Tracy had gone to School, Maya and Gerald were in the house along with Stacy and Stephen taking care of the babies. Ann had gone to work to take care of something and be back home soon whiles, Edmund decided to go to work. Ann Marie went into her office when a familiar face came to her

Ann Marie: Leo!!

Leo: Ann!!

Leo was Ann's old friend

Flashback: Leo and Ann went to get ice creams

Ann Marie: Wow, the ice cream is so good but my dad would always avoid me from eating them

Leo: Why does he do that?

Ann Marie: Because, he think it's so sugary. He himself doesn't like it

Ann Marie and Leo were at school learning when Edmund came

Edmund: Can I join u two?

Ann Marie: Yeah, sure


Leo: So, now are u married to Desmond

Ann Marie: Nope, i didn't get married to him cos I didn't love him

Leo: Okay, so are u still single

Ann Marie: I don't know what to say. Okay, let me tell you this

Leo: Okay, I'm listening

Ann Marie: I've given birth to a baby boy and I have a boyfriend and we're going to get married at the perfect time

Leo: That's good, I'm having for you and who's your boyfriend?

Suddenly, Edmund came in and kissed Ann on the lips

Edmund: Oh, sorry I didn't see u here

Ann Marie: Edmund, that's Leo. Remember him, he was your best friend

Edmund: Leo!!

Edmund said happily as he hugged Leo

Edmund: So, how's everything going?

Leo: Fine, I decided to come and check up on u guys

Edmund: Oh, we're doing great.

Leo: I heard the news about Ann collapsing on stage so I came as soon as possible

Edmund: Oh, that's great of u to do that

Leo: So, Ann is your girlfriend huh

Edmund: Yeah, we'll get married very soon. We even have three children, one is adopted and the other two are ours

Leo: Wooh, but u guys should get married. We would very soon