Chapter 11 - When I least expected it

" I apologized again for what happened just now ."

Ai Li accepted his apology and was smiling nervously. They parted their way with a goodbye. As they just parted their ways ,he saw a cart was coming through and saw Ai Li was walking in front of it. Without any hesitance he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.

It was so close that it made the surrounding more warm than ever. Both blushed but didn't even noticed .

Both Bo Qin and Rouxi was watching this lovely moment that happened between their masters.

It happened in a flashed of moments. Their eyes met for a moment ,Ai Li started to have butterflies in her stomach. She pushed herself away from him when she realized that she was so close to him like a tied rope . She then thanked him.

She suggested to have a meal in ordered to thanked him properly but he refused and said the ' thank you' was already enough for him .Li Xin put a little smile on his face as he saw her leaving.

Bo Qin looked at his young master face and noticed a smile on his face. " Seems like you're happy ,general ." Suddenly the smile on Li Xin disappeared. He hit Bo Qin on the head and smirk . Bo Qin frowned at his young master.

Quit the joking and let's go back.

Li Xin went inside his carriage. On his way back home he could only thought of the time he caught Ai Li into his arm. He blushed and smile whenever he thought about it.

He wanted to think about something else like work but then he couldn't help but to think about it . He felt that he was weird for that.

They had arrived so Bo Qin announced their arrival to his young master . He waited for him but it seem that he didn't caught his word so he went inside the carriage.

He saw Li Xin had a little smile on his face and paused.It looked like his young master was daydreaming so he snapped his finger at him. It helped Li Xin to come back to reality.

He asked if there was anything wrong to his young master. Li Xin responded with "nothing I was just thinking about work."

( Bo Qin thoughts )

What he could be smiling about work? Is there anything to be happy about ? it's weird . Ah No need to think much about it.





Bo Qin gave a confusing look to Li Xin .Li Xin patted his bodyguard's back and told him there was nothing to worry about. Instead of understanding it, it made Bo Qin to start questioned himself. He just nodded his head after Li Xin said it.

Li Xin passed by the garden when his mother called him over to the garden. Li Xin came over and sat down with his mother. The servant poured tea into the cup for Li Xin arrival.

Her Ladyship which was Madame Zhang called Li Xin because she had something to tell her son.

His mother asked him to drink tea first before telling him.To relaxed his mind before listening to the news.

Madame Zhang announced that her son would not be going to blind dates anymore well since he's engaged already with someone. Li Xin almost spit the tea he drank.

With the tea still in his mouth then looked at his mother with disbelief. It happened when he was absent for the morning call.

One week ago,

At the palace court meeting,

The majesty asked all the official to go out except for senior general Zhang and marquis Huang. Then the majesty asked them both to raise their head so they did.

" I heard your son ,general Zhang is an eligible bachelor."

" Yes, but how could it be compare with the princes?"

" No need to bring the princes into this"

Senior general Zhang apologized but then his majesty said it was no needed to apologized. He bowed down as he understood what his majesty said. Then continued about Li Xin.

Senior general Zhang and marquis Huang looked at each other ,and immediately understood where was his majesty was going with the conversation. What could it be other than marriage.

His majesty started to asked about marquis Huang's second daughter , Huang Ai Li.

Meanwhile at Ai Li's ,

She sneezed. She sneezed again. Is someone talking about me ? while wiping her nose.



After talking about Li Xin and Ai Li for quite sometimes ,his majesty decided to grant a marriage between Li Xin and Ai Li. Both party agreed to the marriage and thought it would be a good idea to paired them up.

He still couldn't believe that it really happened during his absent. His father asked his wife to tell their son about since he might forgot to tell Li Xin.

He bet his father was happy about the news since his single son won't be single anymore.

Li Xin finally gulped down the tea in his mouth.

Even though it was a sudden news nevertheless he didn't need at all to court Ai Li since she was about to become his fiancee.

It made it easier for Li Xin. At the same time it the news made Li Xin very unsure about the situation.

His mother informed that there would be a banquet being held in a few days in their residents.

Meanwhile at Ai Li's,

Ah the way he held me just now . Wait, why am I thinking about this ? I must be crazy. Ai Li slapped her face afterwards. Rouxi just gave a weird look at her young lady.

" I'm here to delivered a clothes from her ladyship" said in a loud voice . Rouxi took the clothes and then gave it to Ai Li for her to checked.

Ai Li then asked what was it for . Rouxi explained that it was for the upcoming banquet that she would attend at the Zhang's ,for the engagement party.

She suddenly held Rouxi both arms with desperate feeling" Really the Zhang's ? You can't be kidding right?" she said it nervously. Rouxi shook her head to Ai Li.

Is it young master Zhang, Zhang Li Xin the general?

Rouxi nodded.

Of course it Zhang Li Xin, he's the only son.

Ai Li was really in disbelief. How could the person she least wanted to meet became her fiance. Rouxi heard that the marriage was granted by his majesty. Which meant it would be hard to cancel it.

"Out of all the young ladies in the capital that wanted to marry him ,I got chosen how unfortunate of me." she said it with a sad dramatic expression. There's no escaping from it.

She screamed in her pillow as loud as she could. Rouxi reminded her young lady before she could continue it, she must try to decide what cloth she picked. Even more she screamed in her pillow.