Chapter Sixteen: A White Vixen Spreads her Light


Hovering in the door frame, Arty's head was buried deep into a mechanical arm. The myriad of wires confused me, several chips lined her tools. Blizzard and Dillston peeked in next to me, Sunny popping up underneath us. Setting her tool down, her head turned back to us. The smear of grease lined her cheeks, her lips curling into a crooked grin. The yellow light bathed her serene face, her real smile never leaving her face. Seeing in her element warmed my soul, the pure joy of creating things showing brighter on her face. Come to think of it, those were her favorite days when we were younger. She would come home with a box full of discarded supplies, disappearing for a couple of hours. She didn't know that I would watch her with Mouse by my side, the childlike wonder always bright in our eyes.

"I didn't know that I had an audience." She teased lightly, freedom was written all over her face. "You're all lucky that I am in a good mood today because I would have kicked you out already. Do you want to learn robotics or do you need something?" Everyone ran off except for Sunny and I, her blonde ponytail bounced as she ran up to Arty's side. Her patience wore thin on her face, her tired smile saying it all.

"Is this his arm?" She asked stupidly, Arty's eyebrow twitching irritably. "Sorry I didn't mean to annoy you with a stupid question. I came here to say thank you for not killing my brother. He acted in a misguided manner." Tugging on her rose pink sweater, she twisted nervously. Surprise widened her eyes the moment Arty ruffled the top of her head, tears welled up her eyes. The gentle way she treated everyone melted my heart, her raw beauty in the moment stunning me.

"Anything for my kitty cat." Arty chuckled lightly, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Besides, I don't kill unless I have to. Now run off and play with your Mouse." Sunny skipped out, a tender blush rising to her cheeks. Hooking out a large wire to a large battery, the skeletal arm began to twitch. Wonder glinted in my eyes, my freaking fiance was a genius. Jumping to her feet, she poked her head out in the hall. Anticipation twinkled in her eyes, her tail beginning to wag. Seeing her so happy made me chuckle lightly, her bright eyes falling back on me. A shudder of pleasure jolted my muscles, every cell in me wanting to pin her the wall. Shaking off the urge, now wasn't the time.

"Alfred! I need you." She called out, Alfred walking down the hall with his head bowed in shame. "Let's hook up your arm." Running over to him, she hooked her elbow in his. Dragging him into the workshop, she slammed him down on her stool. Unplugging the arm. She jammed it on, one of the vials of blue light rested in her teeth. Alfred trembled on the stool, her finger jamming it into the slot. His tan sweatshirt and pants hugged his slender body, his normally slicked back hair hanging wildly around his face. He really should keep his hair like that, his hair making him look quite a bit younger.

"This isn't going to hurt." He stammered nervously, a spark of lightning bouncing off my finger. "That looks dangerous." Shoving a piece of leather into his mouth, his fangs bit down cautiously. A wicked grin danced across her lips, her head cocking to the left. The inky blackness creeping into her aura caused me to take a step back.

"This will be a jolting experience." She warned a little too gleefully, her tail wagging. "Consider this your punishment for your past sins with me. So let's call it even after this!" Zapping the vial without a warning, lighting burned his skin as a steel armor folded over the corner. The leather creaked in his mouth, a stifled scream burst from his lips. The lightning died down, orange lights flickered to life. Spitting out the leather, a steady stream of curse words flooded from his lips. His lips parted in protest, her hand rising to stop him. He needed to listen, his eyes narrowing in her direction.

"Now you have to claim it as yours. Tap it once and name it." She explained calmly, still basking in the glow of her punishment. "Then you can test it out on me. Just avoid my stomach, 'kay." Shaking my head, they both looked at me. There was no way I would permit that. She was going to be my wife, and it was my job to protect her.

"I will let him test it out on me." I announce sternly, Arty putting her hands up in defeat. "I won't have you lay a hand on my mate. You did enough damage in the Badlands!" Rage burned in my eyes, my chest puffing. Wrapping her arms around my neck, her real smile quelled my anger. Alfred touched the arm once, the same robotic voice spoke up. Shuddering discreetly, her icy voice unsettled me.

