Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Visit to the People


Holding her bowl of soup, a slumbering Arty reminded me of a fox. Setting the finished letters on the nightstand, everyone had something to say. Poking her shoulder, she jerked awake. Sitting up, a groggy yawn poured from her lips. The scar was less angry, her fingers tracing the faded lines. Peeling off the ice pack belt, a look of instant regret haunted her face. Tugging it back on, a sigh of relief bounced off the walls. That was a good call on her part, the damn bruise covering her stomach was going to take a bit to heal.

"Can you tell me how that happened?" I interrogated with a gentle tone, knowing that an intense tone would shut her down. Clearing her throat, every single movement hurt her. Accepting her soup, the spoon clanked against the bottom of the bowl.

"I had to exterminate a giant scorpion on my own. It kind of stabbed me in the chest." She explained through slurps of soup, half of me wanting to smack her while the other half was happy she was eating again. "Sorry about that. The bruise is from Alfred accidentally dropping the box on me. I will heal eventually." How could she be so nonchalant about the whole thing? Setting the finished bowl aside, her hands cupped my face. Kissing me passionately, my heart skipped a beat. Arching my body towards her, Mouse poked her head in. Low growls rumbled in my throat, my hand resting on her thigh. Why did everyone have to interrupt our evening activities?

"I wanted to thank you earlier. Sunny is doing considerably better." She thanked Arty profusely, pressing her palms together. "I will take your dishes for you and get out of your way. Tatty should be right in with Lapy and Reny." Shuffling her feet oddly, Arty opened up her arms. Leaping into her arms, Mouse refused to let go for a minute. Setting Mouse on the ground, she ruffled her hair.

"How many times do I tell you guys that you are my family? I would go to the end of the world for every single one of you." She promised in a motherly tone, cupping Mouse's hands. "Especially you, my dear little Mouse. You should know that you are my sister after all. You can always come to me for anything. You did a nice job on Sunny's hair. Do you have her hair?" Dropping in golden locks into her palm, confusion dawned on Mouse's face.

"What's the hair?" She questioned with a curious glint, Arty draping it over her finger. Laying back on the bed, the clean strands shimmered in the light. Taking a deep breath, her hand tapped the bed. Mouse plopped down next to her, the sisterly bond making my heart melt.

"I promise that I am not a serial killer. The hair is for a friend. You see, they can't produce their own children. Such a silly thing as hair gifts them children. How could I not help them out?" She returned as she laid on her side, a hopeful look shining in her eyes. "You better go get back to her before she misses you." Bouncing off, she swung herself around the door.

"A couple of my ribs are still broken." She groaned darkly, taking off her ice pack belt. "Sorry for the horror. I am going to put on a sweatshirt. They should heal by tomorrow." Horror mixed with panic at the darkening bruise, not one inch of her skin showing. Coughing up blood, inky sludge painted her hand. How could she play it off so easily?

"Apparently, some venom is coursing through me." She sighed tiredly, my concern growing. "Shit, I can't move. That's the paralyzing effect. Th-'' Passing out, my boots pounded down to Wolfston's room. Pushing the door open, Steph had her head in between her legs. A deep crimson painted their cheeks, desperately pulling her skirt down. Steph hid behind a bookshelf, Wolfston stepped out to greet me. There was no need for any shame, sex was important for most couples.

"What do you need? I am busy." She half-whispered harshly, her thighs rubbing together. "We don't interrupt you two." Clearing my throat, this wasn't how I wanted to ask her for help. Pressing my palms together, I bowed in her direction.

"I was wondering if you had any anti-venom for a giant scorpion." I begged with a nervous smile, not caring about what I had seen. "Your business is your business. Trust me, I don't care about your guys' playtime. I am happy you get to fuck all you want. I just some medicine and I will be on my way." Grumbling under her breath, she dropped a needle with a violet liquid into my palm.

"This will force the venom out, so expect a night of unrelenting vomiting." She warned me before slamming the door in my face. Wandering in to administer the medicine, the sound of puking bounced off the bathroom walls. Tatty watched the twins patiently, waving at me with a worried grin. Snatching the needle from me, she jammed it into her neck. Forcing the liquid into the veins, everything came flying back up. Smashing the needle on the floor, clammy sweat drenched her skin. Mouthing a silent thank you, another bout of vomiting kept her chained to the toilet. The whole night passed in soul sucking puking, an exhausted Arty sleeping like the dead on our bed for the next couple of days. Using her breast milk supply to feed the twins helped us all through it. Resting in the living room with everyone else, Lapy was busy chewing on a toy while Reny attempted to eat the table.

