stronger by the second. Catching it in his hand, orange flames roared to life. Cocking his head to the right, our weapons clashed violently. Skidding back with each swing, his power matched mine. A rush of adrenaline coursed through me, the excitement of a worthy opponent pleasing my inner demon.

"What would you know about my life?" He huffed impatiently, my eyebrow twitched irritably. "I always had to be perfect no matter what. One step out of line and my old man would beat me. I am not the psychopath you think I am. Marry me and I can prove my love to you." Tears welled up in my eyes, his words pissing me off. Lunging at him, we spun off of each other's back. A deep growl rumbled in Sage's throat, the tension brewing in the air.

"I never screwed up and they still beat me. So spare the sob story, you asshole!" I shouted passionately, my voice cracking. "I didn't murder my father. Your family did that for me, and stole any freedom I had. Fuck you for that. You can burn in Hell." His footing grew clumsy, a howl of pain exploding from his lips the moment my scythe sliced his arm off. Knocking him back with my foot, a cloud of loose sand obscured him. Confusion dawned on my face, his ax centimeters from my cheek. A bullet bounced off of it, the blade pressed to his neck. How dare he do this when I wanted to keep him alive! Were people this stupid! If he wanted to die, then he was going to get his wish.

"Do you guys get hard off pressing sharp things to my neck? Too bad you're dead!" I threatened darkly, Sunny's voice stopping me. Her ponytail bounced around, her face was exposed to her brother. Picking up his arm, she threw it furiously at his face. Stifling a laugh, her response made my dark humor rise to the surface.

"You deserve getting your arm cut off. Alfred, how could you?" She snapped hotly, rolling her eyes. "You went too far by killing our father and you know it. She is the best thing that has ever happened in my life and you want to steal that from me now. I am not marrying your fucking bachelor. I am giving you one last chance before I let her kill you. I don't care." Tears welled up in his eyes, my boots crunching towards the hut. It was up to them to work it out, my heart aching the moment I stepped over the threshold. Her preserved body remained, her dead eyes haunting me. Her brittle hair fluttered in the wind, Sunny crying out. Watching out the window, the shouting match was still going on. Tears welled up in my eyes, my attention torn in between Sunny and my past. Needing a moment to think, Sunny was losing. Skidding in between the two siblings, they both shot daggers at me. Wandering over to Alfred's gushing stump, my hands hovered over his shoulder. The wound sealed shut, the idea of making a new arm exciting the inventor in me. The blood slowed to a stop, storm clouds brewing in the sky. Heavy raindrops soaked the top of my head, his body swaying.

"Sunny, take the side with his arm. We need to take shelter." I yelled over the howling winds, mixed emotions flashing in her eyes. "We can ditch him after. I know you hate him right now but maybe we can work it out with him. You don't need to lose your entire family like I did! I don't need you to go through that." Helping me carry him into my childhood home, Sage grumbled darkly in the corner. Laying him down, my fingers traced his neck for his chip. Sage could be dealt with later, my focus on the new set of problems at hand.

"What are we going to do with him?" Sunny sobbed softly, all of his serious wounds taken care of. "I want him in my life, but I don't." Her reaction was normal, many secrets hiding in her brother's eyes. Alfred groaned in agony, my fingers searching for some painkillers in my boots. Snatching a dusty cup off of the shelf, my hand held it out of the window. Sighing deeply, the minutes ticked by slowly. Having enough water, I crouched down to his level. He was worse for wear, guilt dimming my eyes. Soon enough he would have a new arm.

"I am giving you one chance to join my side." I offered warmly, Sage rolling his eyes. "I can build you a new arm but you have to agree to my terms. This is tearing Sunny up. Think of her as your sister and not an object to be traded! Don't you g-" Raising his hand in the air, his hand pressed against my shoulder. His aura shifted to a pleasant orange, his teeth gritting in the pain.

"I get it. I will join you but I have to look like I died." He pointed out simply, pointing to my mother's corpse. "I can use my magic to severely burn her past the point of recognition. You don't care about her anyway, right?" His words stung, my lips pressing into a thin line. Tears flooded from my eyes, my claws digging into the ground. The words were partially truthful but not at the same time.