"Master Alfred, what do you wish to name me?" Her robotic voice queried coldly, gears whirring. Tapping his chin, a wide grin spread cheek to cheek. Arty waited with bated breath, her tail wagging faster. If her tail were to wag any faster, she would fly straight up into the sky.

"I am going to name you Flames." He answered excitedly, Arty leaning forward. Unable to contain myself, my fingers traced the ruby sweater dress she was wearing. A small gasp left her lips, the machine speaking up once more. Her thighs rubbed together, my hands slapping her ass. A tiny yelp escaped her lips, her dripping turning into a flood. Beaming with pride, she was now under my spell.

"I am Flames. Thank you for naming me Master Alfred." She said stiffly, Arty skipping over to him. Examining his arm, she clapped her hands. Several targets lowered from the ceiling, her hand lifting up his arm. Straightening his fingers, her lips moved as she explained everything to him. Jealousy flashed in my eyes, her breasts were pressed against his body. Orange flames shot from the cannon, his grin growing wider with each shot at the target. Seeing her in this simple moment made my heart skip a beat, her natural ability to teach turning me on.

"Now let's see how your Flames hold up in a fight." She pondered out loud, turning her attention to me. "You're up. Don't hold back. I need to know if there are any kinks." Stepping up to him, a couple of pads caught my eyes. Sliding them over my hands, his fists raised up. His posture was all wrong, Arty sighing deeply. Adjusting his posture, he seemed to be a hopeless case. Tatiana rushed in with a bunch of files in her arms, Arty motioning her to the desk. The two of them were deep in conversation when his question broke me.

"Can you train me to fight? You were the best instructor we ever had in the force." He choked out oddly, my eyes rolling. "I want to bulk up. Do you think I could work out with you? I am useless like this." Gritting my teeth, his aura had softened to a pleasant violet. Taking a deep breath, it was my duty to help him. How did Arty deal with the constant attention? My desire to be left alone battled my compassion, the compassion winning the war.

"Okay. Starting tomorrow, I will be your trainer and you can't complain. For now, please throw a punch." I agreed grumpily, rolling my eyes. "Maybe Blizzard can join us as well. Is that okay with you?" Throwing a punch his arm worked just fine, the raw power causing a bruise to form. The arm wasn't the problem, raising his next swing. It was too late, his fist smashing into my cheek. The metal cut my face, an apologetic smile dimming his face. Shaking off my quiet fury, a polite smile twitched on my lips. Shaking off my fury, it would be impolite to chastise him.

"You hit well. You just need refinement." I complimented him sincerely, his boot scratching at the floor. "You didn't mean to. Why don't you go relax? The real work begins tomorrow. See you at five in the morning." Shock twisted my face, his slender arms embracing me. Standing in my spot stiffly, he sprinted off. Tatiana wandered off, Arty walking up to me. Her arms pushed up her ample breasts, my ears popping up for a second.

"I am not the only one who makes friends easily. If I am not careful I think I will have another bromance on my hands." She joked tenderly, hiking up her hem. "I think you will become great friends. He has been dying to ask you that question. I think I need a bath and I can't seem to wash myself." Her hands lifted up my tank tops, her fingers tracking my abs. She really could leave them alone, her dripping turning to a flood.

"I can help you." I growled huskily, sitting her down on the counter. "But I don't think I can make it the bathroom. I am going to have to take you right here." Rushing to the door, a sense of wickedness came over me the moment it locked. Tossing the pads aside, my jaw dropped. Her naked body already sat waiting for me, her feet swinging. Scarlet burned my cheeks, her fingers walking down to her clit. What a naughty Arty! Searching behind her, confusion dawned on my face.

"I am going to have to punish you for that." I warned lustfully, her dainty hands holding her collar. "Are you going to be a good girl and put that on for me?" Hooking it around her neck, she tightened it sensually. Teasing me with the chain, she draped it in between her fingers. My cock stiffened, my fingers wrapping around the chain. Yanking her chain, her face was inches from my face. Kissing her roughly, she cried out the moment my fangs sank into her bottom lips. Grazing her skin over her skin, goosebumps dotted her skin. Her claws ripped off my tank top, her foot pulling my shorts down. Damn this was amazing. Lust burned in her eyes, her hands rubbing my biceps.

