Chapter 67: My Dear Husband.

Ann: I won't pretend anymore not in front of Rachel or Leo

Ann said to herself when she was in her room, She stood beside the window looking outside. She didn't even notice that Edmund came to the room

Edmund: Love!!

Ann: Huh

Edmund: Are you thinking?

Ann: No, I'm just making plans

Edmund: I just thought that I should sleep with you for the night

Ann nodded

Ann: Sure, I really need some company

Ann went to the dressing room and changed into her pajamas and came back only to see Edmund in his boxers

Edmund: I hope you don't mind

Ann: I don't mind at all

Ann and Edmund slept on the bed, Ann slept on Edmund's chest and was soon fast asleep. Edmund looked at Ann's beautiful face and smiled. The next day, Ann got up early and was freshening up when someone entered and began kissing her neck

Ann: Edmund?

Edmund: Yes, babe

Ann smiled

Ann: I didn't know you've waken up

Edmund: When u got up from bed, I was already awoken

Ann: Okay

Ann and Edmund bathed together then Edmund went to his room to get dressed. Ann wore a yellow top and white skirt and went downstairs to prepare breakfast when she saw Max arranging the table

Ann: Good morning, Max

Max: Good morning, Ann. I heard you faked amnesia

Ann: Yeah, I wanted to catch the bad guys

Max: So, do you have a plan

Ann: Not yet

Max: If you do, just let me and Andrea know

Ann: Oh, thank you Max. And speaking of Andrea, where is she?

Max: She's in the Kitchen

Ann went and helped Andrea to prepare breakfast, Ann held a tray containing pancakes with maple syrup and blueberries and there was also an orange juice. Ann went to Tracy's room and saw her still asleep, She placed the tray down and kissed Tracy's forehead. Tracy opened her eyes

Ann: Good morning, Princess

Tracy: Good morning, I have to go to school

Ann: Have some rest, you'll go to School next week

Tracy: Okay, mom

Ann: I brought your breakfast which is pancakes

Tracy: You're the best mom ever

Ann smiled

Ann: Thanks

Rachel had come to the house with her 2 bodyguards

Rachel: Good morning, My Lovely Family

Edmund came downstairs tying his tie to go for work

Rachel: Hello, My dear husband

Ann heard some noise downstairs

Ann: Tracy, I'll be right back

Tracy nodded, Ann went downstairs and saw Rachel. Ann was dumbfounded

Rachel: Oh, the girl with amnesia

Ann: Rachel?

Rachel: remember me?

Ann: How can I forget a boyfriend snatcher like you?

Ann went straight to Rachel, Rachel was about to slap Ann but Ann held her hands

Ann: When would you not get into this house again? I know you were the one who released Leo from Jail

Rachel: I was not the one who did it

Ann: I know you work hand in hand with Leo and I know there would be some day that I'll catch you both, Have a good day Rachel. And now leave my house

Rachel: I'm not moving an inch from this house

Edmund: Rachel, I said this house or I'm calling the cops

Rachel: I'll just leave, don't call the cops

Rachel stomped out of the house and left with her 2 bodyguards