Ann had been discharged from the Hospital, Rachel had also given birth to a baby girl. she named her Lena which means truth. Ann still stayed in Glenn's house and Glenn helped Ann to take good care of Junior Gerald, Edmund had also been coming there to visit the baby. Ann Marie and Edmund are lovers again seems like Ann has forgiven Edmund. Rosé and Jennie also sometimes comes and visit Ann and her baby. Glenn had gone to the Hospital to get some results, after collecting it he went home. Edmund also came to see the baby, Ann then went to the Company to take care of some few things and be back. Glenn came and Edmund there then he started feeling dizzy and he collapsed, Edmund saw the results and took it he then saw that Glenn has some serious disease and in which he would be dying in a few weeks

After sometime, Glenn woke up

Edmund: Are u okay?

Glenn: I'm fine, thanks for caring about me

Later in the evening, Edmund met Ann in a restaurant

Ann Marie: Love, you told me you have something serious to tell me

Edmund: Yes, I do

Edmund said as he held Ann's hand

Edmund: Today, I found out that Glenn is really sick with a serious illness and he might end up dying within a few weeks

Ann Marie: Oh no, that's really bad

Edmund: And I want you to marry him so that he can be happy for a few weeks

Ann Marie: He once confessed his feelings to me but I refused


Glenn: Ann, I love you so forget about Edmund and let's make our own family

Ann Marie: Glenn, it's not easy to forget someone you love a lot and it's difficult to love you back. I'm sorry

Glenn: It's okay, I can't force u


Ann Marie: So I should get married to him

Edmund: Yes, we have to make another sacrifice again

Ann Marie: I can't do this again

Ann said as she couldn't control her tears

Ann Marie: I can't Edmund I can't