Chapter Twenty-Seven: An Appointment to Keep


Alfred stood in front of me, his blood soaked body standing my black mind space. Drops of blood rained around me, his arms folded across his chest. Charging at me, his fist met my chest. Flying back, my body slammed into the wall. Sliding down, the heel of his boot slammed into my chest. The crack of my ribs shattered upon impact, silent tears stained my cheeks. This wasn't fair, my guilt ate at my soul daily as is.

"You let me die! My sister is alone now because of you!" He roared thunderously in my face, my breath shortening. "You failed as a leader. I should have stayed on the other side. You are a fucking murderer. Murderer, Murderer. Murdering." Covering my ears, a scream burst from my lips.

Jerking awake, a groggy Sage stirred awake. Gripping my chest, each breath shortened. Hugging my knees to my chest, our twins began to wail. Unable to focus, Sage ran over to the twins. His face was puffy from tears, the nightmare must have been the same. Scooping them up, he rocked them back and forth until they calmed down. Laying them down on the bed, he clutched me close to his chest. Kissing the top of my head, his mental state wasn't much better than mine. Neither of us were okay, the last mission leaving its tainted mark on our minds.

"We will work through this together." He whispered desperately, not believing it himself. "I have something for you." Pulling out the repaired mask, tears of joy flooded from my eyes. Hugging his mask to my chest, Lapine rolled onto her belly. Reaching for me, her tiny hands wrapped my thumb. Laying on my stomach, the silk of my nightgown felt soft against my skin. Her eyes twinkled at the sight of me, her laughter causing my real smile to rise.

"Maybe we could rush my heat after I am done with my plan." I suggested serenely, Sage spitting out his water. "I want to honor Alfred. Besides, seeing him die like that made me realize that I want a big family. I was thinking maybe about five." A weary smile twitched on his lips, Renard giggling as his fox ears pinned back at the same time as me. Was he okay? Did I break him?

"I think we could manage about six cubs." He admitted sheepishly, tracing my hand. "I don't care as long as I am with you. Arty, can I ask you something? How do you work through the grief? I am torn up inside." Taking a deep breath, an idea popped into my head. Popping out of bed, I tugged on a sports bra and a pair of tight shorts. Dragging their playpen to the gym, tears welled up in my eyes. Alfred's scent still remained, my heart sinking. Wandering back down the hall, a sobbing Sunny smashed into me. Mats covered her hair, an exhausted Mouse struggled to stay awake in the distance. Tossing Sunny over my shoulder, my heart fluttered at Sage playing with our kids.

"We are going to work out after I fix this." I promised sweetly, his head nodding. "We are going to beat some of the stress out of you. Can you give me a few minutes?" Flashing me his crooked smile, my attention turned back towards Sunny. Setting her down on the toilet, her blank stare frightened me. Fishing through the cabinets, my fingers curled around a bag of lavender and herbs. Turning on the water, steam curled off the surface. Peeling off her smelly clothes, Mouse stole them with her nose plugged. Mouthing a silent thank you, she bounced away to wash them. Carrying Sunny over to the tub, her non-response frightened the shit out of me. Dropping the herbs into the water, silent tears streamed down her cheeks. Pulling out my special anti-snarl shampoo and conditioner, this was going to be a bit rough. Drowning her hair in water, it proved to be a struggle to get the damn stuff onto her skull. Letting it sit for a couple of minutes, her quiet voice woke me out of my trance.

"You must think that I am pathetic. I can't seem to get myself out of bed. I don't want to eat and I can't sleep. What's wrong with me?" She wept brokenly, my arms wrapping around her shoulders. "I miss his stupid smile. I would do anything to hear his laugh one more time. I can't believe it has already been a week. Will this ever get better?" Washing out the conditioner, her mats had softened. Massaging in the shampoo, her wet eyes waited for an answer. She wasn't pathetic but a normal human being, my heart breaking for her.

"You are experiencing grief served with an extra side of depression." I comforted her gently, washing out the shampoo. "Time will heal the wound. He told us to win, right? So let's win in his honor. Wash yourself up." Passing her a washcloth, I began to brush out her mats.

"Is time the only cure?" She whined with a sad smile, my brush threatening to snap in half. "Sorry about my hair. I didn't c-" Putting my hand up in the air, a strained huh escaped her lips. Soaking my brush in the water, Mouse dropped off a rose pink sweater and white miniskirt. Working on her hair, Mouse scurried out of the bathroom. Hearing her play with her niece and nephew, a warm smile dawned on my face. Family meant everything in this crazy world, my mind falling back on a breaking Sage. This was the most stress he had been put through.

"'Call me crazy but I am going to rush my next heat after we finish up the war, and I will name my next kid after him. Is that okay with you?" I queried with a nervous grin twitching on my lips, her face lit up at my request. Water splashed onto the floor as she turned to face me, her eager eyes flickered to life for the first time in a week. Leaning on the edge of the tub, she looked like she could kiss me.