"Bite me." She pleaded adorably, guiding my head to her shoulder. "It feels so good. Mark me as yours over and over again. I want everyone to know that I am yours and only yours." She didn't have to tell me twice, my fangs sank into her skin. Drinking her sweet blood, my hunger faded away. My name exploded from her lips with each bite, her body arching towards me. Licking her bite marks, long moans poured from her lips. Guiding my head in between her legs, she rested her heels on my shoulders. Sucking her clit, she sang my name. Hearing my name made my chest swell with pride, her next words sending me into another level of Heaven.

"Oh yeah." She gasped euphorically, my fingers sliding in. "More please, master." Her tail wagged, my fingers syncing to the same rhythm. Grinding her hips, her claws dug at the counter. A pout formed on her lips the moment I stopped, my hands wrapping around her hips. Setting her on the ground, she got on her knees. Yanking on the collar, her sweet lips took me all in. Gruff groans erupted from my lips, her tongue licking the tip at the same time. This was a new trick, my body twitching with pleasure. A new sensation of ecstasy crashed over me, her lips sucking on my tip. Damn! Her technique bound me to a state of euphoria.

"Stop it. You're going to make me cum." I whined through gritted teeth, my hand grabbing her head. Smiling devilishly at me, purrs rumbled in my throat the moment I yanked her to her feet. Bending her over the counter, her tail was wagging faster than before. Lining myself up, she cried out the moment I slammed myself in. The tools rattled on the counter with each buck of my hips, howls echoing in the room. A wicked grin darkened my face, my hand wrapping around her tail. Yanking on the chain and tail at the same time, her howls only grew louder. Flipping me over, she forced me to sit on the counter. Climbing up slowly, her hands cupped mine. My breath hitched at her defiant grin. Sinking onto me, her name slipped from me. Her breasts bounced up and down with each grind of her hips, her fangs tracing my skin. Damn it! She was teasing me. Short gasps my lips with each love bite, my hand sliding to her bump. How was it growing so fast? I didn't care, it made her sexier. A sudden oh left my lips with each lick of my bite marks, her other hand rubbing my abs. She seemed to be addicted to them, the desire to take charge switched my mood. Curling her legs around my waist, her smile grew wider as I pinned her to the wall. Her hips danced with mine, her screaming loud enough to wake a whole town. Unable to contain myself, my hot seed filled her up. Her juices mixed with my cum, her body collapsing into my arms.

"Thank you, Sage." She whispered coyly into my ear. "You were amazing as always. I love you so much." Kissing me sensually, she hopped out of my arms. Gazing back lovingly, she yanked on her dress. Picking up her mess, she unlocked the door just as I was tugging on my shorts.

"You're welcome, Arty. I look forward to next time." I returned with a goofy grin, her tail wagging. "Do you need help making dinner?" Her face fell, an irked expression meeting mine. Laughing darkly to herself, her eyebrow began to twitch irritably. Did I just ask the wrong question? Smiling anxiously, furious words were soon to bombard my poor ears.

"No, I don't think that I need it." She growled through gritted teeth, her fists clenching tightly. "The girls insist on learning to cook from me, so now every meal has become a who is going to cut themselves first game. I am good though. Thanks for the offer." She had barely taken a couple of steps before the women of the bunker glued themselves to her side. Tossing me her collar, a fit of laughter rumbled in my throat. This moment reminded me how the new recruits would do the same thing. People really liked to bathe in her light, Blizzard sprinting in. His tail wagged wildly, an evil smile lighting up his face at the sight of my love bites. Cocking his brow, he pulled me into the living room area where he had been staying with Tatiana. Alfred waved up at me, his whole body shaking. Dilly stood in the corner, a couple of beers resting in his hands. What the hell was this? I didn't hang out with other guys, the concept of a guy's night not coming to life in front of me.

