Chapter Twenty-Nine: Rattling to the Rescue


Stepping back into our bunker, Rattler glanced around. Flicking out his tongue, an anxious grin twitched on his lips. Everyone else carried the wagon to the kitchen to put everything away, Sage lingering for a minute. Mouse ran up to us, her arms reaching for the twins. Passing them to her, her real smile lit up her face. Sunny popped up behind her, her throat clearing. Somebody wanted some aunt time, excitement glittered in their eyes. These kids were going to have the greatest family, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I am sure you guys want some rest." Sunny commented lightly, kissing their foreheads "We have them for a couple of hours. Do with that as you wish." Going off towards their bedroom, the twins' laughter twinkled in the air. Sage pinned me to the wall, his lips brushed against the nape of my neck. Ever since Sage found out he could still talk to Alfred, his sexual needs had increased. Sliding his hand down my shirt, he squeezed my breasts. Throwing me over his shoulder, he carried me to the workshop. Locking the door behind him, his excited hands slid my skirt down. Ripping off his own clothes, he focused on my sweatshirt. Grabbing me by the small of my back, the rest of my clothes were soon on the floor. Tracing his fangs along my breasts, my breath hitched. This was a new move, the pleasure proving to be immeasurable. Stopping at the swollen nipple, his lips wrapped around them. Sucking out the milk, the pressure soon became relieved. Long moans poured from my lips, the sensation becoming too much. Writhing underneath him, he got on his knees. Sucking on my swollen clit, my dripping became a flood. Sliding his fingers into me, his fingers synced in rhythm. Shit! His touch was perfection.

"Sage! Sage!" I cried out euphorically, sinking into ecstasy. "Stop. You are going to make me cum." It was too late, the floodgates had been opened. Grinning ear to ear, he pulled a collar out of nowhere. Clicking it around my neck, he forced me onto my knees. Shivering with excitement, he yanked on the chain. Such moments made me melt into a puddle, both of us pausing for a second.

"You have been a bad girl and bad girls need to be punished." He demanded forcibly, my thighs rubbing together. "Suck me." Taking all of him in, my ears flattened. This was so much fun, I thought blissfully to myself. Focusing on the tip, gruff groans bounced off the wall. Cupping his balls, they pulsed in my palm. Spinning them around as I went all the way down, my name bounced off the wall. Glancing up at him, our eyes met. The daze in them must mean that I am doing okay, my tongue licking length. Shivering with euphoria, his hands gripped the chain tighter.

"Am I doing okay, master?" I asked with a sly grin, his ears popping up. Wagging my tail, his hand grabbed the top of my head. Moving my head back and forth, my name bounced off the walls. Yanking me up by the chain, his lips smashed into mine roughly. Biting my lips, all the breath left my body. Rubbing my body with his hands, he stopped at my flat stomach. What was going on with him?

"I know I can't breed you right now but I am going to fuck you like I can." He growled huskily in my ear, his lips kissing the nape of my neck. "Is that okay with you? I want to pump you full of my seed." Nodding shyly, he dragged me over to my workbench. Bending me over, he had a firm hold on my chain. Jamming himself into me, a scream burst from my lips. My claws dug into the wood, Sage grinned with pride. Every wild buck sent me into another level of euphoria, his fangs sinking into my tender flesh. Biting me over and over again, the love bites made me crave more. Flipping me over, he sat me on the bench. Pulling me to the edge, his thick cock dripped with my cum. Sliding into me, his slow deliberate movements sent me over the edge. The wood groaned underneath my strengthening grasp, his lips pressing against mine hungrily. Refusing to let me go, his tongue danced in my mouth. Lifting me up, his thick girth throbbed in me. Pressing me against the wall, my legs curled around his waist. Grinding with him, he could barely hold on. Our rhythm seemed natural like our relationship.

"Arty, you are going to make me explode if you don't stop." He growled with a goofy grin, his hands holding my hips. "I am supposed to make you happy, my dear." Shrugging my shoulders, his hands moved my hips for me. Pointing to the couch in the corner, he understood. Laying down, he draped the chain over his fingers. Sinking onto him, the chain tightened to a tight line. Bouncing up and down, his other hand played with my breasts.. Pale tissue oozed out of his fingers, my real smile couldn't leave my face. Shit! We should have been doing this for our whole lives. Reversing my direction, his hand slapped my ass with every bounce. Shouting his name into the walls, the couch groaned as he sat up. Holding me by hips, the desire to pleasure me overtook him. Lifting me up down like I weighed nothing, his cock throbbed three times before his seed filled me up.

