Releasing the demon King 1

"Your words are bold, warrior, but they mean nothing. I have faced greater challenges and emerged victorious." It pulled down it's hood, Revealing a face covered with black veil with only visible pale black lips.

"Blimey! you are creepier  than I thought" Tessa rasped "...You should put the cloak on"

"Tsk... I'll make sure I make your death slow and painful" It continued its movement, releasing black Divinities on both sides of its hand.

"You wish" Tessa leapt up very high, both of her hands stretched out sideways releasing her own Azure Divinity into her weapons which she had divided. Before Rivaka knew what was going on, her opponent had released her Divinity into the atmosphere turning every single drop of water into a sharp icicles, all ready destroy her.

This warrior is a celestial one. Rivaka felt threatened by this warriors aura. Just as she was about to take another step to prepare herself from the peril that awaited her.

What? Rivaka shifted her gaze to the floor. She was pinned to the ground by another undestructible thick sheet of ice, How couldn't she feel it's coldness?

"Removed the temperature in the sheet of ice" The floating warrior said "Of course you didn't expect such trick... Ha! it's not about strength but brains"

Rivaka felt her life flash before her eyes, this was going to be her last breath in Napeloen. Her revenge wasn't done, none of her aims were achieved, she had really underrated this female mandraun before her. If she would ever be able to survive this day, she would never underrate any of her opponent again, Never!

Just as Tessa was about to deliver the last and heaviest blow to her opponent who was at her mercy, When,


Tessa paused in mid air, shifting her gaze to her belly which had a sharp blade, piercing through it. Who was this individual? She deluged, until her eyes fell on a pattern inscribed on the blade. She felt a devouring pain inside her, not because of the blade that pierced through her though it had its own pain, but because of something she feared the most... BETRAYAL. H-How... How could he do this to her? Why? Why would he?

The pain doubled when she heard a "I'm sorry" whisper at the back of her ears, accompanied by tickling breaths. A single tear drop fell off from her blue eyes. A tear drop filled with memories of every single minute she had spent with this man behind her, both the good ones and bad ones.

Starting from the Napelagon competition when she had first met him, followed by other events till this day he betrayed her for no reason. Those happy moments came rushing into her as hot stream of tears left her blue eyes.

Slowly, they both descended until their feets were on the floor.



Every single icicles she had made for attack shattered into small pieces in the air, releasing a cracking cacophony before falling on the earth like glittering pure white dust. The once thunderous stormy weather came to a halt disclosing a subtle scene of dawn, with colours red, oranges and dark blue besmearing the sky. It was almost morning. 

Rivaka removed her feet from the broken ice beneath her, which for some reason became colder than usual. In fact, the whole atmosphere became colder than usual but she wasn't bothered. Rivaka was just surprised at the turnout of the event that she couldn't process what had happened.

The dark mage walked towards the lovers, gave a quick glare at the female mandraun then moved towards the dungeon. She would have to spare the mandraun because of the Elven beside her...

"E-Elvin" Tessa called out to the elf with blood shot eyes beside her, who seemed like he had been crying for ages.

"Y-yes T-Tessa" He replied, his voice shaky, Asif he was about to burst into tears again.

"Why... Why did you betray us all?"

"I-l just had to, you were all spoiling my one and only chance for revenge... I-I'm sorry Tessa, I'm really sorry." He replied, slightly raising his arm which was behind her head. He knelt beside her with tears leaking from every corner of his eyes. With Tessa's face etched with awe, she turned towards him. Her blue eyes locked on his coral eyes.

"Whom do you seek revenge on?" She asked in a low voice.

"I-I can't tell you Tessa... I'm sorry"

She shifted her gaze to her surrounding, admiring the work of her ability. "It's okay, I don't care about who you seek revenge on. I just need a favour from you..."

"... What is it? I'll try my best to fullfil any wish of yours."

Tessa broke into a very hearty laughter, knowing it was going to be her end. She turned back towards the Elven with tears of mixed feeling streaming from her eyes, a bright smile on her lips, she placed her palm on his face caressing it, Then said "No matter what happens, whether Good or bad, p-please tell my mother that her daughter is hale, hearty and really misses her. Also tell my junior sister that I await her marriage."

"I-Is that all Tessa?" The Elven asked in tears, interwinding his fingers with her's whilst gripping her tightly. 

"Yes. And lastly, I love..." She couldn't complete her last sentence as her eyes gently closed, blocking those alluring blue eyes from the world; while blood came out of her mouth moving in trails. She was gone.

"I love you too Tessa... You'll always remain in my heart." Elvin's heart felt heavy. The burden he felt was to much that he couldn't bear it. He bursted into another round of tears accompanied by a loud yell.

He placed a soft kiss on her forehead which was smeared with his own tears, before advancing to her lips; licking the trail of blood that came out from her mouth. He swallowed it, "This is an oat regarding our promise. Goodnight (T-Tessa... Till we meet again"....


A pale white figure gropped it's way in the dungeon coralled with shadows making use of a fire stick. Damaged cages could be visible with pieces of dead vermins and plants. Just a few metres away, was a two way passage, With the right side chosen by the mage.

   Trailing onwards in the twisted movement of the pathway she chose, Rivaka arrived in a damp area filled with skeletons of both dead animals and beings, releasing a nauseous pungent odour, but she was used to it.

Moving forward, deeper into the dungeons depth, she passed a few more candle lit passages, including two other asiralds that laid dead at opposite sides of the passages.

Who had maimed them? She deduced, before arriving at a large door that seemed to be the very end of the dungeons depth. Her eyes roamed around at the large door which was golden in colour. Until,

Five symbols that were inscribed  on the golden door caught her eyes... The Ecclesiastes Symbols they were called. She knew about those symbols: The Kai, Qi, Chi, Ven and Der. They were known as the five levels of Divinity one could possess.

Black lips parted, heaving a sigh. She would have to infuse her divinity into the five symbols to open the door. However, the amount of divinity she had was only enough to activate three symbols.

Unknown to her, two of those asiralds whom she thought were dead, were both alive but in an unstable condition. Planning to attack the pale skinned intruder.


"Ugh!" Jamar groaned, just as he had recovered from his total blackout. He was still dizzy, his eyes going haywire with his lashes closing and opening. Finally regaining himself, he went on his knees on an attempt to stand up, but was greeted with Chrystalline pure white dusts, glistening under the effect of Dawn. What Happened? He Thought, still on his knees while scooping a handful of the dust before him which were blown away by a light air. He began to feel something.


His environment felt colder than usual. What could have been the cause of the immense decrease in temperature? He thought, but was answered by another thought, TESSA!

He was about to Sprint on his feet to find his fellow Asirald, When,


He felt a hard substance smacking the rear of his head. Jamar winced in pain as his eyes gently began to close. The more he tried to force them open, then more they became heavier.

After a few more struggle, he finally gave up; shunning both of his eyes as darkness engulfed his sight. He had passed out.

Subconsciously, he felt himself being dragged by something until his subconsciousness passed out with him...