"The farmer guy gave us some beer. He wanted us to test it, and we couldn't do without our brother from another mother." He sang excitedly, tossing me a bottle. "We thought we could play a game of cards while the ladies made dinner. Are you in? I see you are having fun again." My ears popped up, a snarl curling on my lips. Dilly's cow ears bounced up and down, his tail flicking around expectantly. Adjusting his brown tank top and shorts, his hand pointed to the steel coffee table. Blizzard shot me a thumbs up, his white armored sweatshirt hugging his body. Poor Alfred's eyes begged for me to sit down next to him. Plopping down next to him, he glued himself to my side. Jesus Christ! My friends were that intimidating. Passing out the cards, Alfred opted out of playing. Watching silently, the dark cloud hanging over his head scared everyone. Nudging his shoulder, his frayed nerves relaxed a bit. Blizzard took over the conversation, the hour flying by. The dinner bell rang, Alfred still acted like my shadow. Plopping down next to me, Sunny took his other side. A sigh of relief left his lips, the back of his hand wiping the sweat off of his forehead. Bandages covered the girls' hands, an agitated Arty stepping in with Wolfson. Apparently, the game had been played. The two of them passed out a beef stew, a basket of rolls resting in the middle of the table. A knock on the bunker door scared us, Arty rushing away from the table. The awkward silence ate us, a priest wandered in next to her. The chip thing wasn't a problem, the churches had been exempt from the chips. A glint blinded me, his shiny bald head proving to be the main cause. His golden mouse ears flicked, his golden eyes shining with adventure. His worn black robes danced around his feet, his short chubby body trembling at the sight of us. Cupping his hands sweetly, his quiet smile met hers. A history hid behind their eyes, a tale just begging to be told.

"They are harmless." Arty assured him warmly, sitting him at her bowl of soup. "Enjoy a nice meal and tell me why the fuck you are here. I am not getting more documents for you. Father Roland Dola, I almost died last time." Taking a bite of her soup, a quiet rage seethed in my eyes. His black lips pressed into a thin line, the spoon clattering to the table. We watched intensely, none of us finding the words to say.

"I just need this one last bit of research and it is only in an outpost not too far from here." He begged desperately, cursing to himself. "It is so that they can never do it again." A snarl curled on her lips, a tired groan escaping as she leaned on the wall. Disbelief dimmed her eyes, a scoff pouring from her lips.

"Okay, but why really need them?" She interrogated him furiously, her fist punching a hole in the wall. "Even the outposts have more guards than the jail. I don't stand a chance. More importantly, I don't care about your research. It destroyed my family, so fuck off. Have a nice meal." Stomping away, the look in her eyes told us that she needed alone time. Clearing his throat, the chair scraped as he rose to his feet. An annoyed look flashed on his face, a white chain whizzing past us. The chains wrapped around her waist, her heels digging into the ground. How could he be this powerful?

"Who fed you when your mother wouldn't!" He barked vehemently, dragging her over to him. "Who let you sleep in the church so you didn't have to go home alone! That was all me. I would bathe you every chance I got. Who visited you when they put you in the punishment box? I love you like a daughter, Arty!" Her face softened, tears welling up in her eyes. Shaking her head, the corner of her lips quivered. All of this was too much, her composure slipping.

"I am not asking for much. Besides, don't you want to know what they did to you?" He continued desperately, her fists swinging towards his face. "You always get so angry when people say they care about you. That is your one fatal flaw. You insist on taking everything on yourself, but what I see here is a group of friends who love you. You are very far from the kid who I helped. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are loved beyond belief. That's not my point. I just want to burn it all." Her lips pressed into a thin line, her palms slammed on the table. The dishes rattled, my fang chewing on her lips. Her usual polite air faded, her true emotions showing on her face.

"I don't care." She grumbled bitterly, snapping his chain. "I appreciate the help but you needn't worry yourself about the paperwork. I hope you didn't destroy the rest. I need it all to take down the current system. Tell me who the president is." A lump formed in his throat, his trembling hand picking up the spoon. Seeing the brewing rage between us, none of us could say anything to diffuse the situation.

"It is General Tackson and he is at least maintaining the laws. He wants all of the research information." He informed her briskly, taking a bite of her stew. "The citizens are thinking of revolting. What do you want me to tell them?" Tapping her chin, her tail flicked a couple of times. Leaning over the table, her stomach whined. Scarlet burned her cheeks, her eyes falling on the empty pot in the kitchen. Scooping up a roll, she tossed it into the air.