"It's a shame I can't get you pregnant. I loved pregnant sex." He sighed jovially, his post sex haze taking over. "I want so many kids." Collapsing down next to him, honesty had rested in his words. Resting my head on his chest, he kissed the top of my head. Rubbing his chest, his muscles were so mesmerizing. If only life could always feel like this all the time. I had always wanted a big family but voicing it to him was hard.

"I was thinking of six kids." I returned anxiously, his grin growing wider. "I am sorry. Is that too many?" Pulling me on top of his chest, his hand cupped my cheek. Snuggling into his palm, his other hand wiped the blood off of my lips. Licking it off, his goofy grin refused to leave his face.

"I would give you twenty if it made you happy." He mused playfully, kissing me passionately. "I want seven personally. Would you give me that?" My thighs rubbed together, the thought of being pregnant made me want more sex. Imagining myself with a round bump, his loving gaze never left mine. A loud knock interrupted my train of thought, the both of us tugging back on our outfits. Fixing my wild sex hair, he unlocked the door. A distraught Rattler hovered on the outside, his eyes falling on my fresh bite marks. Cocking his brow, he shook off his initial reaction.

"I am going to assume you just had a good time but I need your help. I picked up my girlfriend and she is in the grasp of Mink." He blurted out desperately, pressing his palms together. "I need your help. Can we go get her?" My lips pressed into a thin line, his wet eyes made it impossible to say no. Fixing my outfit, I knocked on Mouse's door. The girls were playing with the twins, neither one looking up as I hijacked her computers. Opening up a hacking program, Mink wouldn't bring the fight to the city. Typing in code after code, a red dot blinked in the area with the summer cottages. Writing down the coordinates, confusion dawned on his face. Disabling the connection, his head shook violently. What part of family did this guy not get?

"This is a trap and you know it. I c-" Stopping him for a moment, I raised my hand. He was a part of my family, and he didn't deserve any less. Picking up Mouse's mask, I tossed it into his hands. Rising to my feet, my eyes scanned the room. Sage already had his mask pulled down, Rattler flipping her mask in her hands. Help must not have come his way in his sad childhood, the snake gang not open to being loving and compassionate towards their own.

"You are family and I wouldn't do any less for you. I may not be able to kill her but I can learn more about her fighting style. Besides, the point is to rescue your girlfriend and not to kill her." I promised him sweetly, Sage wrapping his arms around my shoulder. "He can guide us there. Mouse, can you watch the twins for a day? We should be back by dinner. The cottages aren't but more than a half a day away from here. Right, Sage?" Kissing the top of my head, he stepped out in front of me. Folding his arms, his powerful energy swirled around him.

"I can get us there in three hours with my short cut." He informed us with a crooked grin, pulling me in by my waist. "You have to listen to me though, Arty. If I tell you to pull out, you fucking pull out. I know how you can get it. Let's go, kid." Checking to make sure my staff was in my boots, Rattler adjusted Alfred's old uniform, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. Clearing his throat, so many words rested on the tip of his tongue.

"She is using the venom we call the Beast." He informed me softly, my eyes lighting up. "If she keeps using the Beast, her heart will fail. Then again, she is mostly a robot. I can make an antidote for you to bring her back down to your level again. If we are speaking strategy, then you should use your lightning in the back of her neck. The central system is there. It would only short circuit her." My jaw dropped to the ground, my arms yanking him into a tight embrace. Holding him by his shoulders, he was the key to unlocking my current problem. Why couldn't I figure that out before? I thought I knew of every poison.

"I am so happy I could kiss you right now but I won't." I exclaimed with my biggest grin, spinning around. "I am assuming you were her drug dealer." His tongue flicked out his mouth, his sly grin answered me loud and clear. All jazzed up to go, we couldn't get there fast enough. Pulling her mask over his face, he was ready to go. Fist bumping him, our friendship was going to be fun. Insane grins twitched on our lips, his fingers dropping a couple of white pills into our palms.

"These are antidote pills that cover every poison possible. You're welcome." He bragged gleefully, running towards the exit. "That is except for the Beast, of course. Whose counting? Let's go. I have to get my girl." Seeing him smile melted my heart, Sage tickling me. Squirming, he spun me around. Pinning me to the wall, his lips kissed mine sensually. Resting his hand on my stomach, he really wanted more children. Rattler cleared his throat, Sage letting me go. Leading the way, he helped both of us up. Checking on his mask one last time, he placed it in the right position. Starting his bike, a sidecar popped up. Climbing in, Sage yanked me in front of him. Typing in the coordinates, he fixed the route. Eager to ride his bike, the mission provided that for him.

