Chapter 11

To my surprise, he has been able to feed himself and his little brother since then by scamming shopkeepers or stealing.

Unfortunately for him, he targeted the wrong demon and got cornered when Ivy saved him.

He seemed to admire Ivy a bit as far as I observed…

Simple story, Ivy offered him to work for me and abandon the life of a scammer and he being a smart demon, quickly grabbed on such a golden opportunity as he knew scamming won't be able to do it for him in long run and he might make unnecessary enemies instead.

So as the safest option for him, he joined us.

And slowly climbed his way to his position today.

As for Kana, she was a cat demon, she had purple cat ears covered in soft fur, green sharp eyes, whisker-like tattoos just below her eyes, a small but pointy nose, and small lips, she had a very muscular body for a child her age.

She could be said to be buff or like a gym freak in my terms.

She was the vice commander or deputy in charge of handling our force affairs.

She was originally a member of a gang of thugs who tried to rob one of our warehouses a long ago when we were just blooming.

And what is more surprising is that they managed to successfully rob our valuables.

Like what!? That was my surprise at the news that a thug group could pull this off.

All of the demons guarding the warehouse are usually trained demons who are selected by Noel herself.

And I have no doubts of their capabilities if they were chosen by Noel

Overall, I was shocked and impressed by the skills of this particular thug group which was originally under the command of Kana.

Later, Noel along with others hunted them throughout the city and after a week of searching, they successfully located their hideout.

What then? Noel and Kana faced off against each other and Kana lasted quite some time against Noel which was surprising for a thug but it also showed her strength.

She didn't last long against someone like Noel who has been training for a long time and her skills were unnatural compared to some street fighters.

Chapter 11

Noel roughed up Kana soon although and instead of beating them to death, Kana was offered to join our fighting force which of course Kana accepted with her gang to also join our force.

It was majorly because Noel defeated her in a duel that as per the norms and rules of the Netherworld, she took an oath to serve Noel as her subordinate from that moment on.

'Damn, Noel is popular.'

She is a cool demoness to many of her subordinates but only I know how clumsy she can be sometimes.

Anyways, I announced my grand plan of taking over the city, and all of them seem excited.

The twins, Ivy and Iris had different reactions, Ivy was pretty excited to be able to go through such a dangerous adventure of sorts while Iris was pretty normal as if she didn't care much but was in, well, as expected of a magic geek, anything not related to magic is of very less interest to her.

Mathew was practically about to drool from the amount of money we might make if we successfully pull off our plan.

Kana was nodding her head as she was formulating things in her head.

And as for Noel, she was quite eager as well as I can tell from her eyes.

"As you say, my lady, I shall live up to your expectations and offer this city to you."

Noel declared and afterward left to prepare along with Kana and Ivy.

Mathew also left to prepare to drain the opposing parties financially.

Now only I and Iris were left in the room.

Iris was still maintaining her usual emotionless expression while staring at me

We stared at each other for some time before I sighed and said,

"Iris, you don't have to force yourself to join, I know you are not interested in things like that and I would not force you to participate. If you wish to ever withdraw, just tell me, okay?"

Iris's eyes widened for a short moment before she whispered something.

"I will never allow big sis Eve to even get a scratch…"

Unfortunately, I couldn't understand what she said as she said it in such a low tone.

"Huh? Come again…?"

"Um, never mind, big sis, I will join."

"Er, okay, if you want."


At the training grounds.

This training ground was a huge area that had long been the property of Evelyn now.

This is where most of the training of demons in her army took place.

The once used-to-be small group of demons training had become quite big and due to the fact how intense and orderly their training is, they can easily be called a sort of army.

Noel was inside her private camp where she usually rested in between to take small breaks.

She had just come after discussing the plan of taking over the city with her subordinates and Kana.

She assigned all of them major positions over the city to be prepared when the signal is given.

After dealing with all the necessary stuff, she left trusting Kana to handle the rest.

Kana was one of the few responsible and competent ones among her subordinates and she valued her highly.