Chapter Eight

Pablo didn't waste any time. He swiftly stopped a taxi and gave the driver the address to Eric's house.

Eric lived in an apartment just a few minutes away from the college. He had previously given Pablo his address so that they could have a private place they could meet and have their conversations without anyone interrupting them.

As if Eric was waiting for Pablo to arrive, the door swung open before he even raised his hand to knock.

Pablo quickly rushed into the house without even waiting for an invite from Eric.

Eric looked around to see if anyone was following the brown-haired boy. Seeing no one, he shrugged and shut the door.

"What is it again this time?" He asked the frightened young man, who was still trying to catch his breath after he had raced away from the alley to the main road to find a taxi.

Eric walked into the kitchen and returned with two bottles of water. He passed one to Pablo before chugging down his.

"I fucked up," Pablo says. "I didn't listen to the message, and now I'm in big trouble. I'll end up in jail. Should I have never joined the group? Oh my god, what will I do now? A fucking detective is after me. How was she even able to join the college without anyone noticing, she looks young too… this is insane… this is crazy. I mean I didn't do anything bad."

"Hey, chill," Eric says, interrupting the confused man.

He looked at Eric in a scared and confused manner. "Breathe, now tell me what happened!…"

Pablo narrated everything that happened to Eric. He told him how René came to him for help, the message he saw on her phone when they were studying, the way she kept asking him about himself, how he refused to listen to the eye, and how he found out that René is undercover police.

Eric chuckled. Before bursting into laughter.

"It… it isn't funny," Pablo complained.

"You need to relax... you're now a member of the eye for God's sake. Nothing will happen. I mean, I went through a similar thing. I thought I was going to prison but in the end, everything was cleared… the eye protected me, and I'm sure they will do the same to you! You just have to trust and obey every command you received."

Hearing this, Pablo became less worried. He leaned back on the chair he was sitting on and took a sip of his drink.

It was now he realized how amazing the room he was in is. It was a million times better than he's. It had everything a living room needs, hell it has more.

The place looks like a place for more than one person. The bright blue paint on the wall made the room lively. There were also thick white curtains that didn't allow the entrance of sunlight.

If it wasn't for the lights in the room, it would have been completely dark in there. The chairs were the latest version from "Front foam" it felt relaxing as Pablo leaned on them.

The place looked... royal. It made him wonder; whether he too could acquire all this. Maybe if he became loyal to the eye, he would have an apartment half as good as this one.

They both remained silent for a moment before Eric leans forward as he had just remembered something he had been wanting to say. Actually he did remember something he had been wondering to say because he just… never mind…

"I actually wanted to come and see you tonight. But now that you're here…" He stopped and went into a different room. He returned with a box in his hand.

"Not the box again…"

Eric smiled. "I was asked to give this to you. From the eye, of course. The remaining information will be sent to you later, you are to deliver it."

"Why are you not the one delivering the…" before he could finish, Pablo's phone buzzed. He took it out expecting it to be a message from Alexa. But it was actually a message from the eye.

"There's cocaine in the box. Tomorrow, at 9 pm, take it to the Blue Pictures hotel. You know what to do… don't let your face be seen…"

"I'm guessing you've been contacted?"

Pablo nodded "Well, good luck with your job. Just act natural and everything will be fine," Eric assured, before sliding the box over to Pablo.

Pablo took the box and head back to his apartment. He sat, staring at the box.

Was this what his life has come down to?

Delivering drugs?

What does that make him? A drug dealer.

What would his parents think of him if they knew? Speaking of his parents, if only they had settled things out none of this would happen.

Why couldn't they stay together for a little longer? Why couldn't they wait till he was at least done with school? Probably because they don't even care about him.

And with that, he got the answer to his question 'what would his parents think of him if they knew?' they probably wouldn't even care

Pablo sighed and gulp down the entire cup of tequila he had been drinking.

He knew what he had to do from now. He was just going to carry on with this and accept whatever happens next.

Or maybe not.

End of chapter.