Chapter Nine

He wore clothes he knows he will never put on again. He can't be seen with it after what's about to go down. He had a face mask and also a hat on. That was him trying to disguise himself from the world.

As he walks forward, he kept looking back to see if anyone is following him. After he found out that René was an undercover detective, he has been insecure about literally everything. No one even looked at him as he walked in his weird outfit.

He leaned on the wall of the hotel, searching the surrounding for the guy the group told him to meet. Half an hour passed, but no came that fit the description came. He then sat on a bench and pulled out his phone to text the eye. Thinking about it, he has never texted them. He began to type down his message, but before he finished typing it, a person wearing a hoodie sat on the bench next to him. The person had an article of clothing covering their face, it was impossible to see their face, or even tell if they are a female or male.

The masked dude pulled out an envelope and slipped it over to Pablo.

"Is this the guy?" He asked himself.

Pablo was frightened. His hand was shaking as he brought out the box and passed it over to the guy.

Suddenly, the air was filled with police sirens. The person quickly picked up the box Pablo dropped and disappeared. Pablo was completely lost and confused. He doesn't know what to do. His knee felt weak and he couldn't move.

He bites his lips deeply to get him back to his senses. The moment he regained back his sense, he picked up the envelope and quickly run into the alley. But down on his luck, one of the cops saw him and chased after him.

All that was on his mind as he was running, was how to escape the cop. He doesn't even care to think how they knew. Or maybe that's just not the right time. The cop kept threatening to shoot if he don't stop.

Knowing that there are people around, he doubted the police's word. He passed in front of an ice cream palace where he and Alexa used to come from time to time. Then it hits him. Alexa's aunt's house is just by the corner of the ice cream shop.

He sharply took the corner and disappeared into the many people in front of him. The police pushed through some of the men, and after some time, he stopped and looked around but he was already gone. He cursed and stomp his feet on the ground.

Pablo banged on the door. He kept looking back to see if the cop is still following him. He took off the facemask and slip it into his pocket. He then flipped his hat backward. The door opened to reveal Alexa staring at him. She looked bored and sad.

But her face lightened the moment she saw Pablo. "Pablo?…"

She pulled him in for a hug, closing the door shut.

"It's… it's al-also nice to meet you, Alexa, " He says with a shaky voice.

She pulled back and raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay? Why are you even here? "

"Long story short? I'm still in that cult, and I'm in big trouble right now. "

She let go of Pablo, clearly pissed. "Seriously?… You lied that you quit?"

"I'm sorry I lied, but I really needed the money and, and, they pay real big that I have enough to pay half the fees now. I was knee-deep in debt, and they offered, I'm really sorry…"

Alexa exhaled. They both walked in and sat on the couch.

"Ho-how is your aunt doing?" He asked.

"Forget about my aunt… tell me everything that happened when I was gone. Or rather, before I was gone."


Pablo went on to narrate everything that has been going on that Alexa doesn't know about. He stared at him shocked.

"Wait, lemme get this straight… first, the René girlie is an undercover cop?… Oh my god Pablo what have you gotten yourself into?… You could end up in jail shithead? You're so fucking dumb…"

He only looked helplessly at her and took in everything she said.

"Does that mean she's been spying on you all this while?… And a cop is looking for you right now? " She queried.

Pablo nods. "I know, I got my hands some little dirt, right?"

"Little?" She chipped. "You got yourself in big trouble, my man. The puppies are looking for you and you called that little? You need to leave that fucked up eye group. "

"I will, this time for sure," He says.

End of chapter.