Five months later, Maya was getting married to Gerald. Ann was the bridesmaid, Edmund was the best man for the groom and Tracy was the flower girl

Ann: Mom, you look so beautiful

Maya: Thanks, Ann

Ann: Dad would be so happy to see you

Maya smiled, Maya was at the Church. Tracy walked down aisle and threw rose petals 🌷on the carpet then Ann and Edmund entered then Maya came dressed beautifully as a bride👰.

Pastor: Do you Gerald Del Mundo take Maya Dela Rosa as your lawfully wedded wife to love to hold for richer for poorer till death tear you apart

Gerald: I do

Pastor: And do you Maya Dela Rosa take Gerald Del Mundo as your lawfully wedded husband to love to hold for richer for poorer till death tear you apart

Maya: I do

Pastor: You may now exchange rings

Ann and Edmund came with the rings and Ann smiled at her mom and dad

Pastor: They both have their vows

Gerald: Maya, you are the happiest thing that ever happened in my life, you make me happy a lot and today I wed you as my wife

Gerald finished putting the ring on Maya's finger, Maya took the last ring

Maya: Gerald, you made me feel strong today as I'm talking I'm thankful for that, you're also the happiest man in my life that makes me happy

Maya finished putting the ring on Gerald's finger, some coins were brought for them and Gerald took all and placed it in Maya's hand

Gerald: I therefore give these coins to you to accept and also take care of the house

Maya: I would therefore accept and take care of our house

Maya said as she poured them back in Gerald's hands, Gerald poured them back in the bowl

Pastor: With the power manifested by the Lord, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride

Gerald removed the veil from Maya's face and kissed her sweetly and romantically, Everyone was clapping for them

The Wedding had now closed and Ann and Edmund came and hugged Maya and Gerald

Ann: I'm so happy for you mom and dad

Tracy: Grandpa and Grandma, congratulations

Maya: Oh, thank you dear

Gerald: Tracy, thank you

Maya: Very soon, you'll also get married to someone you love

Tracy: But I won't, grandma

Gerald: You would when the time comes

They took a couple of pictures until they went for the reception which was going on so well, it was now dancing time and everyone was dancing except for Tracy who was eating with her two aunts Jennie and Rosé

Edmund: So what do you want your wedding like?

Ann: Very simple

Edmund: Really!!

Ann: No, that was a pretty big lie. I want a big one which looks like a fairytale

Edmund: And I hope so that it comes true