Look into my eyes

"What!!!?", I said and immediately turned my back at him. Don't you have any shame at all, how could you ask that of me, no I won't bathe with you how can you even, in fact what do you think of me tell me I would not........, I stopped in my track when I saw him already in the water. This man is indeed a strange man. He could have at least told me to stop ranting I said to myself.

I watched him dive in and out of the water with his hand brushing his hair backwards he really looked like the god of water, I was still in my dream land not knowing I was smiling widely at him.

I saw her drooling on me from the corner of my eyes. she looked lost and subconsciously smiled at me. I perceived lust and admiration."Do not just stand there drooling at me little dovey, you could just come in and tell me how good I look". I smiled devilishly at how she jerked up from her dream land.

I jerked out from my thought when he spoke to me, what do you think of your self you are not as good looking as you think you are, you are as ugly as the night beast even more than the night beast, in my life have never seen or come across anyone as ugly as you are. I frowned my brows at what she said,"why should I spend my time talking to a girl who can't even enter a water".

" Is that a challenge", I said to him fuming in fury. Why should I challenge a weak girl like you I said and smirked diving into the water.

I ran into the water to give him a piece of my mind and he was no where to be found. Aiden A-iden A-iden I called out to him looking around. I was about to turn to the direction I came from when he startled me.



What is wrong with you, I said hitting his chest over and over again. I saw her get startled and smiled to myself, my mission was accomplished. she kept hitting me with her two small hands and held it making her jerk up looking into my eyes. I kept her both hands on my chest and lifted her face closer to me with our nose touching each other.

" Look into my eyes", look into my eyes and repeat what you just said I told her with her hands still on my chest.

I looked into his eyes, and tried to summon the courage to repeat what I said earlier, I said yo-u are, I tried to speak but couldn't summon the courage to. I was so lost looking into his eyes, it felt like I was been pulled and called.

We stayed in that position until the wind began swaying her hair from side to side. And that caught my attention forgetting the question I asked her. Reddy tell me, is this the colour of your hair or another disguise of yours. I said taking a hand full of her hair.

I was taken back by the question he asked me, y-es th-is i-s th-e co-lo-ur o-f m-y ha-ir I said stressing my words in confusion on why he was asking me that question.

"Do you have a problem with my hair?", I asked freeing my hand from his chest and creating a distance between us.

I don't have a problem with your hair but the colour, it looks like have seen it somewhere before. Anyways have your bathe and get ready your clothes are on the rock over there I said coming out of the water.

Where are you going to?, I asked holding his hand. I will be right behind that oak tree.

No just stay close to me over there and turn your back at me I said to him looking down shyly. I retracted my hand from hers and stayed exactly how she wanted, I didn't know why I was having the feeling of dejavu while looking at her hair and eyes, and I seem to be one so loquacious around her. Minutes later she walked close to me looking down shyly, she looked really beautiful in the saggy man cloth and her hair wet locks.

I lead the way with her behind me. Where are we heading to? I asked him running trying to catch up with him and why did you give me this cloth to wear.

We are heading back to where the men are and we are going on foot, also I don't remember you giving me any cloth to keep for you.

I wondered why his life was so difficult, he could have just teleported me and he is so rude I thought to my self and continued the boring walk. I tried thinking on what to do in enlightening the mood when an idea suddenly popped into my head.

"Tell me, are you a demon or from the Royal family?".

I heard her question and decided to ignore her with a question. "It seems you find night beast good looking than me right?".

I stopped hearing his question, hmm you are not that bad I said and continued waking side by side with him.

" So you are more terrified of me than night beasts right?". I asked again awaiting her response.

No, I don't find you terrifying in fact you are the most gorgeous human have ever meet and those beast are not only terrifying but ugly and disgusting I said looking away in disgust.

I smirked, already got what I wanted from you, I said to her and turned to see her expression. She looked lost at first and later realised what I was talking about.

Hmm I think we should hasten up to meet the others I said looking away in embarrassment.....


Zagram (Underground)

"Tomorrow you must stage the attack, kill the man and bring her back to me".

Brother its not going to be as easy as you think. That man is not going to go down that easily Darkadamor, in fact the battle hasn't even started yet.........