Chapter Twenty

The next morning, Pablo woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing nonstop. It was a text from the eye. He picked it up to see what it says

"Head to the college cafe. Go with the gun"

Walking around campus with a gun in his pant. That's a risk he's not willing to take. He started typing to decline the task when another message pops in.

"We could send the cops a message that you are in possession of a gun without a license"

He cussed before throwing his phone back on the nightstand to get ready. He wore a black shirt and trousers before strapping the gun into his belt.

Meanwhile, René had tracked the message to the college cafe. She pushed open the door and walked in, looking around. She followed everyone's computer one after the other.

As she locked eyes with a guy, he quickly tapped on his computer before he swiftly stood up to leave the cafe. He had a facemask on and a hoodie which he used to cover his face.

She quickly ran to the computer he just tapped to see it loading to format the computer. She canceled the task and to her surprise, she saw her conversation with the anonymous person sending her information on the eye. He was writing another message which says: "Leave Cloud College now, you'll get yourself killed. They know you're here!"

She quickly turned to see the guy leaving the cafe. "Hey!… Wait" she called out before running after the guy.

He tilted his head back only to see her approaching behind him. He cussed before he started running. René chased him out of the college and into a valley. She pulled out her gun and throw it at his leg, making him miss one step and he slowed down.

She quickly tackled him to the ground and handcuffed him. René turned him over and pulled down his mask. Her jaw dropped as she saw her brother staring back at her. "Iza?…" She called out. "It… it was you all along?" She said before falling back away from him.

He sat up trying to catch his breath. "Ree. You have to leave California… they are after you. Please leave. they've found out that I am still alive and you are digging up dirt on them. please leave, I don't want anything to happen to you…" he said tears dripping down her cheek.

"René?… Is this your brother?"

They both turned to see Pablo. Iza crawled back as he looked up at Pablo. Pablo's phone buzzed as he received a message from the eye.

His phone was already in his hand as he was using it as the eye gave him directions on how to get there.

"Do it"

His heart starts to race faster. He looked up at René and her brother.

"It's the eye right?" Iza asked.

"What did they say?" Rene queried.

Pablo shook his head and moved some steps back. "I can't… no…"

His phone buzzed again. But this time, it was a video of his father in his work at the moment and Alexa at the library at the moment. He swallowed hard before pulling out the gun and aiming it at Iza. His hand was shaking as his heart beat so fast that he could hear it. "I'm so sorry… if I don't they'll go after my father." Tears rolled down his cheek.

"No… no wait… don't do this Pablo. Things will only get worse if you use that gun"

He starts to feel dizzy and his vision has started to fade. His world starts to shake like an earthquake just occurred. He dropped the gun and fell to the ground, dragging himself to lean on a wall. "NO no… I can't, I just can't…"

Iza exhaled and threw his head back. Suddenly the sound of a revving engine filled the air. And in a few seconds, a bike pulled up at the entrance of the valley the trio was in. The biker pulled out a gun and shoots an entire clip of bullets at them before swiftly driving away.

Pablo came out from where he hid only to find Iza on the ground covered in blood. And René screamed as she shook her brother's body. Her hand was bleeding. She also got shot by the biker but she wasn't worried about her injury as she only concentrated on her brother.

He picked up his phone, his hand still shaking from the previous event. He barely survived but it did mental damage to him. He dialed the ambulance number.

End of chapter.