
(Third person's POV)

When Aiden and zenobia got to where the men were camping at, everything was already prepared. Everyone ate and got ready for the journey.

Gaius was thinking if he should tell Aiden the real identity of Zenobia before it was too late.

And Darkdamor was plotting on the attack.


" Your highness, I have something to tell you". Tell me Gaius, I said concentrating on the direction and horse zenobia was.

It's about the lady Zenobia. There are something's you should know about her. What Gauis said got my attention making me crease my brows at him facing him.

shhhhhh, his highness said facing me and then looking at everyone.

"Do you all here that," I said inspecting our surroundings.

"No Aiden we heard nothing". There all said in unison.

But everywhere is very quiet, in fact I can't even hear the birds chirping, everywhere suddenly became quiet. Zenobia said and I came jumped down from the horse and unsheathe my sword.


We saw some men come out from behind the bushes. I knew something was wrong.

Gwen!!!!!!!, Take her to safety.

I heard his highness call me, telling me to take the lady to safety.


Zenobia's POV

I was so dumbstruck, I didn't even know when someone grabbed me by my arm. I looked at the man with the long thick blond and recognized him as Gwen. I need to take you to safety he said dodging the arrows being fired at our direction.

I knew this was Darkdamor's men, I instantly knew they were here to either kill Aiden or take me, the thought of that made me think of my father if he was alright. I just needed a sign to know if my father was alright.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't know I was on a huge tree. I looked down and saw the Darkdamor's men still waiting like they were waiting for a sign and Aiden and his men stood ready. Darkdamor's men were so much and Aiden men were just few, I wondered if they would manage to defeat Darkdamor's men.

Suddenly Darkdamor's men ran towards Aiden's men to attack and heard the sound of sword being unsheathe.


The sounds of metals clashing was so terrible that I had to close my ears. I watched as Aiden fought the men with just one slash. He kept dodging every hits and killed swiftly. And he was suddenly gone. I was so scared to where he must have disappeared to and if he was alright

I appeared before a huge man wearing a black cloak with his hood over his head in I wondered dark cave, with his back at me.

I recognized him as Darkdamor. I swung my swords at him making him dodge it.

"Good to finally meet you, Darkdamor." I said in a sarcastic tone smirking at him. why cover your face when you are before me.

This is not the right time for you to see my face, I will show you my face when you are taking your last breathe.

We were circling each other, focusing like if we made any mistake that would be the end. He launched an attack and I flew to block it. he kept launching and I kept dodging until I eventually launched my attack on him making him stagger and I smirked at him.

He flew and landing on the wall and I did the same, we kept fighting and no one seems to want to give up. I broke his sword into two making him throw his sword in annoyance.

"Why use sword when I can take you down with just my power."

I looked at him and smiled devilishly....


The men kept fighting and it didn't look like the fight was going to stop anytime soon. I felt so powerless and scared of everything.

And noticed a shadow beside the tree I was on. I looked at the shadow closely and instantly knew who it belonged to.

"Papa," I said happily and saw the shadow walking away into the bushes, I need to find a way go get out of this tree I wondered how i got on this huge tree I the first place, I thought of calling upon the wind but didn't want Darkdamor's men to notice my presence. That was when I noticed a white bird flying towards me. "White" I said smiling and the bird took me on it's back.

"Drop me behind those bushes", I said pointing behind the bushes and the bird dropped me and instantly went flying back to the sky.

" My daughter," I heard that familiar voice maki g me turn my back. "Papa". Papa are you alright is everything ok, I hope Darkdamor didn't find out anything?.

No mydaughter, I am fine and safe. I have only limited time to talk to you in this form now listen to me.

Do not come back to zagram and do not ever tell they man whose daughter you are. You will only be safe with him my daughter so pls heed to what I tell you and you.....

My father couldn't completed what he was going to say because he was fading away.

I just don't understand anything and it feels like am being kept in the dark, something is really wrong somewhere.


" OK Darkdamor," I said and whispered out to Cassandra and spoke to her through our mind telecommunication.

Ensure that no one is in here other then darkdamor and I.

OK Aiden she said and disappeared. I knew Darkdamor couldn't see her so I used her to endure peoples safety.

"I will not waste my powers in fighting a man like you who cowers in fear Darkdamor, so if you really want to fight me then show your face. I said forming a wind ball with my hand.

" Show your face Darkdamor ". Your king is ordering you to.

" You are no king to me, but a weak boy who is still mourning his mother's demise."