"I would love that." She gushed with an adoring expression, water dripping onto the floor. "Thank you for giving me something to look forward to." Ruffling the top of her head, she sat back down. Working through her hair, a considerable amount of time had passed. Smooth waves cascaded over the tub, a sense of accomplishment swelled in me. Stepping out, I turned my back to allow her to get dressed. Soft wool brushed against my pale skin as she embraced me , her wet hair soaked my back.

"Do you mind if I cut my hair like yours?" She begged sweetly, her hug growing tighter. Tears soaked my back, choosing to spin around to face her. Wiping away her tears, her hair wasn't my business. If she wasn't going to maintain it, that option would prove most ideal.

"Go ahead. I am sure you will look adorable. Mouse!" I called out, Mouse skipping up to me. "Cut her hair just like mine if she still desires. Save the hair, I have a person who needs it. Off you go." Hugging me one last time, she ran off with Mouse. Picking up the mess, Sage leaned on the doorway, Renard reaching for me. Rushing over to him, his squeals of joy lightened my mood. Spinning him around, his tail wagged happily. Clutching him close to my chest, his ears tickled my chin. Kissing the top of his head, he snuggled into my chest. Basking in the moment, Sage gazed lovingly in my direction. Blessed, I am so blessed. Gurgling in my ear, Renard tugged on my hair. Walking over to Sage, his free arm curled around the small of my waist. Kissing me passionately, my heart fluttered.

"Thank you for being my husband." I whispered softly into his ear, watching both ears pop up. "I love you with all of my heart." A raven feather floated in front of me, my face falling. Passing Reny to Sage, my fingers snapped. A loud thud echoed in the room the moment my staff landed in my eager palm. Catching the feather, black ribbons swirled around me. My room faded to an endless sea of scarlet pine trees and ashy dirt, midnight black water crashed behind me. My ears fluttered in the wet gust, my tail tucking in between my legs. Loud moans came from everywhere, my ears flicking in each direction. All sorts of reapers floated around me, neither of us paying any attention to each other. Lightning crackling around my skin. Fighting an oncoming migraine, Alfred danced up to me. Tears welled up in my eyes, a distinct disbelief rounding out my eyes. Sadness mixed with fear, my grip strengthening around my staff. He couldn't be real. Shaking my head, this couldn't be happening.

"I summoned you to help me with a little problem down here." He explained like nothing happened, draping his shadow arm over my shoulder. "It will gives you a reward sure to help you out with your little Mink problem." Dropping my staff on the ground, he was actually real, his pristine white suit grazed against my bare skin. Running his other hand through his wild blonde hair, his wide grin spreading cheek to cheek. Wanting to embrace him desperately, the action felt wrong.

"How are you here? More importantly, why are you here?" I stammered anxiously, so many questions resting on the tip of my tongue. "Was this a part of your deal?" Shrugging his shoulders, he spun around on his toes. This arrangement didn't seem to bother him, a nervous grin twitching on my lips.

"I suppose so. I organize their systems, and I get to help you guys whenever I wish. What could go wrong?" He sang nonchalantly, floating upside down. "Reapers are quite fun. They look serious, but man they can crack good jokes. I am waiting for my sister to go to Heaven. We promised we would go together. I always keep my word." Smiling warmly at him, my slender hand pulled him down. He still needed to focus on the task at hand, the reunion seeming surreal to me.

"I get it. We all miss you though. You had one hell of a funeral." I confided calmly, watching his eyes light up. "I will take care of her and make sure you don't see her for a while. Deal?" Offering him my hand, he shook it with vigor. Sharp rocks cut up the rough sole of my feet, the hot air lashed at my exposed skin. Floating away, my only choice was to follow him. Sprinting after him, we skidded to a stop at the clogged portal.

"I miss you all too but that is your only way out and I didn't know who else to call." He shouted over the howling winds, my eyes watching the demonic scorpion blocking the only way out. "We don't know how it got here but it needs to go. None of us can't kill and you are the only person I know with a reaper's eye. That is why you are here. I was hoping you would be wearing your usual armor." Narrowing my eyes in his directions, his worries were neither here nor there. Holding back my bitter comments, I focused on the problem at hand. Scanning it with my reaper's eye, the tail would have to go before anything else. Examining the amber exoskeleton, lightning wouldn't crack the shell, a snarl curling on my lips.

"How pray tell do I get through its shell? That exoskeleton is harder than the strongest armor." I pointed out in a huff, folding my arms across my chest. Something came to mind, another problem presenting itself. How in the hell was I going to get up there? Allowing lightning to build at the end of my staff. Jamming the tip of the staff into the ground, a ball of lightning blasted me towards the pest. Bouncing off the tips of the trees, bright green venom threatened to dissolve me into sludge. Grabbing his tail at the last minute, my bloody feet allowed me to skid down his back. Feeling for his heart, it had to be somewhere. A wicked grin danced across my lips, a vibration rattled my body. Waiting patiently for it to strike me, I leapt out of the way in time. The fine point smashed through, the shards cutting me. Spinning my staff over my head, lightning built up at the end of my staff. The damn stinger needed to get out of the way, clammy sweat drenching my skin. Raising over my head, a mere ten second window would be allotted. Slamming my staff into the open wound, my hair flew up.

