It was already 9Pm and Ann had now come home, she went to Tracy's room to check up on her and saw that she was in sound sleep which Andrea was sleeping by her. Ann then went to her room and saw Edmund sleeping there

Ann's mind: What is he doing here?

Ann got changed into her nightgown and slept by Edmund, Edmund kissed Ann on the lips and opened his eyes

Ann: Why did you do that?

Edmund: Can't I kiss my girlfriend's mouth anymore

Ann: You can

Edmund: Can I have you for tonight?

Ann: I can't, I'm so tired but you can cuddle me

Edmund agreed and he cuddled Ann until they both fell into a deep sleep. The next day, Tracy woke up feeling excited to go to School and got dressed hurriedly, Ann went to her room

Ann: Good morning, Sweetheart

Tracy: Good morning, momma

Ann: Did you sleep well last night?

Tracy: Yes, I did momma

Ann: I'm so sorry for not coming with your dad to pick you up

Tracy: Dad told me that you'll be working late

Ann: Yes, now let's get down cos auntie Andrea had prepared some fruit salad for you

Ann went downstairs

Ann: Need help, sister in law

Andrea: Nope, Ann you look so beautiful no wonder Edmund couldn't stop thinking about you

Ann smiled

Andrea: I heard that Tracy is your daughter

Ann: Yes but not what you think

Andrea: Yes, I know. Edmund told me about it but I would want you and Edmund to have your own baby

Ann: Yes, me too but after we get married. I heard you're getting married to your boyfriend Max very soon

Andrea: Yeah, we're going to set the date today or maybe tomorrow at the Church🏤 then we'll start with the preparations

Ann: Okay and don't forget me as your maid of honour

Andrea: I won't

Gerald wanted to have a date with Maya and needed help

The Question is: Where would the date be? , What would happen at the date.

Very soon, I'll have volume 2 so stay tuned for that one and also read my newest story Can I be loved again