Chapter Five

At Pablo's place.

The brown haired poured a lot of new clothes on his bed. He was grinning from ear to ear. He has never been this happy and relaxed ever since his parents got divorced. He used the money he got from his first job to change his wardrobe, things have never been better. At least now he'll no longer have to walk in his old wears. As he set the clothes into his closet, the door opens, and in walks Alexa. He turned to her, mouth wide open, with different thoughts running through his head. What should he tell her, he can't tell her where he got the money from the cause he recently told her he has left the ''cult''.

"Hey, Pablo…" her sentence trails off as she set her eyes on the clothes. "Where did you? Wow… how did you get this many clothes?"

He ran his hand through his hair as he watched her go through the clothes. He and Alexa had been together since childhood and he feels bad for keeping the truth from her. Pablo made up his mind that he will tell her the truth that he was still in the group when the time comes, but not now.

"I… uh… It's from a huge tip I got… from the diner," He lied.

He bites his lips. Alexa knew Pablo and probably everything. He knows that she knows that his lips quiver anytime he lies. So he's hoping that biting his lips will make her not notice.

"Wow… That's a lot of tips. Maybe I'll also consider coming to work at the diner," she says.

Pablo nods and smiles. "So, you need something??"

"I uhm… just wanted to ask you out… Will you go out with me Pablo? As a date?" She says while avoiding eye contact with him.

Pablo crooked his brows. She has always been good at acting and he sometimes finds it difficult to know if she's telling the truth or not.

"Are you serious?… You should have told me you had feelings…"

"Shut the fuck up bozo!" She chipped, with a smile on her face. Yep, just another one of her acting.

She picked up one of the many shirts on his bed and placed it on herself. "I'm taking this one,"

Pablo doesn't argue. He only smiled and continue to put the clothes into his closet. It wasn't the first time that she had taken one of the clothing for herself.

He swiftly turned back, as he just remembered something he wanted to talk about. "Hey, remember that girl we saw in class?"

She stayed for a moment waiting for him to say something else, and when he doesn't, she speaks.

"The cute girl that has a crush on you?"

Pablo nods. "Yeah, she came to me and ask to help her study. We're meeting at the library today!…"

She stared at me for a moment. "What do you even know?"

Pablo laughs at her words.

"We should get going or we'll be a late shithead." She finished before walking out of the room.

After his classes, Pablo got a message from the eye.

"Stay away from her, don't go anywhere near her" That was what the message said.

He ignored it as if it was nothing and headed on to the library where he is supposed to meet with René. He hasn't received any job from the eye for a long time now and things are going pretty fine. The moment he stepped into the library, he looked around for a while before noticing René smiling and waving at him. He waved back before walking over to her. She smiled and slide a cup of coffee to him as he sat in the seat next to her.

"I got it on my way here… hope you like brown"

He thanked her, took it from the table, and took a sip of the drink. She stared at him closely, as if waiting for something to happen.

After a long while, she spoke. "I know, this studying thing feels awkward and all… but I promise, after I catch up with everyone else, I'll let you live."

"Oh it's fine… shall we?…"

Two minutes into the studying, the girl turned to Pablo who was babbling continuously, trying so hard to make her understand, not knowing that she wasn't listening to him. She looks uninterested in the book as she sighs and closes the book shut.

"Tell me about you…" She said abruptly

Pablo stared at her confused. She had a bright smile on her face as she fixed her glass properly. Pablo stuttered as he search for words to say. "We-well… I… what about what we came here for?"

She exhaled softly. "We can do that later, a little about you won't hurt… I'll go first…"

End of chapter.