Edmund: So, I'm inviting u to our childrens baptism which is happening next week Sunday

Leo: I would love that

Ann Marie: I would love to see you there

Leo: I would definitely come

Ann Marie: That's good

Next Week Sunday had come and Ann Marie got dressed beautifully, Edmund came to Ann

Edmund: Wow, you look so beautiful, Ann

Ann Marie: Thanks

Edmund said as he held Ann's waist and Ann also held his cheeks, they were just about to kiss when Tracy came and interrupted them

Tracy: Dad, were you about to kiss mom?

Edmund: No, we were just...

Tracy: You both should continue what you were doing

Tracy immediately left and Edmund continued with what he was about to do

Edmund: Shall we continue what we were doing?

Ann Marie: No, I think we should get going cos we would be late

Edmund: But u won't escape me in the evening

Ann Marie: Okay, I won't

Edmund: Promise

Ann Marie: I promise

Edmund: I think we have to go now

Ann Marie: Yh, let's go

Ann Marie and Edmund went downstairs and Stacy, Gerald, Stephen, Jennie, Maya, Rosé, Andrea and her boyfriend Max and Tracy. The babies were holding Maya and Stacy, they all sat in their cars and soon they reached the Church which was their destination. They got down from the cars and entered the Church. Soon, the baptism began and everything went perfect, the babies were called Junior Gerald and Sophie. Gerald and Maya came to Ann and Edmund after the baptism

Gerald: Ann, I didn't know u would ever name your child after me

Ann: Dad, u're the best dad I've ever had so Edmund and I decided to name him after u

Gerald: Thank u so much, Ann

Gerald said as he hugged Ann. They all went home for celebrations waiting for them, Ann and Edmund were outside standing near the swimming pool and talking

Ann: I'm so glad that everything went well in the church, I was even scared if Rachel would have just come and spoilt everything for us

Edmund: Me too, but God didn't let that happen

Ann: The babies are sleeping right

Edmund: Yh, and Tracy is with them

Ann: Okay

Ann stood in front of Edmund. Just then, Rachel came and pushed Ann from Edmund

Rachel: Stay away from my husband

Edmund: Rachel stop this nonsense, I'm not your husband again. Remember that u signed those divorce papers

Rachel: I signed it because I wanted us to remarry again

Edmund: And, that would never happen

Rachel: U, this is all your fault

Rachel said as she held Ann's hair and Ann also held her hair, this noise made the others inside to come outside. They tried to tie them apart but Rachel would freed herself and hold Ann's hair

Rachel: U took Edmund from me

Ann: I didn't, u were the one who took him from me

Rachel: You're a prostitute and a husband snatcher

Ann: Huh, I am not that and you're also a friend and boyfriend snatcher and you're also a liar

The girls fell inside the pool and they were still fighting inside it

Edmund: It is enough

Edmund shouted making them to stop

Edmund: Rachel, leave here. If u don't, we can't be friends again

Rachel angrily got out of the pool

Rachel: U've not heard the last from me

Rachel said and left, Ann got up from the pool and folded her arms

Edmund: Ann, are u okay?

Ann: I'm fine, nobody should get near me

Ann went inside and changed her dress into a simple one and dried her hair, she then went inside her room and saw Maya

Ann: Mom?. I said I don't want anyone to get near me

Maya: U're angry at just Rachel and now, you're coming to be angry at Edmund and even all of us

Ann: Hmmmmmm

Ann said as she sat down on her bed beside her mother

Maya: It wasn't Edmund's fault that she was here

Ann: Hmmmmmm

Maya: Stop doing those sounds and forgive Edmund cos he did nothing wrong, it was all Rachel's fault so he did nothing

Just then, they heard Edmund's voice

Edmund: Ann, can I come in. We need to talk

Maya: Ann, say something

Ann: Come in

Edmund entered and Maya got up

Edmund: Oh auntie, u both can continue to talk. I'll come back later

Maya: Oh, it's okay. U need to talk to her

Maya said and left, Ann got up and went to the window. Edmund stood by her

Edmund: Ann, I'm really sorry cos I didn't know that Rachel would be here

Ann: I know and I'm sorry that I got angry at u

Ann turned and faced Edmund

Ann: I was so angry at myself

Edmund: U don't need to be, let's forget about Rachel because tonight it's just us

Ann: wait, what do u mean that it's just us

Edmund: Have u forgotten that in the morning u promised that tonight u're mine