"Good morning!" Arty chirped in a chipper mood, any trace of poisoning gone. "I was wondering who wanted to come with me to drop off a new fertilizer to grow the food three times as fast while restoring the soil back to its original quality." Everyone's hands shot up, her finger tapping her nose. A small line of her yellowing bruise showed, her trembling hands tugging down her armored sweatshirt. Blizzard stepped up, the other men taking their place.

"We will deliver it. Hell, we won't even ask you to come." Blizzard proclaimed with his chest puffed out, Arty leaning on the wall. "You look like you still need some rest." Shaking her head, her staff spun in her palm. Sinking to the floor, her hands trembled on the floor. Blizzard began to load up the bags of fertilizer, Dilly beginning to help him out. Shaking her head, she hopped on top of the fertilizer. That wasn't going to fly.

"A, you need a guide. B. I will borrow Sage's gun." She asserted firmly, raising her finger in the air. "I have to explain everything to Fathy. I have to get the vegetables I grew overnight." Jumping off the wagon, she came out with a handful of carrots. Tossing me one, she winked in my direction. Just because I had a rabbit demon in me doesn't mean that I am obsessed with carrots, my brow twitching with irritation.

"You can enjoy that carrot, the fertilizer is all natural. The secret is my dried lightning." She explained excitedly, ready to show off her experiment. "I will be right back." Swiping my gun, she tucked it into the belt of her skirt. Blizzard whispered something in her ear, her temper visibly flaring. What was he brave enough to say?

"I will have you know that I was always the second best shot!" She barked hotly, growling in his direction. "The only person who always beat me was Sage. Whatever. Let's go. Expect us back by the morning." Rising to my feet, I placed the twins into their slings.

"I am coming too. We can spend the night there." I ordered sternly, Tatty running up with a diaper bag. "No, you can't talk me out of it. I would like to talk to Farthy anyway. I am sick of always staying home. I'll be taking that." Taking my gun back, her ears pinned back. There was no way in hell that I would let her go out on her own in her current state. The slight tremble in her hand and snappy attitude told me that she was still in loads of agony. Even her jumps were stiff, my concern swelling for her by the second. Rubbing her forehead, a migraine must be torturing her. Even Arty couldn't bounce back from poison this fast, inky sludge pooling in her reaper's eyes. Brushing off the tension brewing between us, she moved to the next subject.

"Don't kill my little rat chompers. Subdue them, please. They are the reason we don't have a rat problem." She commanded briskly, a small whelp escaping her lips the moment my hand grazed her stomach. Of course it still hurts, my lips pressing into a thin line. Gearing up for a fight, my next words were sure to create an issue.

"I don't think you should fight at all." I growled irritably in her ear, her eyes narrowing in my direction. "I don't care if you come but you really should let me do most of the work." Fuming silently, she pulled her mask over her face. This was the reaction I had expected. She would have to get over it, I told myself sharply.

"I have to go to see Deir. He wants to eat a meal with me. In fact, they all want to eat a meal with me. They said something about a celebration." She retorted in a harsh whisper, seconds from losing her temper. "I feel like a train hit me but all is fine. I can't not go because I scheduled it months ago. The kids love seeing me and I can't let them down. They think that we are heroes to them." Her face softened at the mention of pleasing the kids, her real smile brightening her face.

"Okay, let us take care of you." I whispered sweetly in her ear, dropping the slings with the twins over her head. "I love you, Arty." Kissing the top of their heads, her hand reached for mine. Turning to face me, her hands cupped my face. Pressing her lips into mine passionately, my body arched towards her. Letting me go, she climbed onto the wagon. Dilly picked up the wooden handles, cracking his neck. Humming over to the door, Tatty waited patiently to open the door. Taking a deep breath, we all pulled our masks down. Opening the door, musty water splashed over our boots as we piled in. Slamming it shut behind us, lights flickered to life. The lack of squeaking alarmed Arty, only skeletons of rats and her rat chompers lined the wall. Metal clanks bounced off the walls, a strangely dressed gentleman blocked our pathway. Filthy maroon hair hung over golden snake eyes, his ragged clothes draped off of his frame. Popping into the air, a curious Arty circled him. Dark liner lined his eyes, his ghostly pale skin wasn't far off from hers. Long fangs curled in instead of over his inky black lips, his neon green snake tongue flickered out of his mouth. Lifting up his hair, maroon scales lined his cheek bones. What was she doing?

"You ate everything." She mused oddly, peeling out a knife from her pocket. Feeling his neck, his grubby hand slapped her hand away. Stepping back, she tapped her chin. Rolling up his sleeve, a moving snake tattoo danced up his arm.

"You must be a survivor from the attack on the gangs. Judging from the tattoo, you were from the Slithering Snakes." She continued, ignoring his growing rage. "That means you have been living in these tunnels for quite some time. I have an offer. I have food and shelter if you join me." Pinning her to the wall with triple speed, her eyes rolled.

