
"We have a guest, as you all can see", levy and I will go hunting while Noah and Leon will set the fire, then Sire Gaius and zither will arrange for horses.

OK Lancelot they all said in unison. Just take a look at how he displays his leadership, he's so bossy and arrogant, Leon said to Noah, We better join the others approaching his highness Noah replied.

" I'd like you to meet my men", I said to her and saw them approaching us and forming a line.

"Good morning Milady, I am Lancelot", said the huge one at the front with a blonde hair and blue eyes. The first thing I noticed was the huge scar under his right eyes straight to his cheek, I was shocked to see the scar on his face, he sure does look good and fierce even with the scar, I wondered when he started fighting.

"My name is Leon, Pleasured to meet you Milady". The one with a black short hair and purple eye said with a wild smile, hmm how captivating I said to myself.

" My name is Levy, It's nice to meet you milady". I smiled back at the red haired man with green eyes smiling widely at me, he is really jovial and friendly. I think I might get along with him quite well.

"I am Noah, Milady". The one with a brunette hair and a light hazel eyes said, he really looked cute.

"My name is Gwen, Milady. I took a closer look at the man, unlike everyone he had a smooth porcelain skin with his dark brown eyes complementing his long thick blonde packed at his back and not even a single bruise on his skin. "I plan to keep it that way Milady", he said and smiled widely. I wondered if I was loud enough for him to hear me.

I looked at the youngest one with an innocent face close to a middle aged man, his green eyes and golden hair made him stand out amongst the rest. " Zither, Milady". he said simply. How rare, I thought to myself starring at him.

cough cough, Aiden interrupted my thought.

" N-nice to meet you all." I was really confused cause even with the introductions I still can't remember all their names, they are all glittering. I don't even get the need for all this introductions when this are not my men.

They will be at your service every time you need them they are my most trusted men and my family, Aiden said behind me. They are really cool to be with. Am glad you like them.

"This here is my guardian", Zenobia, his name is Gaius the knowable, you must know him if you are from the village of meabeth. Its my pleasure to meet you sire Gaius.

" The pleasure is all mine Milady ". I looked at the middle aged man but didn't remember seeing him before, My father told me Gaius the knowable went on an exile after the war.

" Gaius I'll like to have a word", I said to Gaius. OK your highness I replied shortly after taking another look at the lady "Zenobia," and led the way.

"Your highness", I don't understand, why is he called his highness?, is he a king?, or a prince, or even the fiancée to the neighbouring village 's princess?, I bombarded myself with questions and went ahead to sit on a rock nearby.


And that is how I found her, Gaius, I told Gaius everything that happened from what the witches in the garden of stygia said to how I found Zenobia. "Your highness, I think the war will not start nor end anytime soon, we need to prepare and go to the crystal cave as soon a possible we do not have the luxury of time on our side".


" You..... your highness, I am the guardian of the three magic to unlock the tomb of the dead and also your guardian in guarding you towards the path the gods have chosen for you, your mother not only made me promise to protect you but also to guard you in the path the gods has chosen for you." But first I have to get to my real body in the crystal cave and also you have to attain your full powers so your men can unlock theirs, just like I sense someone with magic around, he can be of great help in the future.

But for now Gaius I need to meet the Stygian witches. I don't understand your reason for wanting to meet with the witches but who am I to defy you your highness.

But there will be a lot of obstacles in your way, your highness.


I watched the retreating back of his highness, "Enemies will tremble, the weak will become strong, good will triumph over evil, there are a lot installed for you, your highness If you fall in love with the daughter and fiancee of your enemies, I wonder what will happen next when you find out that she is the daughter of the druid. The ways of the gods can't be changed nor questioned, you will fall in love with the daughter of your enemy and send her back in time.


" Reddy you need to have your bathe." Before I could say anything he carried me in a princess style in the presence of everyone and he teleported.

There we go, his highness left, levy said pouting his lips. You don't care if his highness leaves, I mean you always say his highness can protect himself and he is not a baby so why the sad face, Zither said cutting the meat.

"Ouch it's so cold," I don't want to bathe right now, you know what you should bathe first and I'll give you privacy. Are you scared of an ordinary water?.

"No!!", why should I be, I said to him pouting my lips at him.

" Then bathe together with me I said pulling her closer to me.
