Chapter Eighteen

Somewhere in California.

Some years ago.

Cunningham lived in a bungalow with his wife and two kids. He used to work at a lab where he made research that was supposed to progress the world. But after three consecutive research that he made were proven wrong, he got fired.

His wife walked in on him sitting on a couch gulping down a bottle of wine. Her jaw tightened as she stared at him. She clenched her fist, trying to hold herself back.

"What… are you doing?" She asked with a slightly shaky voice.

He raised his head to look at her. He was drunk and barely awake.

"What does it look like am doing? I am drinking dammit"

She snatched the bottle from his hand and threw it on the ground, shattering it into pieces.

"You promised you'd stop drinking… we've talked about this. And why the hell are you seated here, instead of working? What example are you showing the kids?" She asked.

Cunningham knocked over the table, breaking all the other empty bottles.

"I told you I got fired, what do you want me to do?… I've tried all I can, but nothing is working out."

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she listened to what he was saying. She then points at a door that leads to the bedroom where their children are staying in.

"What about them? How are you going to feed them? Or pay for their school?" She asked.

He threw his hand over his head.

"I don't know, we'll get a loan or something, and when my research is complete…"

"Research?…" She chipped. "You are still bringing up that research? When are you ever going to learn for heaven's sake?" She stopped for a moment and took in a sharp breath before speaking again.

"You know what? I can't be with you anymore. I am done with you, I can't put up with this," She said, before stomping away.

Cunningham didn't chase her. Instead, he dug his hand into his hair. "You're leaving me?… You can't do that, this is the time I need you the most, don't let me go through this alone" he gulped. But she doesn't return.

A week later, they got divorced. The wife took both the children, leaving Kelland Cunningham with just his research and beer. He tried offering his work to other companies but they turned him down due to his infamousness.

He lost all hope in life, thinking there was nothing else he could do, he thought he had lost everything, until a guy approached him in a diner, offering to sponsor any research he wants and even pay him on top of that. All he has to do was recruit vulnerable kids for THE EYE.


"That's all I've been doing since I joined… I only recruit people. Some might see this group as bad, some good… I on the other hand see it as an association that's only trying to help people who are struggling," Cunningham said to Pablo who has had his chin on his hand since the professor started speaking. They've been having their conversation for hours now and it's already dark outside.

He leaned back on his chair and sighed. "And you know nothing else about them?" He asked. "What about those responsible for the creation of this group?… Surely there's something deep you know?" He added.

Cunningham smiled. "You ask too many questions, Pablo," he stopped. "Oh, and I thought I should tell you."

"What?…" Pablo asked.

"When Eric came to me, I rejected his offer. It wasn't me who recommended you to the eye," he answered.

Pablo stopped for a second before speaking. "Then… if it wasn't you, who did? And why?"

Pablo had never been this confused in his life. He kept wondering, if it wasn't Professor Cunningham who sent the request, then who did. Eric too claimed it wasn't him. He got lost, thinking of different possibilities of who could have offered him to the group.

The professor got up from where he was sitting and picked up his jacket. He then walked up to Pablo and tapped his shoulder. "Come on son,"

They both walked out of the office together. As they reached Cunningham's car, he stopped and turned to Pablo.

"Hey, relax okay? Everything's going to be fine, worry not." He stated before stepping into his car and then driving off.

Pablo stood there for a moment before finally deciding to head home.

When he arrived at his apartment, he met Alexa standing in front of hers.

"There you are… been calling your phone but no reach. Where have you been?…" She asked, before hugging him.

"Oh, my phone died," he said, forcing a smile on his face. The information he just received had left him confused.

"Don't mind. I have some friends over, wanna join for some drink and probably some games?" She asked.

He shook his head.

"Nah, I'm gonna retire for today. Feeling a little sick," He said while unlocking his door.

Alexa cups his face in her hands and turned his head to face her.

"Are you okay?… You look tense. I could cancel and come over?"

He placed his hands on hers and smiled. "No no… it's fine, have fun… I'm gonna get some sleep, everything should be better tomorrow."

She smiled and slapped him on the shoulder. "Aight… catch ya tomorrow," She says before walking back into her apartment.

The moment he closed his door behind him, he pulled out his phone and tapped on René's number.

End of chapter.