Gerald had planned a nice date for Maya and him with Ann and Edmund, the date was set. Ann closed her mom's eyes

Maya: Ann, where are you taking me to?

Ann: You'll see, mom

Maya opened her eyes and saw a romantic table with lots of roses there, Edmund and Gerald came. Gerald bent down

Gerald: Maya, would you marry me and make the happiest man in the world

Maya: Yes, I do

Gerald placed the ring on Maya's finger and hugged her, Ann and Edmund were clapping for them. Maya and Gerald disengaged the hug and Ann hugged her parents, Edmund also hugged them. Tracy's Pov

Tracy: Auntie Andrea, pls where is momma and daddy

Andrea: They went to visit your grandparents house, they'll be back very soon

Ann's Pov

Ann: We'll leave you both to have fun

Edmund: So bye

Edmund and Ann left

Maya: I didn't know they helped you do this

Gerald: They helped me a lot and Edmund would be such a good in law

Maya: Yes, he sure will

Ann and Edmund sat in the car suddenly Tracy called Edmund

Tracy: Daddy, where are you and mommy?

Edmund: We're at your grandparents house

Tracy: Daddy, pls is mommy there?

Edmund: Yes, momma and I are coming home

Tracy: Yay, I'll be waiting for you both

Tracy hanged up

Edmund: It was Tracy

Ann: I know

It was a Sunday morning and Ann had gone to the Church to pray when she bumped into a certain girl which was Greenee who's belly had become a little big

Greenee: Ouch

Ann: I'm so sorry, Miss

Greenee: Is okay

Ann saw that Greenee had been crying cos her eyes were red and swollen

Ann: Miss, are you okay?

Greenee: I'm fine

Ann: No, Miss. You're crying, do you need help?

Greenee: Yes

Ann: Or do you need money

Greenee: No, I'm good

Ann: I hope for the best for you

Greenee: Thank you

Ann left and went inside the church and knelt down and began to pray

Ann's mind: Father, I thank for letting me have the happiest things in my life like for letting me to have my true love Edmund as my boyfriend now and we also have Tracy now as our daughter who isn't our real one. I'm also happy for mom and dad cos they're now back together after a long time. Thank you so much, Lord

After praying, Ann wanted to see the strange woman again but didn't see her so she decided to go home

Edmund: Where did you go?

Ann: I went to the Church to pray

Edmund: Tracy was asking of your whereabouts that's why I asked

Ann: Where's she?

Edmund: She's in her room

Andrea had gone to the Church with her boyfriend Max to set their date. They decided to get married next year since they wanted to do the preparations for a big and grande wedding

Andrea: I'm so happy that we'll get married very soon

Max: Me too, I can't wait for you to be my husband

Andrea: And can't wait for me to be Mrs. Andrea Guzman

Andrea and Max kissed