Chapter Ten

Pablo slept at Alexa's and left the next morning. He made sure to take off the clothes he had on and borrowed a T-shirt from Alexa. It was baggy, so it fits.

After he left her place, he went straight to Eric's place. As he arrived, Eric was out, leaning on his car. Wait Eric had a car?

Eric was outside leaning on his car. "Just who I was waiting for..." He says to Pablo the moment he walked up to him.

"How did you know was coming to meet you?" Pablo asked.

"The eye," He says before entering the car. "Come on," He signaled for him to enter.

Pablo entered the car. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"They say I should take you for a spin."

Eric start the car and they drove off into the road. "Lemme guess, you had a rough mission, you fear things might go wrong and now you want to quit?" He asked, without averting his eyes from the road.

"Yes actually."

Eric laughed while taking a sharp turn to the left. The way he's just taking different turns, makes Pablo thinks he doesn't know where he's going.

He cleared his throat. "Listen. As a member of the eye, there's no quitting. You're only out when the group wants you out...." He stopped. "My first mission was to spy on a cop and find out how he lives his life. Imagine stalking a cop, yeah that's how difficult it starts. But I had fate and was loyal... anytime I get in trouble, something happens and I'm out. I thought hell at first, but look at where I am now, I think I'm in a high seat in this group. I've done so many missions I should be on top. " He adds.

"The point I'm making is, be loyal... trust the eye and the eye will watch your back."

Pablo gazed at Eric as he blurts all this stuff out. This doesn't change anything. All he wanted was to leave the group and not receive some stupid ass speech on loyalty. Everything has been so messed up lately that he barely had any time to even study. What's the point of making the money If he ends up failing in what he wants to use the money for?

He turns to face the road. "Where are we going?"

"We are here."

The car stopped just across what looked like a bank. Pablo frowned. "Are we robbing the bank?"

Eric smiled while putting on a glove. He put on a mask to cover his face and pulled out a gun from the back of his trouser.

"I am... you are just going to stay in here and get ready to drive. Don't fuck this up," He says, before jumping out of the car with a bag in his hand.

Pablo thoughts he wasn't going to use the gun, probably just to scare people into doing what he asked, but he shot the security when he reached the entrance of the bank. This made him jolt in his seat. The only thing on his mind was to drive off and leave Eric here. But he also fears the group will haunt him. It's just one bullshit after another. What other way to ruin his life completely?

His phone buzzed. He picked it out to see a message from the eye.

"Call the cops, and drive away." That was what the message says.

He was shocked. Are they telling him to snitch? But that will mean Eric ending up in jail.

With a little hesitation and shaky hands, he dialed the number and hit the call button. He reported that a robbery was happening at the moment.

Just when Eric was coming out of the bank, three police cars pulled up. The cops exit their car with their guns aimed at him. Pablo quickly did as he was asked and drove off.

He received another message telling him to park the car at the college parking lot and leave the keys in it. The rest will be handled by them.. he quickly returned to his apartment with his phone buzzing with another message from the eye. He took it out to read the message.

"Congratulations, you are now a member of THE EYE. The cash from the other day is all yours."

He stared at the message his jaw wide open. So to join the group you have to snitch on the person that recruited you? He thought.

Pablo couldn't help but smile. There was a lot of money in that envelope. More than enough to pay off everyone he's owing.

He doesn't know if he should be happy or sad about what just happened.

Two weeks later.

It's been two weeks since the cops took Eric with them. Life has never been better for Pablo. No debt, no worries, no jobs, no eye.

Pablo walked out of professor Cunningham's office with Reema. He finally got the courage to ask her out, so he used Mr. Kelland as an excuse to meet with her.

"Oh my god, you're so funny Pablo... where were you my whole life?!..." She says, laughing at the jokes he made.

"Girls like funny guys." He says, abruptly.

He stared down at her as she laughed. This is the closest he has ever been with her. And she's even more pretty in person. He took a deep breath.

"It's really fun talking to you... we should hang out more Pablo," Reema says before Pablo could talk.

He stopped and turn to her. This has never happened in my entire life. I mean a girl asking him out. His lips quiver as he holds back his smile.

"Are you, asking me out?" He queried.

She also stopped and turn to face him. "I'm just saying, you don't have to if you don't want to. I just enjoy hanging out with you."

End of chapter.