Aiden 2

"Pull that hood over your head, Darkdamor". I said in a challenging tone. More than easy I said to myself smirking as I saw him pull over the hood.

In a swift I landed on the wall forming a wind ball by circling my hand and pushed it towards him and he dodged it laughing.

A black smoke formed from his body hitting all four walls and I also prepared my wind barrier, the smoke filled the cave and formed into a weapon coming at me, but my wind barrier blocked it, sending it back to him. As I anticipated, it was a nice trick making him lose his guard thinking the weapon was going to hit me and later turning the tables around.

He spined i the air making the weapon disappear.

"I need to know his Achilles heels". I said in my thoughts.

We were inside a cave and the only thing I could think of using was my wind magic but it wasn't strong enough, I need to create an open space through this walls.

I took my hood, spinning and landing on all walls with force, and saw Darkdamor floating in air as he came flying at me with force making me stagger and landed on the floor. Now I know why Darkdamor chose this place to fight.

I raised my two hands, gathering all the debris around me and turning it into a stone arrow, he tried dodging it but got hit, and he fell down holding his arm. I laughed at the weak man at my feet.


"Darkdamor, I thought you were the most feared amongst all and the most powerful".

And now I defeat you, even breaking your sword in half isn't that enough defeat and shame for you in one day. " Back off and accept defeat Darkdamor." I picked up my sword and turned around about to teleport when I heard him coming at me.


I anticipated that movement from him and immediately turned slashing his stomach.

He feel down holding his stomach in pain.

"If you were indeed as strong and powerful as people thought you were, then you wouldn't attack from back".

I squatted to his position and whispered to his ear, A little birdy once told me how you torment your people and I plan on doing the same to you Darkdamor.


" What makes you think you are a match for me and you can defeat me?".

" I am Aiden, the future king of meabeth, i am the lost but found king, I am touched by the gods and grew up with the goddess by my side, I will defeat you and hang your head at the border of meabeth.

"I'll love to see you try young prince of meabeth he said sarcastically and a black smoke surrounded him. " This is not the last of me Aiden", and he was gone.


(Third person's POV)

The fight between Darkdamor's men and Aiden's men were over, and Darkdamor's men body started to disappear and their blood began to disappear as well, like nothing ever happened.

"Gwen, where is Milady Zenobia". Lancelot asked as he sheathe his sword back.

I- I- she was I, Gwen kept stuttering making the others widen their eyes in shock.

"Am here". A voice from behind said making them turn their heads to the direction of where the voice came from and they all sighed in great relief.

"Milady, are you alright?", Gwen asked walking towards me. You were my responsibility milady, If anything had happened to you then I don't know what I would say to his highness.

" I know what you will say and do". A familiar voice said approaching them. "You will fall to my feet, begging and saying:

"Your high- hmm Aiden I- a-m- so so-rry, I let you down, punish me in any way that deems fit." I said sarcastically making everyone laugh, including Gwen.

"Where is sire Gaius?." levy asked looking around.

Haa haa haa

"Sire Gaius", everyone said in unison.

Gaius came out panting, what happened?. levy asked handing him an handkerchief yo wipe away his sweat.

" isn't it obvious?", do you expect an old man like me to fight?. This body am in is very weak, I can't even run properly without panting.

Everyone laughed and continued with their journey.



"He is more stronger than I expected Dungil.

I told you didn't i, I told you that man wasn't just any man, brother for now we need to lie low and observe. And as for Zenobia, I know what to do to get her back to you.

"Do you mean using her father as the bait for her to fall into". Yes brother, that's just what we have to do and she might even inform us of their plans once we get our hands on her.

When is this injury going to close?. Very soon brother have patience, if it is a normal sword then it would last just hours for it to heal but if it is a sword forged with the dragon's breathe then is will last weeks for you to recover.

"What?!!!" that long?.

Yes brother, I hope you know that a sword forged with the dragon's breathe is poisonous to your body. You should be glad he didn't hit you on your weakest point.


I over heard everything Darkdamor and his brother said. I will we be used as a bait to lure my daughter in. I just hope she heeds to my words. I have just heard a vital information that might be useful for me in the future. I just have to prove my innocence to Aiden, am sure he thinks am his enemy, I need to head to the crystal cave to catch up with them I said turning to leave.

I can't lose my only daughter the way I lost her mother, I wont be a coward anymore I have to protect my daughter by all means.

I wore my hood and hopped on the horse heading to the crystal cave.
