Chapter Seven

Top land club. Somewhere in California.

The club doesn't have a lot of people in it. But the music was so loud that it was difficult to hear the person next to you. The DJ played a very loud EDM song whose heavy bass hits the chest.

The audience was grooving to the music. Some of them were hitting it on the dance floor, while others were nodding to the song while taking shots at the bar. At the side was where Pablo and his friend Ibrahim stood. They were seated by the side of the dancefloor with drinks in their hand.

"What did you say the occasion is again?…" Pablo asked, shouting at top of his voice to ensure his friend hear his words.

"My cousin's birthday… she booked the entire club for this dumb shit. Her fuckin' dad is rich, fuck her dad…"

"Right… is she cute?…"

Ibrahim pointed towards the dance floor. Pablo followed his friend's direction and his gaze rests on a young girl who moved smoothly to the rhythm of the music

Pablo quickly averted his eyes from her to other women on the dance floor. "Look at all these ladies, god Lord! It's like I'm in heaven…"

Ibrahim laughs "I see what you did there... that was smooth" he noted before taking a sip from his cup "so, how's it goin' with Reema?… You asked her out yet?…"

Pablo remembered seeing her entering Hector's car. This pains him and he gulps down his entire drink. "Well no… I think she likes some jerk, Hector… rich and handsome, just like her rich and hot… perfect for each other…"

"Yo, that's why?… What if she doesn't like him and they were just going somewhere together eh?"

Pablo nods. "That's… that's true, but you think she'll like me…?"

"I dunno… ask her out then you'll see… But I think she'll agree. You're a real catch P"

They continue having their conversation until Pablo spots the girl he's been avoiding. "Oh my god, what is she doing here?…" He says turning away.

He didn't have to tell his friend who he was talking about, cause she was approaching them. "Oh mi god who is this hot gurl you've got stalking you…"

It was Rene. She had a wide smile on her face as she approached them.

"Ha-ha-ha-hiii…" Pablo stuttered.

"Heyy… Saez... Fancy meeting you here?!"

Ibrahim cuts in before Pablo could answer. "I'm Ibrahim, Pablo's very close friend… his righ' hand man…" he says extending his hand for a handshake.

She only smiled and nod before turning back to Pablo. "it's nice to meet you..." Ibrahim muttered under his breath as he noticed the lady was not interested in having a conversation with him. Ibrahim cleared his throat and slip his hand into his pocket.

Besides him was Pablo who couldn't stop his lips from quivering as he smiled. All he has to do is act like he saw nothing.

Why did he even leave that day, what if it wasn't about him?

"I'm, really so-sorry about that day… I saw nothing, I just had to leave, I mean leave… something came up and I had to go... It was really foolish of me to leave without saying anything. And I wasn't avoiding you because I saw… anything, I just… didn't see you… for real," He blurted out.

She stared at him confused, not comprehending what he was trying to say. She nods. "Oh-kay… are you okay? You know it's fine right, you had something to do and you left… no big deal"

Ibrahim scoots in again. "Oh he gets nervous around hot females… yeah I'm sayin' you're a hot girl…"

He nudged his friend, gesturing for him to stop what he was doing. Ibrahim got the signal. He shut his mouth and retreated.

"I'm not, nervous…" he exhaled. While regaining his confidence. "What are you doing here?"

"Ehhh… it's a party, anyone can be here. Plus, the friend of the friend of my friend is the friend of the host. Does that make sense?, I think it does…"

Pablo smiled. Remembering how fun it was around her. He thought back to the other day, wondering why he had run away.  What if she was just having a normal conversation with a friend? And besides, she's too sweet to be, whatever he's thinking she is.

"It should make sense…" Pablo answered.

"How about you?? … Lemme guess? You tutor this girl and she invited you to her party… I'm saying this cause you're a great tutor."

Pablo chuckle. "Oh, thanks… but no, I'm the friend of her cousin…"

"And I'm that friend… the cousin of the host…" The desperate Ibrahim jumps out from behind again. This time pushing Pablo away.

"I have two tickets to Cheryl's concert next week if you wanna come… We would have a lot of fun, and prolly more…"

She frowned disgustingly. "Ugh… I'll pass, I don't like her songs…" She turned to Pablo. "I gotta go, I'll see you later. Hope you do answer my call." Before walking away.

"What's her problem??…" Ibrahim queried.

Pablo gazed at his friend disappointedly. "I could go with you to the concert… I love Cheryl."

"Shut the fuck up…"

Pablo turned in the direction René went. She had her phone in her hand and stared at it continuously without raising her head.

"Hey, I'll meet you at the diner tomorrow! I gotta go…"

They performed their well-devised handshake before Pablo followed behind René, stealthily. Hoping she doesn't notice him. He wasn't even sure why he was following her.

Maybe because she acts too nice or maybe it was because she showed too much interest in him, which by the way, no girl has ever done.

He followed her out of the club and into a small alley. 'where is she going' he thought to himself.

Suddenly, she stopped and a huge bald man appeared from the other side. He had a scar on his right eye. The man frowned before he spoke "Detective… I'm disappointed in your work."

Everywhere went dark and his knee felt weak. He couldn't believe his ears.

End of chapter.