The forest of Hadnia

Tremendous currents mixed with rainfall blew as five Asiralds stood against the cloaked figure in a grassy area of the forest, Their clothes swaying to the movement of the wind. The figure finally spoke,

"Let me in"

Five of them "..."

Now it was their turn to be quiet, Moping at each other confusedly what did it mean by let me in? Who was it to even give them orders?

"Who are you?" The midget mandraun asked breaking the silence, but was answered with a hysterical laughter from the figure.

"Let me in " It repeated just as it had stopped laughing, but this time, it's voice sounded cold.

"Me and my men don't know who you are so... It's better you leave" Afton came forward, his steps bold and firm.

"What if I don't?"

"Then your corpse, would be fed to every nocturnal creature that dwells here" 

"You asiralds are really something, Haha... I'll like to see what you're made of, since you're tagged the fiercest and strongest warriors" The figure hissed, it's voice light and sassy, "... Or are you bunch of weaklings?"

The figures mockery snapped the little patience Afton had, I'm going to murder this thing with my barehands! He darted towards the figure with immense speed just for him to be sent backwards all tumbling and rolling, crashing on a piece of the broken statues.

"Ugh!" he groaned, coughing blood as dismay etched his face, Who or what was this thing? He had not touched the figure but was already sent backwards. His team came running towards him, then surrounding him, their attention directed to the hooded figure, which by then, began to release black Divinity around it, walking closer. At once, they all darted towards it except Jamar who stayed behind trying to heal Afton.

"Ahh!" The short Mandraun sent a punch to the figure, while the male elf and female Mandraun sent flying kicks to the side of the figure. but to their greatest suprise, they were all sent flying just like their leader.

Afton stood up after he had been healed by the mage, Almond Divinities were released from both sides of his hand form two Wrist-reapers, before enveloping him. His energy had doubled.

"you have managed to push me this far... I'm impressed, but I'll have to end you" he gritted, his eyes raging in fury "you can as well leave now you have the chance" he added, but the figure stood fixed on the wet soil, not moving an inch.

"Stubborn!" He grinned "let's see how you will handle my divine weapon" He Immediately launched towards the figure,



Every single attack Afton used were all evaded by the hooded Divine witch. How was it able to dodge all his attacks without a scratch? Afton summersaulted backwards twice before landing on his heels. Beads of water dropped continuously from his lashes to his cheek, then downwards, What was this thing? he thought. Other members who finally regained themselves, watched the scene between their member and the hooded figure, They all had hopes in their members ability. But why wasn't this figure dead?

Charging for the very last time, with Almond Divinity engulfing him, Although he knew he was going to get exhausted after that final attack, Afton launched towards the figure again for the second time but this time he teleported, His Wrist-reapers grew longer, also corralled with Divinity. To his surprise, the figure didn't move pertaining to his attack, but just as he was about to strike a deadly hit on it at it's rear, No! He saw mirages of the figure move past his side view, before ending up at his own back. In just a few minutes,


A pale white Afton was dropped on the wet soil from the clutches of the hooded figure, All his handsome features gone. This sight sent shivers to the other asiralds. Did she just feed on his Divinity? Jamar was dumbfounded, He thought Dark mages were extinct, but this figure was clearly a dark mage, Although the others didn't know about it.

The remaining asiralds, steadied themselves including Jamar all releasing different colors of Divinities which forged different weapons. This figure was really deadly. One after the other they attacked this figure.

The short Mandraun launched towards the figure with a Earth made gauntlet, He was an Earth mandraun, Waving fists upon fists at this figure which didn't affect it at all. The other female mandraun attacked at it's back using a double-bladed one handed sword, but the figure dodged it, but this time it was sent a few steps backwards. Tension began to rise as the rain became heavier than before, every cloth wobbled with the strong winds direction, including the long black hair of a particular female Mandraun.

Without notice, the hooded figure Immediately vanished, appearing at the back of the female mandraun through her shadow.

"Blimey! Tessa" The short mandraun shouted. Narrowing her blue eyes, Tessa released a sheet of thick ice around her, which made the figure retreat, appearing swiftly at the back of the short Mandraun.


Another warrior was lost to this evil figure, looking pale white like the previous one.

"Two down, three to go... you can as well back out and let me in"

"We won't" They all replied in unison as they stepped forward.

"Very well then... I'll do the needful"

It vanished as usual, appearing at Jamar's behind but was unfortunately burnt by a green ball of light surrounding Jamar who anticipated its attack. It appeared back at it's original location with a large piece of it's cloak burnt, revealing it's pale white skin.

"You're indeed a skillful mage, you have my praise... but let's see how long you'll last" Rivaka smiled, she knew that magic ability, it was called the lush lumos. A very deadly but Divinity expensive attack, which was specifically used by a certain family, The Evron household of the north Avorn province. but an idea struck her, I won't kill him, he'll be very useful in the future.

Jamar and Tessa Immediately darted towards it, sending stakes of ice and green balls, Which it blocked with a shield of dark Divinity using the Divinity of those dead warriors. Tessa leapt up very high, slashing a thin sharp ice towards the figure using her Divine weapon, while Jamar shot a large green ball.


A large dent was made on the floor, but the figure wasn't there. Spotting the figure at another side they kept on with their attack, but it seemed to dodging everything, creating more dents which began to be filled with water. Jamar began to feel dizzy and weak, due to the amount of Divinity he had used for his attacks, His movements became more clumsy at his every attack. Tessa on the other hand was like a goddess of war, her agility and speed didn't alter a bit despite the amount of divinity she used.

As time went on, Jamar fainted due to the amount of Divinity he had exhausted, while Tessa was all knees on the wet humus, trying to catch her breath as the rain splashed brown soil on her clothes at every drop.

"Our goddess is finally weak... I won't lie you're indeed a spectacular warrior I've never seen" She heard that figure say as it walked towards her, splashing water on each gentle step it took. looking down at the floor, an idea struck her, water! she had water and rain around her all this while but she totally forgot to use it... This battle had been in her favour. Struggling a little bit, she got on her two feets.

"Oh! you're up again... you know, I was beginning to doubt your ability" it scorned as it steps came to a halt.

"Really? did you ever propose that I'll be defeated by a mere white skinned creature, encased in a cloak opposite its colour" she snapped back, a sexy grin curled on her lips...