"I'll visit your next service with your damn files. Don't destroy them. I need them." She ordered sharply, taking a bite. "I will talk to them then. After that I won't be available for a while. Have a nice meal, Father." Sauntering out of the room, everyone watched the moment I stood up. Saying nothing, I took my bowl of soup with me. There was no need for her to go without a meal on his behalf. Pausing in the hallway, a dark smirk darkened my face.

"Father, you were quite rude. She had to burn her mother not so long ago, and she said she didn't feel anything but I think she did. Now whether it was anger or disappointment I will never know." I warned hotly, everyone shaking in their seats. "You will provide us dinner the day she visits. You took her meal. I am off." Knocking on the door, she was finishing up a white crane mask. This was the mask meant for Steph, a new tan Fennec fox mask resting next to her. Dropping the last diamond, she tossed it aside. Pulling out tan diamonds, she began to work on Alfred's mask. Her hands trembled, surprise widening her eyes at my presence. Taking the mask from her, sobs wracked her body. Setting the soup down next to the mask, her words broke me.

"At the time I felt nothing but now I feel everything." She wept brokenly, collapsing into my arms. "It hurt to watch her burn. She may not have always been the nicest but she was still my mother." Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, her tears soaked my shoulder. Rubbing her back, her sobs grew louder. Rocking her back and forth, my heart shattered for her. Her whole life had been a crap show on the personal front, her fake smile meaning nothing to me as she walked through the door of our home everyday. For years I watched her suffer, sometimes the way she looked alarming me. Half the time her skin was paler than a ghost, black bags haunting her tired eyes. I needed to know what they did to her. It mattered that much to me, hoping that the cure for her stomach would be in those files.

"Can you get your file for me?" I asked sincerely, hoping she would grab it for me. "I want to know what they did to you to make you so sick all the time. Then maybe we can find a cure if we know the exact formula." Her wet eyes met mine, her sad smile melting my heart. Rubbing her forehead, a tortured sigh left her lips.

"If you want. Anything for you." She agreed with an even weaker smile, her expression hardening. "Damn I'm hungry." Offering her my soup, she accepted it graciously. Taking a bite, her eyes lit up with pure joy. Smiling warmly to myself, her happiness brought me joy. Finishing half of it, she passed it back to me. Moments like this should last forever, mixed emotions flashing in my eyes.

"You shouldn't go hungry either." She chirped cheerfully, a knock interrupting our moment. Father Roland walked in with his head bowed in shame, a white box resting in his palms. Sitting on the end of the bed, her fingers cupped the box. Opening up the box, her smile brightened her face. The youthful expression on her face reminded me of a small child, the glow a different change from her usual paleness.

"You brought me my favorite cake." She wept gratefully, taking a bit of the frosting. "You are the greatest father a girl could ask for." Licking her finger, she set it aside. Embracing him heartily, he wiped away her tears. Kissing the top of her head, her expression darkened.

"No. You reek of cancer." She stammered nervously, sniffing him once more. "It's stage four which means you are going to die. Why do you want the files?" Shoving him off of her, she cupped her knees to her chest. This reaction confused me, her chin resting on her knees. It reminded me of how everyone else treated her, my thoughts falling back on Tatiana's relationship with her.

"I want you to have them all. You will find a better way to use them." He wheezed, coughing up blood. "I wanted one last time to say goodbye. My son will be leading the next sermon, so just ask him for the remaining files. He is a great kid. You two did play together. Just be happy for me. Can you promise me that?" Nodding in silent agreement, the tears flowed freely from her eyes. Getting up to leave, she leapt into his arms.

"You can't go." She pleaded desperately, refusing to let him go. "I can't live without you." Hugging her one last time, he walked out. Collapsing to her knees, my arms clutched her close to my chest. Her ears flattened, her head resting against my chest. Snores filled the air, her slumbering form laying in my arms. Resting against the wall, it was my job to protect her. My heart sank to my stomach, the aftermath doomed to be catastrophic.