
"Welcome home!" Mr. Park greet his youngest son who just recently arrived, Justin smiled at his father. "How's school today?" He ask then remove the apron wrapping around his body. "Samuel hyung you give him his task today just to be with Dylan hyung." Justin reported while sitting on the floor just to remove his shoes, his father chuckled then ruffle his son hair. "People who in love really would do anything, oh by the way tell your friends were going have a party for your birthday." The youngest Park groaned then fix his hair, "Why tho? I thought we have a family dinner?"

"Your mother can't come." His father said making his mood to change, it's always the same His mother don't have time for them. "She always he prioritize her work over us." He mumbled but hear enough by his father, Mr. Park sighed as he son walk pass on him. "Call me if dinner is ready." Then go to his room.

"Have you invite your friends." Herald ask his younger brother who silently eating in front of him. "I'll invite them tomorrow." Justin answered then continue on eating, "Come on my brother, aren't you excited for your birthday? Finally you gonna meet your soul mate." The older put his hand towards his younger brother shoulders, "maybe she will love you too."

"What if is a he?" Justin ask making his father and brother frozen, he really hoping Yasser would be his soulmate. Justin can't love others except the younger male, even though he was trying to move on but he still slightly wishing it but if not destiny is really sucks to him. Mr. Park took a second to think before answering his youngest son. "It's not impossible, your grandpa said he has a uncle with a male soulmate. Go on finish your food then do your homework before sleeping" He smile, Justin muttered a yes then continue eating again.

The next morning, the student council are busy to prepare everything for welcoming the transfer students. "Ricky please your not part of the council so I can't excuse you to just flirting with John." Justin was so stress, first waking up early than his alarm clock then his friend of his bugging him to make him excuse from their first class which is Calculus, knowing their teacher love surprise quizzes. "I'll help promise!" Ricky insisted.

He sighed, "ask Sian to make you an excuse letter." Pointing the secretary who silently sitting on his place beside the treasurer. They are currently at the office with for the other officers who fetch the transfer students. "Donny hyung are gonna be the one who assigned to tour them on the school campus?" He ask the older male beside him, Donny scratch the back of his neck. "About that can you replace me? I promise Shun a lunch last week I forgot to told Samuel hyung about it. I'm sorry, Jus. " Justin felt he have no choice, "fine but you owe me one this time." The older male nod as an agreement.

After a minute a knock got their attention, especially Justin who keep memorizing supposedly Samuel's speech for welcoming new students. "Come in," Sian sleepily muttered, as the door open Junel revealed himself. "They are here."

"Wait for me there, " the vice president stand up and fix his clothes, after getting his phone he glare at Ricky who feeding John, "tell Yasser that I can't have lunch with him today, I have to tour the new students." The other nodded as a response give back his attention to the baby he was feeding, Justin sigh then go out. Junel gave him a small smile as he close the door. "Hello! Welcome to YG academy," he greeted the new students at some of them are not give him attention most especially the tallest one who keep looking at their phone. "I'm Justin Park, the vice president of student council. Our president have an important business." Yeah taking care of his boyfriend' "So I'm to tour y'all, did already get your schedule?" He ask.

"Yes, the principal gave it to us." The small one with a cute fluffy cheeks answered, Justin as surprise he can speak korean properly. "By the way I'm Keita, this one beside me is Mashiro

And this is Shohei. If you think they are both cute but they can bite you," he laugh then look at the taller one who still stuck at his phone. "Hey Travis, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Keita said, "You already mentioned my name what's the point." The other replied in Japanese so that Justin and Donny couldn't understand.

"I'm sorry for him, maybe he woke up on the different side of the bed." Mashiro uttered giving him a small smile. The vice president glance at the taller Japanese for that last time, maybe it just him but he can feel some bad vibes toward the other. "So let's go?"