"Are you ready, Arty?" He queried sweetly, placing my hands on the handles. "I am going to teach you to drive, just in case. My bike does need to make it back. Pay attention." That was going to be a bit difficult, a new invention was swirling in my mind. Taking off, we sped on the rough route he had mapped out. Rocks jolted us around, the desert turning into a charming seaside. This was unreal, the one percent living in the lap of luxury. Low growls rumbled in my throat, the distance between the houses becoming further. Angry waves crashed onto the golden sands, the energy matching mine. Pulling up to a sea of unkempt shrubbery, the engine died down. Hiding his bike, the side card folded away. Pulling out his gun, he counted the number of officers. About half of the force was outside of the place, her usage of them proving to be a bit excessive.

"No killing them." I ordered sharply, Rattler shifting through the tablets in his pockets. "Is that understood?" Pulling out a sparkling pill, he swallowed it. Watching it slide down his throat, he let the smoke build in his mouth. Holding out his palm, he mixed the ocean breeze with his own gust. Blowing out a cloud of ruby toxins, a red snow drifted aimlessly. The officers dropped to the ground, his proud expression meeting mine. What fresh hell was this one?

"That is a sleeping toxin. They should wake up by dinner." He assured me, the three of us charging ahead. Climbing the marble wall, we stepped over the slumbering guards. Cameras hissed around, Rattler disappearing. A blur of maroon and tan smashed the cameras down, the lights flickering out in the marble fortress. Kicking a window, glass shattered onto the onyx floor. Stepping through, it was suspiciously quiet. Keeping his gun raised, Rattler spun his blade in his palms. Taking out my staff, lightning crackled to life. The red snow began to flurry in, the officers dropping to the floor. Sprinting down the hall, we skidded to a stop in front of two large oak doors. Kicking the doors open, Mink rested on a throne of metal skeletons. No shock came to my mind at the grotesque throne displaying her insatiable appetite for power. A petite woman sat at her feet, golden snake eyes meeting mine. Fangs curled over her black lips, violet scales lined her cheeks. Neon green waves cascaded down her back, a golden bikini hugged her hourglass figure. Rising from her chair, she slid her over to us. I suppose she was simply the bait, her trap playing out flawlessly.

"You did your job. How is it going, Rattler? I need some more of that drug. I appear to be running low." Mink commented pleasantly, pulling her fans from her golden silk robe. "White Vixen! You made an appearance. Shall we fight?" Charging at me, one flick sent a wall of blades towards us. Rattler stood next to me, his blades defecting them all. Sage attended to the poor victim, the doors slamming shut behind us. Defeating her was the only option now, my heart rate picking up.

"I will distract her if you can disable her." He whispered into my ear, her wrists releasing another wave of blades. Sliding underneath her attack, her heel smashed into my nose. The crack alarmed me, blood pouring onto the floor. Crashing into the wall, I struggled to my feet. Something else was wrong, the force of her hit causing my vision to blur. Switching her attention to me, a blast of wind knocked her fans out of her hands. Clattering to the floor, another blast of wind shattered them. Running at her, my lightning fizzled out.. My staff shrank back down, all of my power draining. How was this happening! Shoving it into my boots, a black pearl shimmered in her fist. Sprinting at me, Rattler couldn't use his magic without hurting me. Smashing into my arm, the bones shattered. Sage shot off a barrage of bullets, none of them getting close to her. Picking me up by my throat, she pinned me to the wall. The odds weren't in our favor, terror rounding my eyes. Think through this like the leader you are, damn it!

"I want you to be my pet. I may want to eat you but a little session wouldn't be out of question." She laughed maniacally, running her hand up my shirt. "Such a beautiful body, so covered in scars. Stopping on my breasts, she gave a rough squeeze. Terror rounded my eyes further, my face paling. Clammy sweat drenched my skin, her fingers pulling down the strap of my tank top. Lightning crackled on my finger, her eyes catching it. My ears pinned back, a tense moment passing between us. Moving my arm as fast as I could, my finger touched the back of the neck. Grabbing my arm, the raw strength snapped the bone with a loud crack. Seizing violently, her fingers dropped me. Crashing onto the floor, everything hurt like hell. My bones fused back together, the muscles groaning back. Thank goodness for my limited healing ability. Grabbing my nose, I jammed it back into place. Rising to my feet, I offered my hand to the five foot woman. Huffing from the exertion of healing, she held it close to her chest. Was I that freaking scary? I was here to save her, damn it! Shaking off my irritation, the sole purpose was to bring back his girl.

"Hello, I am the White Vixen. Rattler over here wanted me to rescue you. He said something about you being his girlfriend. Would you like to join my forces? I can make you any weapon you want." I introduced myself kindly, my body swaying. "I promise I won't bite." Accepting it cautiously, Rattler took off his mask. Leaping into his arms, she kissed him feverishly. Burying her head into his shoulder, Sage examined my body. Unzipping my sweatshirt, he fixed my strap. Clutching me close to his chest, he kissed the top of my head. Bless me for having the perfect husband, the sweetness of his actions making my heart flutter. Tossing me over his shoulders, he turned to Rattler. Determination mixed with a calm panic, his mind flicking through the options.

