La Sierra Company had a huge fashion show and Ann Marie couldn't just sit at home so she came, Edmund also came to help her. Edmund still didn't know that Ann Marie was pregnant with his baby, Rachel was also there but in a disgust so Ann nor Edmund didn't know that she was there. The Fashion show and at the end people sold the dresses a lot, Ann was so happy. It was also an awards night, so the host announced La Sierra as the Number 1 Top Head Fashion Company and went for it. Edmund saw that the host was looking at Ann's beautiful and cute face a lot so he became more and more jealous so after the show he got really really drank, Ann came to him

Ann Marie: Edmund, are u okay?

Edmund: I'm not, the handsome host was looking at u and u didn't even notice to tell him that he should stop staring at u

Ann Marie: Ed, u don't have to be this jealous. I didn't even know he was staring at me because I was only looking at u

Edmund: I want to be alone

Ann Marie: But Ed....

Edmund: I said I want to be alone

Ann Marie sadly left, Edmund got drank and left. Rachel came and took Edmund to a hotel and started to remove all his clothes and shoes on him, she also removed her dress and started kissing him on his lips

Edmund: Ann, Ann!!

Edmund thought it was Ann Marie

Rachel: Yes, Sweetheart

Edmund: I'm really sorry earlier

Rachel: It's okay, just keep quiet and let's have fun

Ann Marie couldn't sleep well the whole night and kept worrying about Edmund. The next day, Edmund woke up only to find himself in a hotel

Edmund: How come I'm here, maybe Ann was the one who brought me here

He searched the room to see if he could find Ann but didn't find her, he quickly took a shower and got dressed. Ann had gotten dressed and took Tracy to school

Tracy: Momma, where's daddy?

Ann Marie's mind: What should I tell her?

Ann Marie: He's gone to work

Tracy: But last night I didn't see him come home with u and this morning too, I didn't see him

Ann Marie: He came last night and went early in the morning ok

Tracy: Okay, mom

Ann Marie: I'll try and come and pick up after school if I'm not busy at work

Tracy: Okay, mom. Bye

Ann Marie: Bye!!

Ann Marie sat in her car and drove off, Edmund was just about to sit in his car when Rachel called him

Rachel: Edmund, can we meet?

Edmund: Like right now?

Rachel: Yes!!

Edmund: Send me the address

Edmund hanged up, he met Rachel in a restaurant

Edmund: Rachel, be quick cos I have work to go to right now

Rachel: Okay, all I want to tell you is that I'm pregnant

Edmund: But that's not my problem, it's yours

Rachel: The baby is yours

Edmund: How come cos I've never slept with u before

Rachel: It was last night

Edmund: Last night, I remember having Sex with Ann

Rachel: It was me that u had sex with, I took u to a hotel for u to sleep there but u forcefully had sex with me

Edmund: Then why didn't u take me home?

Rachel: Cos Ann doesn't want to see my face

Edmund: I'm not taking care of any baby and that baby in your stomach isn't mine

Edmund said as he stood up

Rachel: I've told your dad about and he's fine with it, he said we should get married as quick as possible

Edmund left