"Hyung, you know your family has a weird thing for soulmate thingy," Yasser mumbled as Justin was trying to explain everything to him. "Seriously you don't have a right to choose who were the one for you." His nose scrunched as he keep was trying to remove the beans from his soup because he doesn't like it, the older listen to his rants. "It's like a curse or something, good thing our family doesn't bless by some witchcraft that why we're free." He sarcastically said making Justin groaned in annoyance, "Yeah, that's why your still single ass." The older commented, Yasser pouted then throw the tissue on his face. "Yah! I was waiting to the right man or woman to come."
Justin laughs, he really love teasing the younger because he was so adorable when he was angry. They are been best friend since diaper days cause Mrs. Park and Mrs. Kim was best friends during college days so they have a prediction that both of their son are going to be best of best friends, honestly Justin has a feelings for the younger but destiny decided to suck up upon them. He decided to let go of his feelings slowly, but being close to Yasser makes it harder to move on but he still trying.
"Hey, guys!" Ricky greeted them as he arrived at their table, placing the tray he was holding on the table then sit beside Justin. "Oh! your here not with your precious baby super king cow." Yasser said earning a glare from his friend, "he has something to do with the council so that's why I'm here." Ricky said while removing his plate on the tray. "Suddenly I remember, your a council member too why are you here?" They eyed Justin who was done eating his lunch. "Samuel hyung didn't assign me on welcoming the transfer students." He answered then putting his plate yung his tray, the student council was assign to welcome the transfer students and Justin being the vice-president he pass everything to Samuel the president but the other will sometimes nag at him to do his responsibility. "Speaking of that, I heard they are Japanese and their family is part of royalties is Japan that's why it's easy for them to transfer in the middle of semester." Ricky added, the older just shrugged off his shoulder. "The president won't spill anything maybe I check it later."
"But you are the vice-president." Yasser whined.
Justin just stick out his tongue mocking the younger. "Oh hyung your birthday will be a day from now, any plan there?" Ricky suddenly ask causing Justin's mood to change but it didn't go notice by them. "Maybe dad will invite you for dinner, I dunno they haven't told me their plan." He said, Yasser snickered. "Well, except his father told him their-hmp!" He immediately covered the younger's mouth with his hands, there is no way he could let the other know about their family curse and he regret telling it to the younger. "Their what?" Ricky got curious, "It's nothing don't listen t-Ouch! Did you just bite my hand!" Before the war start, Inhong separate them from each other. "Let's eat peacefully the break time is about to end, I don't want to be late in chemistry. Mr. Yang is going to kill us."
Justin groaned as he entered the student council office, their chemistry teacher gave them a surprise quiz and sadly he didn't study last night but Samuel Bang called him in the middle of the class that's why he was excuse and take the quiz tomorrow. He didn't forgot to tease his friends before going out of the room, now Yasser and Ricky is going to kill him. Spotting the president sitting on his casual sit, he walk closer. "So? What do you want?" Samuel lift his head after signing the last document to be past in principal office. "Can you replace for tomorrow?" The older ask.
"Why tho? The transfer students will arrived tomorrow and you are the president." He said. "Dylan has a fever and I'm going to take care of him beside your the vice-president" He suppose to tease the older for being whipped but he position in student council. "Fine, what I could get?" He smirked, he won't let it to be free. "A date with Yasser on fancy restaurant." Samuel handed over the paper where he put his speech to the younger and smirked. "I know you like him so have a day with him."
"Hyung I'm trying to move on!" He whined.
Everyone in the student council know that Justin has a feelings towards his bestfriend when he accidentally confess it not of nowhere. "Come think it as a goodbye feelings party." Samuel suggest, the vice-president gave him an okay sign.
"You been excuse and the class but the council gave you a task." Yasser said, seeing the tan-skinned male reading or analysing something. "Well our whipped president decided to ditch his duty to take care of his precious secretary." Justin sarcastically said, well at least his is going to have a date with the younger after this. "Oh they are really from Japan?" The younger leaned forward to see the files making both of them so a inch close with each other. He gulp as his heart started to beat fast, seeing the younger's side profile. Justin can't help to fall more. "Please stop making me fall deeper." He whispered, the younger turn his head towards him then his breath hitches knowing how close their faces are. "Did you say something hyung?" The vice-president immediately move away and look to the opposite side. "Nothing I'm just tired." He lied, he get up and grab his things. "My classes are done, maybe I should go home first." The younger nodded. "Okay, take care on the way home."
"Bye, see you tomorrow." Then leave.
Yasser smirked seeing how the older react he just watch the other's back until it's disappear on his sight.