"We have about ten minutes to get out of here before backup gets here." He warned him icily, his girlfriend dropping to the ground. Placing her hand on the floor, a crack started to appear underneath her palm. Mouthing a silent spell, Rattler realized what she was doing. Tossing her over his shoulders, the boys jumped out the nearest window. A large piece of marble crashed down in front of us, the two of them hopping on. Sledding to the bottom of the property, we crashed into a tree. Popping to our feet, a rain of metal blades whistled in direction. His girlfriend stomped her foot on the loose dirt, all of us flying up with a bunch of rocks. One swift swing of Rattler's blades sent the rocks towards the growing pile of rubble, Sage catching me before I hit the ground. Using the chaos as a way out, he hopped onto his bike. Pulling me on, a sidecar unfolded itself. The engine roared to life, the tires squealing onto the road. Revving up the speed, bullets whistled by our heads. Their aim was getting deadly accurate but not as great as Sage's. Borrowing his gun, I stood up. Aiming for the front of their bikes, one swift tug on the trigger sent a bullet into my targets. A sensor beeped, the officer jumping off. A bright blast allowed us to escape, Sage sitting me back down. Mouse came over the headset. Her voice sounded like Heaven, the sound of her chewing in her earpiece didn't insult me.

"You have a roadblock ahead, so I would change routes." She suggested calmly, a map glitching to life. "Sage, do you know this route?" Saying yes, he took a sharp left turn. Rattler hung onto the side. Driving through the thick trees, we bypassed the impressive roadblock. His trembling hands shutting his bike down inside of a cave. Rattler's girlfriend moved a giant rock in front of the opening. Telling Mouse we would be back in the morning, she said that our twins would be taken care of. His girlfriend rose to her feet, her throat clearing. Nerves weren't necessary with me, my arms were always open to those who needed help.

"I am Venomera Bites, your new associate." She chirped cheerfully, her face falling. "Do you mind helping me out with something? A couple of my friends were sent to some sort of farm ten miles from here. Can we save them and find them a place to stay?" Pressing her palms together, it seemed like I was never going to get home. Going home seemed like the carrot dangling in front of me, the plushness of my mattress calling out for me. Sitting down on a nearby rock, one clap of hands sent a ball of lightning into the center of the room. Illuminating our faces, her wet eyes met mine. How could I refuse the person asking for help? What did I learn from the academy if I didn't abide by the rules.

"Please help me. I heard you had a village somewhere where they can have a peaceful life." She pleaded brokenly, her broken chip resting in her palm. "I broke this when you were fighting Mink." Folding my arms across my chest, my powers were just barely returning. Rattler embraced her from behind, his lips brushing against the top of her head. Shooting me a desperate look, they were my family after all. Crossing my hands, the thought of those people suffering drove me towards my answer. So many questions needed to be answered, the most important one was getting home.

"I guess but we have to wait until my powers return. I am assuming that you were in one of these farms with them. Do they have any officers?" I questioned with a slight snarl, Sage placing his mask on the top of his head. "I need details to figure all of this out. How do you suggest we bring them home?" Rolling her eyes, she marched up to me. Yanking me down by my collar, determination burned in her eyes. Her fire matched mine, her golden heart begging for help.

"I happen to know the forgotten tunnels of my people which lead to your precious little bunker!" She snapped hotly, her venomous spit burning my skin. "I need to know that my friends will be safe." Taking a deep breath, I shoved her off of me. No one pushed me around, especially if I was aiding them. The question proved to be a simple but necessary one. Not wanting to be on edge, several deep breaths poured from my lips. My skin healed over, her bare feet marching back and forth. Taking off my sweatshirt, I placed it on her shoulders. Trust came harder to me but my faith in her shouldn't be misplaced.

"That works for me. Take my sweatshirt, you are shivering." I sighed tiredly, my hands resting on my flat stomach. "Now get some rest." Sage pulled me into a warm embrace, Mouse's keys clicking away. My favorite little sister toiled away, finding the information that I needed.

"There is a farm ten miles away. The guards there don't have a chip. They must be an elite force." She explained calmly, a slight stress showing in her tone. "Be careful." Moans bounced off the walls, the other two seeming to be missing. Cocking his brow, he slid his hand up my skirt. Scoffing at them sorting out their stress, Sage seemed just as eager.

"Maybe we can have fun." He growled huskily in my ear, pressing his chest against my back. My thighs rubbed together, his fingers centimeters from my swollen clit. A lump formed in my throat, knowing full well what he wanted to do.