"Holy Lightning of the Fox, I command you to cook this beast from the inside out!" I commanded venomously, ready to go home. A bright light bathed my face, the stinger bursting through my chest. Baring down harder, foam began to bubble around my lips. Fighting through the paralyzing pain, copper poisoned my taste buds. Twisting my staff deeper into the cooking meat, my vision blurred.

"Brighter!" I spat through a mixture of blood and foam, the heat of the lightning threatening to burn every inch of my skin. My only chance of survival was killing this thing before it murdered me. Leaning onto my staff, thousands of voices echoed in my ears. The hallucinations began, ruby painted hands clawed at me. One final shriek rattled me, the body decaying to a muddy ash. A strained shit left my lips, my body hurling towards the sand with no way to slow myself down. Using my powers crossed my mind, my body seemed occupied with saving my life. A shadow arm caught me, an excited Alfred beamed down at me. Pride swelled in his eyes, the lightning dying down.

"I knew you could do it." He shouted with a fiery twinkle in his eyes. "Get back to work everyone." The last of my bones clicked into place, the venom building in my throat. Setting me down, no one paid heed to me vomiting up the black sludge poisoning my system. Glancing down at my chest, a nasty scar throbbed violently. That was going to be hard to explain, a long sigh escaping my lips as I laid back on the hot sand. Dropping a box of high grade chemicals onto my stomach, his roughness was rather unnecessary. Rolling to my side, a nasty bruise spread in front of my eyes. Coughing up blood, my stomach needed a couple of minutes to repair itself.

"Thanks." I wheezed, feeling every ounce of pain at once. "I really appreciate it. Where did they swipe this? You can't even get this stuff on the black market. Do you know that medication that I could make with all of this?" Winking in my direction, he leaned forward with a raven feather fluttering in his hand. It pleased me to see his playful side, a warm fire burning in my guts.

"I can't tell you that except for that they are rather dead." He informed me with his genuine smile, dropping the feather into the box I was holding. "Be a doll and give this to Sunny." Dropping a letter in the box, black ribbons swirled around me. The reaper's headquarters faded back to our bedroom, the vials clanging away. Groaning in pain, I laid back down. Every muscle in my body protested at the mere thought of moving. Sage towered over me, hollering to everyone that I was okay.

"Where the hell did you go?" He queried with crooked brows, picking up the box. "Seriously, how did you get those?" Popping to my feet, my fingers curled around his letter. Sprinting down the hall, none of my muscles burned at the moment. Oh boy, this was going to sting in a minute.

"Sunny!" I cried out with my hands cupped around my mouth. "Sunny, I have a letter for you." Skidding around the corner, an alarm gripped her face at my appearance. Slamming into my body, a small whine escaped my lips. The brunt of her hug hit me right in the growing bruise, my fingers flipping her the letter. Push through the pain, I growled to myself.

"I talked to your brother and he told me to give you this. I feel like more are on the way." I sang jovially, watching her eyes shine to life. "He said something about not leaving until you are with him. He has the cool job of keeping the reapers on schedule." Ripping it from my fingers, her slender finger tore the envelope to shreds. Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks, her smile returning to its usual spot. Cupping my face, her lips kissed my forehead feverishly.

"I could marry you right now for this. He said that he was going to write me once a week." She blubbered uncontrollably, a tender blush coloring my cheeks. "He said to thank you explicitly because you are the only one who can bring them back and forth." My ears pinned back, my workload increasing. Seeing her reaction made me smile warmly to myself, her happiness making it all worth it. Chewing on my lip, Wolfston slapped a belt of ice packs over my bruise. A crooked grin illuminated her features, her greedy little fingers examining the goody box. Steph hung off of her back, the love between them rather evident. The simple joys in life should be cherished, my eyes falling back on Sage and his relieved expression.

"You brought back some good shit." She panted with pleasure, Steph kissing the nape of her neck. "Do you know what we can make with this? We could send some medicine to the orphanage. Stephy, stop it! I am going to steal this and do things." Ripping a piece of paper off the table, I pressed it into Sage's chest. If Sunny was going to write to him, everyone else could. Alfred would live for all the letters.

"I suggest you write to him every week as well." I suggested with a tired smile, rubbing my eyes. "I am going to take a nap. In fact anyone who wants to write to him, go right the fuck ahead. Goodnight." Stumbling into our bedroom, I collapsed onto the bed. Unable to move, Sage sat down on my back. Massaging my muscles, he leaned in close to my ear.

"I will help Steph with dinner, and the twins will be in the kitchen with me. Relax, my dear Arty." He whispered sensually, exhaustion weighing down on my eyelids. Unable to fight it anymore, sweet slumber stole me away.