Chapter Eleven

Pablo and Reema walked into one of the finest restaurants in town. It was a Sunday, so they didn't have any classes. One of the many hosts in the restaurant led them to their table. Pablo pulled the chair back for her to sit. She smiled before taking her seat.

Now seated, a waitress approached them. "May I take your order?…"

"We'll have water, while we go through the ehm… menu," he says, trying not to lose his composure.

He wasn't familiar with this, and he fear he might ruin it. He fixed his collar and cleared his throat while picking up the menu. He wore a simple plain blue shirt tucked into jeans trousers. He dressed like that so as not to look like he was trying too much.

Reema on the other hand also dressed simply. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail and wore a red dress that covered up to her knee. She's not wearing her usual bangs and she looks completely pretty that way.

The restaurant was a fine one. Just stepping into it and you will be able to tell that the food served here will be worth your time and money. The tables there were dispersed as if doing the customers a favor so that others won't listen to your conversation. The slow music that was played was also relaxing, it was the latest song by the famous singer, Cheryl Carter.

Pablo looked through the menu and his eyes widened as he noticed the food there are really expensive. But his pocket was also filled with the money he got from the job, so he was reassured.

"So, what do you want to have?…" He asked.

She went through the menu with a smile on her face. She then closed it shut and placed it on the table. "I'll have anything you're having," she says.

"Oh wow… ehm, okay. But be warned, I might have bad taste,"

Pablo called the waiter. "We'll have the best of the menu." The waiter nods before walking away to get their dish.

He turned to his date that was sitting in front of him. "You look uhm… pretty in that outfit of yours"

She starts to run her hand through her hair. "You think?… I'm regretting doing this to my hair," She says, placing her hand over her forehead.

Pablo didn't have anything more to say. He took a sip of the water. Hoping to find what to say.

"So, what are you studying? " Reema asked after seeing the distress on his face.

He looked up at her. "Ehm, well,  zoology… I don't really enjoy what I'm doing. I just want to get the certificate. After that, I can actually set out for what I want."

She nods.

"Why don't you like it?… I mean, you could work at the zoological park," She says.

"I… I done think that is how it works, but sure," He muttered under his breath. "What about you? I saw you in my biology class some time ago," He asked.

She stopped for a moment, thinking back to what Pablo was talking about. "Oh that, I was just filling in for a friend. I actually aspire to become an actress, like my parents."

"…Yeah, the Majeeds…" he chipped. "I have watched some of your dad's movies and they are great, especially ehm… The moon that clouds the sun!" He says.

She smiled. "Yep, they are my inspiration. I want to make them proud by winning an orsca one day."

Their conversation went on for a moment before the waiter finally served their food. They both dug in, enjoying the beautiful dish set before them. After their meal, they had another long-lasting conversation, where they found out they both had a lot in common. Before they even know it, the day had already passed and it was dark. Pablo paid their bills before they left the restaurant. The two stood in front of Reema's car, ending their conversation.

"Well, I really had fun today Pablo… and I'm looking forward to more days like this! Thank you for the day," She says smiling.

He nods. His eyes flickered down to her lips then back up to her eyes. His heartbeat slowed and everyone around them appeared invisible as he leaned in. Reema pulled back from him before his lips could touch hers.

He stood back, feeling embarrassed. He was expecting something else to happen. He just ruined the moment completely.

"Ehm… I'm… I am sorry, I didn't…"

"No, I'm sorry… it's just, we are so common. And I don't want to ruin this great… friendship?" She says.

Pablo felt as if a dagger was stabbed into his heart. He forced a smile on his face and nodded.

"Yeah. Great, friendship"

The feeling of being friend zoned by the girl he liked angered him.

"A hug maybe?" She said with her hands outstretched.

End of chapter.