"Do whatever to her. She means nothing to me." I admitted honestly, Sage's face softened at my lack of emotion. "I don't care. She couldn't even stay alive for me. Why should I care about her? She deserves to burn in Hell. Hell wouldn't even want her. She refused to even like me before my father died. Even if she didn't hit me, her expression would say it all. I hate her with every cell of my body. Take these." Accepting the painkillers graciously, they slid down his throat with ease. Cutting open the nape of his neck, my fingers gingerly pulled out his chip. Did I really hate her that much? Well, it doesn't matter much now.

"It is a good thing that these are fireproof." I uttered simply, ignoring my seething rage. "Just leave me alone to work on this." Slicing open her neck, nausea wracked my stomach the moment the skin peeled away. Jamming the chip into her neck, my free hand searched for my emergency medical kit. Ripping out the stitching needle, I pulled the wire through the hole. Stitching up her neck, Sunny gagged in disgust. Mouthing a silent spell, her body changed to a carbon copy of Alfred. My nerves settled down at the sight of her looking like him, my history about to burst into flames. Stepping out into the storm, Sage stepped out with me. The cold rain reminded me that I was alive, my palms up to the sky. Wrapping his arms around my bump, his lips brushed against the nape of my neck.

"You can be a bit more relaxed." He comforted me weakly, irritation burning in his eyes. "You like to pick up people like they are stray dogs. What is the reason for this one?" Massaging the bridge of my nose, was he really pressing that button right now. The rain felt so nice on my skin, a fond memory of my father dancing with me only made me cry harder. A clap of thunder covered my frustrated scream, Sage clutched me close to his chest. Rubbing my back, the tears dried up. Sage was here to be my future husband, many rainstorms waiting for us to dance in in the future.

"You must think I am a monster for hating my mother." I whispered brokenly, hoping that he didn't hear me. "Most people don't understand." Shivering in his arms, he guided me. A puzzled expression haunted his face, something seeming off. He didn't kill his father, his lips pressing into a thin line. His reaction was incorrect, almost as if he was trying too hard.

"Who really killed your father?" I demanded urgently, shock twisting his face. "More importantly, why did you take the blame?" Leaning over my mother's body, orange flames claimed every inch of her. Cupping my hand over my mouth, the smell of burning flesh sickening me. Nothing, I felt nothing towards her. Large tan fox ears popped out of his head, a fluffy tan tail swung wildly. Bowing his head in shame, an inky blackness devoured his lips. Mixed emotions flashed in our eyes, a sense of relief washing over Sunny.

"It was my girlfriend." He admitted shamefully, teardrops flooding from her eyes. "She said if I loved her I would take the blame. I am sorry for being a dick, and hurting Steph in front of you. I saw you guys. I didn't do anything about it, so don't worry. Steph told me to kick her like that to make it seem like I was a jerk in front of my officers. Steph is still going to be in that prison wagon in a couple of weeks. I set it up so you would have a date to rescue her. You may have thought that everyone is against you but a lot of us are with you. I am just happy I got to be your mole in the pit of vipers. What's next?" The rain still poured, all of us leaning against the wall.

"We figure out who is in charge now, I guess?" I mumbled with uncertainty, placing my finger on my chin. "Another problem is I have to figure out another way home. Was the chance of meeting me the reason you left alone? Whatever, it doesn't matter." Pulling a map out of my boots, my palms pressed the ripped maps onto the dusty table. Tears welled up in my eyes, the memory of my mother smashing my head on the table the day after my father was killed frightening me. My claws extended from my fingernails, the wood groaning as I dug my claws into the table. The blood stain taunted me, Sage cupping my hands. His touch didn't calm my nerves, the claws ripping out large chunks of wood.

"You are okay." Sage comforted me lovingly, the warmth of his body almost relaxing me. "I am so sorry we had to shelter here. Now if we hook around here we should be undetected. I used to ride my bike out here all the time. It's kind of hard to believe that I was going near you this whole time." The rain puttered to a stop, Sage folding up the map real quick. Shadia popped up behind me, her cold hand causing me to jump ten feet in the air.

"Just call me if you need anything." She chirped cheerfully, disappearing before I could protest. First off, where the hell did she disappear for so long. Sage's bike roared to life, Sunny and Alfred climbed into the sidecar. Helping me on, his chin rested on the top of my head. Peeling into the wilderness, it was nice to go home.