Ai Li couldn't sleep at all she was too distracted by the fact that Li Xin was her fiancee .The morning came by, Rouxi came to wake her lady up but to her suprised Ai Li was already awake but she found her lady face looked tired .She asked her lady about it and Ai Li told her she didn't sleep at all.
Ai Li looked herself at the mirror with her face looked completely tired and her dark circles were coming more noticeable . She sighed at herself .
"Why do I look like this ." while touched her face with both hands. she thought about Li Xin was becoming her husband she just frowned at by the fact of it.
"Out of all guy ,out of all guy why him? " she complained in her heart.
During breakfast,
"Have you decided what to wear at the banquet?" Madame Huang asked.
Ai Li was just looking at her food and daydreamed until one of her brother snapped her out of it . "Oh yea dress I know " she suddenly said .
Rouxi then went to Ai Li and whispered what had Madame Huang asked. She then replied her mother that she would just pick the most comfortable one. Her mother reminded her to choose a dress that would stand out and of course comfortable . Ai Li just nodded her head.
As few days came by so was the banquet ,
Ai Li just wore the dress she usually does daily and didn't even thought about the dress her mother bought for her a few days ago. When they were about to set off to the Zhang's her mother, saw her that she was not wearing the dress she bought for her.
Her mother just gave a looked and Ai Li immediately understood by her mother's face and went to change. When Ai Li came out with the dress her mother bought she immediately has a smile on her face and gave a hairpin as the last touch .
When they arrived ,Madame Zhang gave them a warm welcome and thanked them for coming.
" Where is your brother ?" she whispered to her daughter , Xiao Yan who was beside her . She told her that she hadn't seen him.
" Go, hurry find your brother ". Xiao Yan then off to find her brother . Meanwhile ,Li Xin was in the hall way he was there so he could avoid socialising with people. Ai Li was just walking around she was also trying to avoid socialising with people and coincidentally met Li Xin.
When she saw him ,she immediately turn around and tried to avoid him but wait why should she had avoid him as if she did something wrong . She decided she would walk passed by him as if he was a stranger .
Li Xin was going to greet her but she just walked passed by him as if he was ghost. He followed her and Ai Li noticed it but just kept walking without looking back.
Then Ai Li stopped ,he also stopped.
" Can I asked why are you following me ?" Ai Li turned around.
"Don't be full of yourself young lady even though you're going to marry me in the future." Li Xin responded .
"As if I want to marry you. It was a marriage arranged by His Majesty how could I rejected it " she whispered to herself. Li Xin looked at her with a weird look while she busy mumbling at herself.
He leaned towards her and Ai Li suddenly stood frozen .He whispered to her " Like I want to marry you" he smirked and left.
Before he could leave more further Ai Li grabbed Li Xin's wrist. Li Xin turned around and Ai Li was just silent , they just looked at each other eyes then Li Xin once again leaned towards her " Are you that excited to marry me that you are holding my wrist ?" he laughed it off.
She then let go of his wrist .
" Can you try to break the engagement ?" she asked quietly.
" Brother you were here ,mother is looking for you. Oh, greetings young lady Huang " Xiao Yan said while she was trying to catch her breath.
He left before she could even hear his answer. Maybe he didn't heard her since she said it quietly. Well, Ai Li just stood there thinking she might really married someone she don't like nor love. It's normal since her marriage was not for her to choose freely to begin with but had to follow her elders decisions .
She looked at people as they were all smiling but only her can be seen not a single happiness was on her face,
"Where were you son ? Don't be rude to your future in law and go greet them." said by Madame Huang and Li Xin just nodded his head as he understood.
As soon as he was done with the greeting , he started to searched for Ai Li .She looked like she was about to say something but he left suddenly.
He found Ai Li in the garden and wanted to approached but he saw Ai Li was crying so he leaned behind pole and waited for her since he didn't wanted to disturb her.
"Why did I got myself into this ? What did I do wrong until I got myself into this, I was just trying to escape from the guards and not knowing I would end up in a alley." she said to herself while trying to rub her tears off.
"Oh, that's why she was there" Li Xin whispered to himself while holding Ai Li's jade pendant.
He saw Ai Li was going to leave the garden so this was his time to approached her , he almost forgot to hide the jade pendant from her .
"Did you cried ?" Li Xin asked.
Ai Li told him that her eyes just got dry all of the sudden. Ai Li face clearly looked like she really cried her eyes out but Li Xin didn't dare to mentioned it.
"I'm sorry for leaving without saying anything just now and you looked like you wanted to tell me something." Li Xin asked since he was feeling concerned about her.
Ai Li asked him whether he could try to cancel their engagement.Li Xin looked at Ai Li's eyes that were fill with desperate .
He told her that he didn't think he could.
"Oh great..." Ai Li said it with the sound of disappointment and walked away.