"Why would I serve you?" He hissed venomously, his fangs brushing her skin. "I could poison you all over again. My venom is twice as powerful as a giant scorpion. If you want to play b-" Placing her palm in front of his fangs, a drop of venom burned her skin. Smiling warmly in his direction, confusion dawned on his face. All of us watched with bated breath, the tension hiding underneath her brilliant smile.

"I would retract your little fangs. They don't scare me, considering I guided you to the safety of the Badlands. Not once did I ever come down on you. That was the new guy." She threatened in a sickly sweet tone, all of us shrinking back including him. "Tell me, Rattler Venom, what is your answer?" Dropping her to the ground, she grumbled under her breath.

"I don't suppose it would hurt." He gave in, helping Arty to her feet. "You know what that means. You have to bite me to dominate me." Offering out his arm, her fangs grew over her lips. Taking a deep bite, the venom built up in her mouth. An inky fox ran onto his arm, the snake now hanging limply in its mouth. Spitting out the venom, he tossed her the antidote. Drinking it down, his venom didn't take effect at all.

"Now that is settled, we will have a uniform waiting for you. They are quite comfy and surely better than those rags." She promised him sincerely, pulling a blank black mask from the wagon. "Put this on so no one recognizes you. Welcome to the family." Gagging as she climbed back on, he hung back. A sigh of relief poured from my lips, the fact that he had her bite him proved his loyalty. That vow of servitude forbade him from killing anyone of us, especially her. His cold nature would eventually soften around her, his eyes falling on me. Every move was calculated, her words manipulating him into her will. Cupping her head for a moment, we moved forward. Stopping at the underground city's door, she hopped off. Landing gracefully, her lips brushed against the tops of our twin's head. Deir opened the door, latching onto her leg. A sea of children surrounded her, all of them cooing at Lapy and Reny.

"Hello, my children!" She greeted them with a wild grin, hugging every single one of them. "I don't mind you huddling around me but we must be careful of my little ones. You were this tiny as well. For some of you it was a long time ago. Shoot, where is it?" Fishing around the wagon, a wool sack swung in her hands.

"I come bearing gifts." She announced in a vibrant tone, the color returning to her face. Passing out individual stuffed animals matching each of their personalities, Rattler stepped up next to me. Unfolding his arms across his chest, she tossed him a maroon snake. If this didn't soften him, then I don't know what would.

"I see it now. She is as pure as they come." He admitted sheepishly, Dilly setting the wagon down as Blizzard shut the door behind us. "She built all of this and my father didn't want any of this. Was she the pretty lady who guided us to our home? I was only ten at the time so I didn't appreciate the gesture. How stupid was I? Was she torn up by the damage? Shit, she must have been. They came out of nowhere and we had nowhere to run. I ate everything in your sewer, and I am sorry about that. I lay down some human safe venom so the rats don't return. They were really fucking irritating me. Can I tell you something?" His eyes glistened with tears in my direction, my heart shattering for the traumatized young man.

"You can tell me anything as long as you don't bite me." I joked lightly, hoping to brighten his mood. "Spill the tea, my dear friend." His eyes flitted between the makeshift huts and vendor carts, a dull wonder twinkling in his eyes.

"My father said to look for the White Vixen while he lay dying. I saw her send all of those poor souls into Heaven." He chatted with a sad smile, touching his hand. "I couldn't believe her generosity. She could have ran but risked everything to save their souls. I owe so much to her." A tap on his shoulders made him jump ten feet into the air, a bubbly Arty holding a white wool blouse and thick onyx pants. A rough towel hung off of her arms, a pair of worn boots swung in left hand. Shoving them into his arm, a gracious smile spread across his lips.

"The best part about this place is the natural springs in the back. Go get freshened up and Deir will bring you to me." She assured him kindly, fighting the urge to pass out. An eager Deir popped up, taking Rattler's hand. His wild hair bounced with each skip towards the supposed springs, her hand rubbing my shoulder.

"Meet me by the springs later and we can have some fun. Blizzard said that he would watch them for a couple of hours. He kept saying something about how parents deserve a break." She whispered seductively in my ear, rubbing my stiffening cock. "You need to experience the spring in a way that only I could show you." Fathy called for her, Arty running off to consult with him. Ditching me with the boys, the children stared at us. Their parents called for them, their tiny feet bouncing away. Turning towards Blizzard, a silent huh left my lips. Shooting me a naughty wink, he backed away. Dilly dragged him away, ditching me with myself. A shy girl with reddish brown bunny ears peeked out from behind a pole, her golden eyes twinkling with a fresh curiosity. Sage cotton fluttered in the wind, a pair of worn brown boots caught my eyes.

