David had now seen the wedding of Maya and Gerald on the Internet and he became very angry and jealous

David: I signed those fucking divorce papers so that we can start our love and family afresh but she remarried again to that bastard

It was a bright and nice Monday morning and Tracy had to go to School which she was so excited about

Tracy: Mom and dad, would you both drop me to school

Edmund: I can't, Princess I have an important to meet

Ann: I also have an emergency meeting so aunt Andrea would drop you to School

Tracy: But I wanted you both to drop me to School

Ann: I can't, I have to go to work okay

Edmund: I'll pick you up after school and we'll go to the Ice cream shop and have every ice cream

Tracy: Yay

Andrea came

Andrea: Finish eating fast so that we can go, Tracy

Tracy: Okay, auntie

Tracy later finished eating and Andrea drove her to School

Edmund: I'm so glad and relieved that she wasn't angry at me

Ann: Me too

Edmund: I think I have to leave now

Ann: Right now!!

Edmund: Yes

Ann: Bye, I'll see you after work

Edmund kissed Ann on the lips and left, Rosé had called Ann

Ann: Hello

Rosé: Ann, there's someone who wants to see you

Ann: And who's that?

Rosé: Your big client

Ann: Oh My God, I'll be right there

Ann hanged up, Ann hurriedly went to her Company and saw the big client in her office

Ann: Pls, sorry I'm late

Client: Is okay, I'm Freda

Ann: I know, so what brings you to my office now

Freda: I'm here to see Edmund

Ann: Pls I'm the owner here and he is the owner of another Company

Freda: So what are you doing in my son's Company

Ann: Your son!!