Edmund told Rachel that they should divorce

Rachel: Edmund, u can't divorce me cos I have your baby. What would your parents even say about this?

Edmund: Oh, I told them both and they're fine with it

Rachel: Edmund, I have your baby and don't think about going to Ann cos she have nothing for u

Edmund: She has something for me and that's love

Rachel laughed

Rachel: Love can't do anything, I have your baby and she doesn't anymore

Edmund: What do u mean by anymore, she has a bouncy baby boy for me

Rachel: Huh

Edmund: Yes, we have love and a baby too

Edmund said and left, Glenn had been searching for his results but couldn't find them

Glenn: Where is the results, I thought I saw it here

Glenn decided to go for another one when Ann came to him

Ann Marie: Glenn, where are u going?

Glenn: Nowhere

He lied

Ann Marie: I've wanted to say something to you, I love u Glenn

Glenn: U do

Ann Marie: Yes, from the very first day I saw u

Glenn: But I thought u said u love Edmund

Ann Marie: No, you're the one I love not Edmund anymore

Glenn: I love u too, Ann

Ann Marie: I think we should get married as soon as possible

Glenn: Anything u want, sweety

Glenn hugged Ann Marie

Ann Marie's mind: Oh My God, I don't know if what I'm doing is even the right thing

Rachel saw Glenn at the Hospital the day he went for the test results and so she went to the Hospital to get it

Rachel: Hello!!

Nurse: Hi, How may I help u?

Rachel: Pls my husband Mr. Glenn Santos came here for his test results

The nurse checked

Nurse: Yes, he came here on Wednesday

Rachel: He lost his test results so can I get another one

Nurse: And who are u to him?

Rachel: His wife

Nurse: Okay, I'll get a new one for u

Rachel: Thank u so much

The nurse handed the results to Rachel, she opened it and saw that Glenn is really ill and would die in a few weeks. She then decided to take it to Glenn

Rachel: Hi, Glenn. I have a surprise for u

Glenn was once Rachel's boyfriend until they broke up

Glenn: What do u want here, Rachel?

Rachel: I just came here to give you a wedding gift

Glenn: I don't want it so leave

Rachel: U might need it

Rachel said putting it on the table

Rachel: Congratulations also

Rachel said and left, Glenn then opened the envelope and saw...