Chapter 66: I Think We Should Tell Them The Truth.

Soon, Tracy was admitted back home that same day. Maya hugged Ann as soon as she saw her

Flashback: Ann was with Edmund in Tracy's room who was asleep, Tracy's teacher had already gone

Ann: Edmund, should I continue to act like I have amnesia in front of my parents

Edmund: I think we should tell them the truth

Ann: Hmm, okay. Cos I myself don't like lying to them

Edmund: Yeah, Me too

Present: Ann hugged her mom back, they later disengaged the hug

Ann: Mom, very soon everything would be over

Maya: remembered me?

Ann: Of Course, I remember everything

Gerald: Really?

Ann: I didn't actually had amnesia, it was all a plan to catch the criminals

Gerald: So, that means you didn't forgot anything right?

Ann: Yeah

Edmund: She remembers everything

Maya: So, Edmund you knew this whole time?

Edmund: When we went for the vacation then it helped us

Just then, Rosé and Jennie rushed in

Jennie: We have really really bad news to tell you all

Ann: What is it, Jennie and Rosé

Rosé: remember us?

Edmund: Yeah, we faked that she has amnesia

Jennie: Nice

Ann: What did you guys wanted to say?

Rosé: Leo had been released from Jail

Ann and Edmund: What?

Edmund: Ann, our family and I are never going to have peace

Jennie: Yeah

Ann: But, now how do we defeat them?

Edmund: I don't know

Ann sighed and sat down

Edmund: God, when would this all be over

Ann: I don't even know

Rosé: Jennie and I thinks we can help too

Edmund: But, we don't have any plan yet

Jennie: We have just the plan

Guys I have another story called Popstars which is just like Dreamypinky Girls and you would love this story too