Glenn: Ann, are u okay?

Ann Marie: Yes, I am

Glenn: You don't deserve a guy like him

Ann Marie: I love him, Glenn but I don't want to see him again

Glenn: Do u want to leave this place so that u don't see him again

Ann Marie: I think so

Glenn: I can take you to somewhere

Ann Marie: I would love that

Edmund and Rachel had reached home

Edmund: Why did u follow me there?

Rachel: Cos I have every right to know where ever my husband goes

Edmund: Do not follow me anywhere again

Rachel: Okay!!

Edmund: I'm only looking after that baby, that's all. In this marriage, there's no love

Edmund said and left

Rachel: Urghhhhhhhhhhhh

The other time, Rachel tied a string and Ann didn't see and was about to fall when Glenn saved her

Glenn took Ann to the place

Ann Marie: Wow, it's really nice and simple

Glenn: Yeah, I sometimes come here to relax my mind and rest also

Ann Marie: Okay

Glenn: Do you what to rest?

Ann Marie: Mmmm hmmmmm

Six months later, Ann Marie was watching television when she felt that there is water flowing

Glenn: I think the baby is coming

Ann Marie: Call my mom and dad

Glenn called Maya and Gerald and told them about Ann, they were on their way. Glenn sent Ann to the Hospital, Ann was placed in a stretcher. Immediately, Maya and Gerald reached. Maya called Edmund and he quickly came as soon as possible, the doctor allowed Edmund to go to Ann

Ann Marie: Edmund, leave. I don't want to see your face

Edmund: Ann, let me stay by u and see our baby

Ann Marie: Okay, fine

Ann Marie screamed really hard and at the same time, Edmund held her hand. Finally, finally the baby came out. Ann and Edmund were so happy that they laughed, the nurses wrapped the child in a cloth and brought the baby to Ann

Edmund: What do u think we should name him?

Ann Marie: Junior Gerald