"I don't bite." I urged with a friendly smile, reaching out my hand. "I am a gentle giant. They call me the Rabbit." The little girl sulked out, her eyes never leaving the ground. Taking my hand reluctantly, her reddish brown waves hid her eyes. Crouching down to her level, my finger lifted up her chin.

"You are my hero." She stuttered nervously, her whole body trembling. "My name is Ginger Radish. Can I touch your ears? I have never seen someone like me." Offering my ears to her, a bright smile illuminated her features. Holding them for a moment, her laughter twinkled in the air. Someone called for her, her boots clicking away. My heart fluttered at her joy, my eyes scanning the bustling crowd. Pure happiness radiated from everywhere, the prosperity was a model of her dreams. The scene was magical, the city never reaching this level of potential. No wonder why Arty was proud of what she has accomplish, the high of being a kid's hero making it all worth it.

"Hey, sexy." Arty teased sensually, snapping me out of my trance. "This is what I want for our city. Less darkness and more prosperity. We have some free time, do you want to have fun?" Not letting me respond, my eyes fell on Reny and Lapy in Blizzard's arms. Shooting me a thumbs up, a cleaned up Rattler wandered in the direction of Deir's parents' home. Dragging me through the crowd, she skidded to a stop in front of steaming water. Locking the door behind her, she pulled on a cord. Privacy walls crashed down, her slender hands peeling off her clothes. Working on mine, my uniform fluttered to the side. Pinning me to the wall, her hands rubbed my muscular chest. Sinking down to her knees, her sweet lips took in all me. Sucking harder than usual, gruff groans poured from my lips. Grabbing the top of her head, waves of euphoria crashed through me. Focusing on the tip, my body trembled under her magic spell. Her tongue flicked underneath the head, my groans growing rougher.

"Arty, that feels so freaking good." I moaned lustfully, wanting more. "Keep going." Going faster, her hips bucked with every suck. Pulling her up, our bodies pressed together. Feeling her ample breasts against my firm chest made me harder, her lips locking with mine hungrily. Guiding me towards the spring, her tongue danced in my mouth. Wrapping her legs around my waist, our urges took over. Lining myself up, my name burst from her lips the moment I jammed myself in. Holding her against the wall, our hips ground to the same rhythm. Short gasps escaped her lips, the gasps turning into full blown screams.

"Keep going, Sage." She huffed in a daze, reaching down to my balls. "I am going to play." My lips parted to speak, her fingers moving my balls around just right sending my nerves into a frenzy. Grazing her neck with my fangs, a scream of pure joy bounced off the walls the moment I pierced her skin. Biting her all over, her body shivered underneath me. Flipping me onto a submerged chair, her hands rubbed my muscles slowly. Sinking onto me, she bounced up and down. Guiding my hands up to her swollen breasts, every rough squeeze made my toes curl. Sliding my hands down to her hips, she cried out my name as I bounced her up and down.

"More." She whimpered while biting her lips. "I need more." Leaning down to bite my neck, her name flooded from my lips the moment she broke my skin. Gulping down my blood, my body arched towards her. Sinking further into the wild sensation of my ecstasy, she rolled underneath me. My breath hitched at the pure beauty, her ears floating on top of the water.

"What?" She asked innocently, her ears pinning back. "What are you looking at?" Refusing to answer her, my hands ran up her thigh. Flipping her over the back of the chair, her wagging tail created several waves. Lining myself up, my name echoed in my ear the moment I thrust into her. Feeling her walls hug my thick girth sent chills up my spine, every wild buck sending us closer to our climax.

"Fill me up, Sage." She pleaded lustfully, seconds from climaxing. "I need you to cum at the same time." Thrusting a few more times, my hot seed filled her up as she cried out. Collapsing onto the back of the chair, my body draped over hers.

"God damn it!" I exclaimed in disbelief at how amazing that was. "This spring really does bring it out of you." Too high in the post sex daze, she could only wag her tail. Flipping her over to face me, pure relaxation mixed with the ultimate pleasure had melted her into a puddle.

"I love you, Sage." She panted gleefully, allowing me to clutch her close to my chest. "You are a fucking beast." Resting her head on my chest, snores echoed in the air. Sweet slumber had stolen her away and thank goodness. Her sleeping schedule had been less than ideal as of late. Letting her sleep in my arms, Blizzard knocked on the door. Getting her dressed first and then myself, I let him in. The twins wailed in his arms, a desperate look burned in his eyes. Arty snapped awake, scooping them up. Soothing them in a second, Blizzard apologized to her profusely. Waving her hands around, the situation was settled in seconds. Smiling warmly to myself, I prayed to the Lord that her dream could come true.