Edmund came to Ann's Office

Ann Marie: Edmund!!

Edmund: Ann, I need to discuss something with u

Ann Marie: Me too, the thing is about us but u say yours first

Edmund: About last night

Ann Marie: You're sorry I forgive u

Edmund: Not that, Rachel is pregnant

Ann Marie: That's good

Edmund: For me

Ann was so shocked and couldn't hold her tears

Ann Marie: How come

Edmund: Yesterday, I became so drank so she said she took me to a hotel and I forcefully had sex with her

Ann Marie: Edmund, I don't know what to say?, but very soon her belly would be out so I think you should marry her

Edmund: But you're the one I love and want to marry, I don't love her

Ann Marie: I'll be good for both of us

Edmund: Ann, u wanted to tell me something important too

Ann Marie: I think her pregnancy is more important than what I was going to say. You should marry her as soon as possible

Edmund: Ann, we should let this to be an obstacle to our love

Ann Marie: Edmund, it's not an obstacle. It's a real sacrifice to our love

Edmund: Ann, no we can't do this

Ann Marie: It has already happened so what do u want me to do, sit there and say that we should marry and u should leave your baby which is just at the corner. Ours was just love but with Rachel, u have a baby. I couldn't give u that, she's giving u that

Edmund: Marrying someone I don't love

Ann Marie: But u have a real family of 3, u would be a dad to the baby. I think Tracy and I would leave today as soon as I get home

Edmund: You can't also take Tracy

Ann Marie: I have no choice but to take her alone

Ann Marie got up and began to cry more and more, Edmund also couldn't control his tears. Edmund remembered the good times they both had together. It's been one week now and Tracy and Ann had left Edmund's house, Ann took Tracy to Gerald's house. Ann hugged her mom immediately that she saw them and began to cry, Gerald took Tracy upstairs. Ann explained everything to her mother

Maya: I can see u loved him a lot

Ann Marie: Yes, I did mother. I just brought Tracy here to stay with you both and I'll go and stay somewhere else

Maya: Would u be okay, and also the baby?

Ann Marie: We would both be fine, I'm going to live with Rosé and Jennie

Maya: Does Tracy know this?

Ann Marie: No, I just told her that Edmund is going for a business trip and I also told her that I'll join Edmund

Maya: Okay

Ann Marie: I'll leave now mom

Maya: Okay, stay safe

Ann Marie: I would